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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. A doctor's oathe is to "first do no harm". Dr. Murray without a doubt did not live up to the oathe that he took. I am sure that Michael was addicted to drugs and had a lot of money, but any doctor worth his weight would not take a job where he is doing something that dangerous and totally out of the scope of his practice. He should have known that the drug could result in death and had the appropriate equipment to minimize the likelyhood of that outcome. He was greedy and negligent and he directly caused that death of Michael Jackson and for that he should be punished.
  2. I have been hearing about Spanx since Oprah had it as one of her favorite things several years ago. All the women on TV just Rave about them. Well, I am not one to wear anything binding or constricting but I did go to their website once and look at the stuff. It's pretty but it is pricey too. Well, a couple of weeks ago slickdeals.net had a coupon code for Spanx and I ordered the leggings with the control top for about 5.00. I got them in the mail a few days ago and thought I would try them when I get the chance. Let me tell you. I understand all the hype now. They are So very comforta
  3. We have had a Garmin Nuvi for five years and it has worked like a charm. My husband did buy the lifetime maps because it was not offered with our when we got it. Definitely get the lifetime maps with whatever unit you decide to get. As far as the traffic I think that would depend on his driving routes. If he drives a lot in traffic he may enjoy knowing when there will be a hold up. So that is a case by case basis but the lifetime maps is must. And even though we have had our Garmins (2 of them) with no problems I have not heard anything bad from my friends with Tom Toms.
  4. Dear Santa, Could you please bring me a mayberry. I have been very good. (most of the time) Thank you. Fishie
  5. Got what I went for. I had to use my patience though. I, stupidly, thought I could rollinto Toys R Us at 8:30 and hop right in at 9:00 when they opened, grab my Ipod w/50.00 giftcard and head off to the next stop. Unfortunately the line was wrapped halfway around the parking lot so my friend and I decided that we would just go check out Walmart for a while. HOLY COW...it was more unorganized that I have ever seen it. People were throwing items over the headds of the crowds to try to get the items to their friends. One poor lady eith passed out or was shoved down. She was confused and co
  6. I have the kindle with e-ink and I love it. Of course I use it only for reading. It does have free 3G and Wi-Fi on it and technically I can get on the internet and "surf" sort of. If I want to check FB or something it is okay for that but it is also in e-ink. I just ordered the Kindle Fire for my husband. He is also a reader but usually only at bedtime. With the Fire he can get the apps and play Angry Birds and that kind of stuff too. It is just more suited to him.
  7. I think the anti black Friday people just don't get it. Black Friday is as much a family tradition to some as turkey and dressing. Family members and friends who do the black friday thing are enjoying their time bonding. Even those folks in tents are enjoying themselves. It is as much about the tradition and family and friends being together as it is about the shopping itself. It's not for everyone, but the ones who do it are not morons and fools they are spending their family time in a way that others may choose not to, simple as that.
  8. I spent all my points last week on 150.00 worth of Best Buy and Bass Pro cards. I hate that there is a weekly limit to points I can add. I have a bowl full of caps that are dying to become a gift card.
  9. I go every year with my BF and we have a ball. Neither of us are the kind to line up early and wait for the doors to open so we rarely (never) get that thing that everyone is after. We have fun watching people, drinking coffee and hot chocolate and if we get a bargain we are that much happier. It is just our tradition.
  10. The retailers count on black friday to boost their sales. If it were not for the shoppers the stores might not be open at all and then the workers could be home with their families all the time. I will tell those workers like everyone told me and my fellow teachers when we were being furloughed, having our pay cut and complaining..."You should be thankful that you have a job."
  11. I LOVE my kindle. Most of the books that I read are free up to 2.99. Every now and then there will be a book that I really want and I will pay 9.99 , but I have never had to pay more than that, and those are the books that are on sale in hardback usually so they would cost much more to by the book. Honestly I read more now than I did before the kindle too. I will have to get myself a cobb county library card. My mom in Kentucky uses her library for ebooks all the time and loves it. I wish Paulding woudl do it. Oh...I didn't mention that I love it so much I am getting Mr. Fish
  12. It looks like she is about to explode! I could use a little padding on my butt, but I certainly don't want that.
  13. I have been ordering from the ones that I posted for at least two years with no problems at all.
  14. I am 46 years old and never had a massage. I had a friend tell me that they hurt so I have never done it, but you are making me rethink this. I need details on this place.
  15. He must be nice to Kelly because she was very emotional about him leaving. The President and CEO of ABC came on to thank him and they hung a plaque outside the building in his honor. I don't want to believe he isn't nice. It would not surprise me for him to come out that he is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers or something like that. Then again, maybe he just want to stay home a while.
  16. Am I really sitting here watching Regis' last day and getting choked up? Yes I am. they are sending him off with an emotional tribute. I'll miss him when I am home. He makes me smile.
  17. I never thought he had a chance, though I think he will end up recording no matter the Xfactor outcome. His attitude has been piss poor the whole time. I know he is only 14 and hasn't seen his mother but if he is going to be in this career field he better get a thicker skin. One way to help him toughen up is to boot his butt off. He will learn that it takes more than talent to have fans.
  18. I agree. As my mama would say...I wanted to jerk a know in his tail!
  19. Probably so. That was back in the days of wolves and sheep. Remember those?
  20. I am psyched! I don't think I have ever had a topic that lasted through 3 pages. (except maybe my first one years ago when I complained about children behaving badly in a local restaurant, which turned into quite the debate.)
  21. I can't seem to wrap my mind around this. I wonder what the rest of the guys at the party thought the first time one of them said "I think I'll stick this bong up my butt".
  22. Oh my goodness...I know she is suffering. I have had shingles 3 times and the one time they were on my face and head was the worst, and it was not nearly as bad as hers looks to be. the rash is only the minor part. It is really the chicken pox virus attacking a band of nerves so the pain is deep. I am in my 40's and have not had the shot. From what I understand it is quite expensive and the insurance won't pay until you are a certain age. I am not sure how old though. My son who is 21 now had shingles when he was 12 years old. I had never heard of anyone having them that young. He stil
  23. They are websites that sell ont hing everyday for a low price until it sells out. slickdeals.net is a website where people list all the deals that they find everyday. They are very addictive, but I have got some awesome deals that way.
  24. This time of year I LOVE to check the daily deal sites to see what I can get for little or nothing. Here's a few I like: slickdeals.net (not actually daily deals but deals) woot.com yugster.com 1saleaday.com dailysteals.com justdeals.com Those are the best ones for me. Anybody have any good ones to share?
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