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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Thanks for all the great suggestions. I am usually comfortable in most situations but for some reason this has got me nerves on edge. I do have kids but they are both over 18 so that question will not be a problem. I waited for them to graduate from high school before going to school myself, but I have always worked. I just made sure that I worked on their schedule. I am hoping that my age will not be a negative. I am in my 40's. I think that makes me more stable and reliable though. My main obstacle will be my experience in this particular position. I have tweaked my resume to make it
  2. I have an interview for a postition at a local hospital on Monday. I want to make a good first impression but it has been over 10 years since I have actually been interviewed. This is a new career for me too. I finished school in November so I know that I may not be the most experienced candidate. That means I have to have all my t's crossed and i's dotted. I am supposed to take a hard copy of my resume, certificates and references. Do I put it in a folder, envelope or staped the pages together? Next, what to wear? Black pants and a nice sweater? Last question, what kinds o
  3. Oh Lord that is funny. Before I read it I totally wondered why there was a naked woman in the picture.
  4. I was in a store a few weeks ago looking at games in the toy dept. when some of the games toppled off the shelf. Before i could even bend over and start to pick them up there were two young boys (9-10 yr old range)grabbing them and putting them up for me. I was so impressed by these two boys that I had to tell their mom how great they were.
  5. Seems like the suicides start about this time every year. Very sad.
  6. My favorite memory of all my Christmases is the same. Every year my grandma and grandaddy would spend the night at our house on Christmas Eve and my grandma would sleep in the room with me. To get me to go to sleep she would promise to wake me up at 4AM and she would keep that promise every year. After she woke me up i would go wake up my brother and we would wake up everyone. I remember shivering from being so excited. Kids today, mine included, have no idea how exciting Christmas was for people of my time. They have Christmas all year. It makes me sad to know what they are missing
  7. "wet hump" :rofl: that struck my funny bone this morning.
  8. Sounds like someone didn't get the Oscar Mayer Wienie whistle he wanted when he was a child.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had a wonderful mother.
  10. I woke up too!!! After that it was downhill for a little while. My son's car that we just had repaired over the weekend is having the same issues that it had before the repair. I got a little stressed and started crafting to get my mind off of it. I have made so many lighted wine bottles that I am going to have gifts for friends and family that usually don't get gifts from me. Making folks happy with a little surprise. That's a good thing!
  11. Really?...and we have kids here calling their teachers bitches and dropping the f-bomb like it is a just an adjective and they get nothing. Maybe a period of ISS, but definitely not suspended. I have heard high school boys referring to a teacher by saying, "I'd hit that!" I think it is sweet that this boy was thinking his teacher was "cute". If that is all he said it sounds innocent enough to me. This no tolerance crap seems to only apply to people like this kid. When it is the habitually bad kids they get nothing.
  12. Just a scenario that could happen in ANY second grade class and how it should be handled. Teacher: Today we are going to learn about the North Pole. Second Grader: That is where Santa lives! Teacher: I am going to show you where it is and teach you about the magnetic pull. Second Grader: Will we see where Santa lives? Teacher: Some things can't be seen on a map and that is one of them. Second Grader: Can reindeer really fly? Teacher: The average reindeer cannot. Second Grader: What about Santa's reindeer? Teacher: They are not average. Meanwhile little Johnny in th
  13. I hope they got to your house before mine. I don't want you to get robbed butI would like for someone to take these guys out.
  14. I got mine a Kindle Fire. I have e regular kindle, i read more than he does. He is basically a night reader. It helps him go to sleep so I didn't think he needed a kindle until the Fire came out. Now he will have a toy and be able to use it to read too. He is also getting a new Leatherman multi-tool. He had the same one for about 12 years and it broke a couple of months ago. I bought most of my own Christmas presents this year. I wanted some boots and he couldn't pick them out. I also wanted a wireless printer. I found a great deal on one and just picked it up. He really has it
  15. 1. Bare Minerals 2. Baby Powder 3. Carmex 4. Aussie 3 Minute Miracle 5. Schick Intuition Razor
  16. I can't stand Astro so I don't normally watch it. I just turned it on and Drew was singing Billie Jean and her voice is very soulful. I don't know if she sounds the same every week because I don't watch it regularly, but tonight she was very good.
  17. Try going to maidenform.com The coupon code is "CYBER50"
  18. fishnthec


    locobuy.com has a lot of good deals today but one i found especially worth sharing with my lady friends. Maidenform is having a cybersale. You can get to it from the locobuy site. They have bras and panties on sale and if you use the code on locobuy you get an extra 50% off. Makes for some good deals.
  19. I really don't like thieves. It sounds like a special one of a kind ring. Maybe if you could get a picture or drawing of it to all of the pawn shops they will recognize it when it comes in.
  20. I think I'm hooked, and that is sooo weird for me. I despise tight clothing. This is a horse of a different color. They make me feel cozy. I will definitely have more.
  21. They are called Forever LAzys and they have them at KMArt. They are made by the snuggie people.
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