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Everything posted by SusieQ404

  1. I've been here since 1971 and I've seen it every year. With that said, I may be used to it but I don't like it. I hate it even more if I have to drive through it or in it. I'd much rather be in the basement watching TV then crawling along on I-20 with it raining so hard that you can barely see 2 feet in front of you. Violent weather is a rite of passage during the spring in Georgia. Having been through it, you realize just how violent it can get and it's those extremes that most native Georgians worry about. We don't care about your garden variety thunderstorm. At least I don't.
  2. It should be a fun ride home from downtown ATL at 5 PM today. I wonder if it will take two hours.
  3. Thank you. I wondered if I had been hitting the cough medicine too hard or if they were really up there
  4. I'm in South Paulding near Ridge Road.
  5. Five black helicopters flying over the house woke me up from my nap. Is there a military exercise going on today or are we under attack by Alabama or North Carolina or something?
  6. I would be furious. I can't believe someone did that. I get hot under the collar when they drive by and toss their trash in my yard. I can imagine that you're much madder than that.
  7. They give me a headache. I thought that I was the only one that didn't like them.
  8. Lock up your chickens, Xi Lan borrowed Dad's car and he's coming for them!
  9. Captive pandas don't eat meat mainly because they aren't offered any and have a steady supply of food that they prefer. Wild pandas will eat meat if bamboo or other food is not available. Wild pandas will eat birds, mice and other small animals if they need to. But still, I'm sure it wasn't one of the Atlanta pandas. They all have an alibi for last night. Now if something robs your apple tree, it might be a panda.
  10. I promise you that it wasn't a panda bear. The four that I know are far too lazy to put any effort into hunting down and killing their food.
  11. Does anyone know the name of the street that the fire is on in this subdivision? Is it on Ivy Trace Lane or one of the other streets? My brother lives on Ivy Crest in this neighborhood and I can't reach him.
  12. I worked for Delta Air Lines for years and I've never heard of them having any kind of connection with this company. Delta has it's own in-house vacation provider called "Delta Vacations" and I've never known them to deal with time shares. I would wary of them. Sunset Vacations received a really bad review (the reviewer said it was a travel scam) on smartertravel.com
  13. SusieQ404


    I second what was said above. Somebody is always waiting to insult you or tell you how wrong you are. It seems to be the same people over and over verbally attacking everybody else though.
  14. For Mother's Day two years, I had a photo enlarged at Rite Aide for my mother and put it in a really pretty frame. It was a photo from the late 1960's that had me in it as a baby as well as my mother, grandmother and great grandmother. My grandmother and great grandmother have long since passed away. My present wasn't the most expensive or biggest that she got that year but I could tell that it meant alot to her. It sits next to her bed now. Ask her what else she got that year and she can't remember but she loves that photograph. Look and see what kind of cherished photo memories you might hav
  15. My daughter used Proactiv that we bought at a kiosk at Arbor Place. It worked very well at clearing up the acne but she complained about it making her skin dry and tight. She didn't like that and stopped using it. Her acne returned and nothing else she has tried as worked as well. If you can counteract the drying effects with a good moisturizer, Proactiv would be worth a try. Unfortunately for my daughter her skin was already dry and the Proactiv made it even worse. It was not a good choice for her.
  16. South Carolina -Charleston, Sullivans Island, Isle of Palms, Edisto Island St.George Island, FL
  17. Times are hard and debt that they might have let slide or written off when the economy was better is now being hunted and chased down. My dentist has started asking for the 20% owed by patients at the time of your appointment now. This is something new for him. In years past they would bill your insurance company and then bill you for the remainder afterwards. When I asked why they changed, the lady told me that since people were being laid off and losing their insurance, business was down. Add to that that once people were seen and attended to, paying the dentist bill was not a priority to so
  18. If it becomes apparent that the drama is a way of life for them and not an isolated incident, I tend to distance myself from them and ignore it. I don't want or need that stress in my life and as I get older I see clearly how big a waste of time and how meaningless most drama is. If they are close family members, that's a different story. If their drama is causing me stress ALL the time and they can't or won't change, then we have a one on one knock out.
  19. I use Turbo Tax each year and it has always been very easy to get my taxes done. I bought my copy at Sam's Club yesterday for $39.78. It might be cheaper elsewhere though.
  20. My husband is stuck in the traffic back-up and has been there about 30 minutes. From what I heard from him, it was a really bad wreck.
  21. I checked mine and it was partially correct. My husband is listed as my father and my 15 year old step-daughter is listed as my mother. My husband's ex-wife is listed as my sister. That sounds awfully dysfunctional to me.
  22. I loved it. I didn't watch it last night because I forgot that it was on but I caught it on Hulu.com today. It was great!
  23. Your dinner sounds yummy! My dinner, not so much. My husband wants me to try and cook a casserole that he saw on the internet. Ground beef, potatoes, heavy cream, a couple of different kinds of cheeses. It looks like a lot of work cutting onions and making sauce and such. I hope that it is at least edible.
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