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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I have used Paulding Waste Disposal for years. I know there may be a few companies out there who are cheaper but the service I get is worth it. We generate lots of trash and they have never failed to pick it all up no matter how big the pile is.
  2. My very favorite memories of Nebo Elem. are the 5th grade walks. At the end of the last day of school the entire faculty, staff and students line the hallways. They play music over the intercom and the 5th graders take a graduation walk through the school while everyone cheers them on to their new lives. It is very touching.
  3. I will give a shout out to the Publix at New Georgia. They are always so friendly to me. The pharmacy in particular. I have all my family's prescriptions filled there and even when there is a problem with a medication, they handle it in such a professional manner.
  4. I understand that, but the reality is that we do not live in a community where all children have access to the internet to look up the information and teachers are very limited on the amount of copies that they are allowed to make. So it is not feesible for them to gives copies to all the students. it is very hard for the parents who want to help their children with homework not to have books to look at.
  5. Stay involved. It is unfortunate, but the kids whose parents don't show themselves often get left out.
  6. The past cannot be changed...it's the past. It is never too late to learn anything. It is just harder to teach. The kids will pull out all of the tricks that have worked in the past to get what they want. At 18 their bag of tricks may be a little bigger and therefore take longer for them to learn that they are not going to work. Also, it is easy for me (and others) to say what someone else should do. I can lay out a behavior plan for anyone. Making sure I stick to mine is not always as easy.
  7. It's good to hear a success story. My advice to anyone who has a child covered in special ed is to get involved, stay involved. Always have the teacher's back when you are talking in front of your child. Handle problems and disagreements without your children being present. Talk...don't dictate...teachers are professionals. They went to school to learn their craft just like other professionals. Mistakes happen. If it happens to your child, document it, accept the apology and if it happens again...then you can get angry.
  8. Peopel drive like bats outta hell on Nebo. I live off Nebo and drive on it nearly every day. I am a speed limit person and get tailgated and passed a lot.
  9. From this description I think the Autism class is something that you should consider for middle school. Middle school is typically a difficult time for all kids but for kids with autism it can be even more difficult. The Autism teachers will be able to address all of his sensory issues and they will be able to help him get accustomed to middle school. It is a tough transition. I know that Mr. Fraga was teaching in the autism class at Scoggins and if he is still there I can highly recommend him as a teacher. He will have a choice of specials in middle school too so that can be a time for
  10. Autism education is a passion of mine. I too have a son on the autism spectrum and I worked in the autism dept. in Paulding county for 7 years before leaving this year to do other things. I am interested in becoming an advocate for students on the spectrum. I just have a few questions since I do not know your son personally. Is he on grade level academically? Can he carry on a good conversation with his speech machine? What kind of accomodations has he had in elementary school? How are his social skills? If he has been attending main stream classes with his speech box until now I wo
  11. I am used to it since we have been neighbors for 11 years and having a good neighbor is worth the occasional gun shooting noise. Especially since they put up with my son's garage band. Everytime I hear that first shot though, I always think "I hope that is my neighbor." I would hate to have someone shot and I would not help because I assume all shot sounds are next door.
  12. If they are behind and they know the trash company is not picking it up then they should be courteous enough not to put it out where it ends up in other people's yards. And if it does go in someone else's yard they need to pick it up. Being broke is no excuse for being inconsiderate. JMO
  13. Don't forget Publix is right down the road. I love Publix and it is closer to me. I rarely go anywhere else.
  14. I don't have girls but I hope I would be more conscious of their clothing. I worked at a middle school and then a high school and I can promise you that MANY of those girls (the very ones whose parents believe they would never do anything wrong) are quite promiscuous.
  15. I understand your comment but going back to the car analogy, my father was a truck driver for years and he was a very good driver yet he died in a car accident. Accidents happen, even to people who are experts at their crafts. Having said that, I am good friends with the neighbor with the gun fetish. I have yelled out the back door several times when he is getting on my nerves. He has not shot me yet. I won't tell him to stop shooting for good because it is legal and he loves it. It does however, still make me nervous.
  16. This seems to be a common issue around here. My next door neighbor, who I really like, has a husband who is a gun lover. He is constantly shooting in his backyard. Some of the guns sound like cannons. It always makes me very nervous.
  17. That is sad for the folks who work there, but I have never liked that store. A friend of mine loves the one on 92 @ Brownsville Rd. but the one on 61 has always seemed dark and kinda dirty. JMO
  18. That is the pat that I really don't understand. The girls are not buying their own dresses, so why would a mother, or grandmother, ever buy one of those? People try to make their kids happy even if it is not what is best for them. We, as a country, need to get back to our roots and start teaching kids manners and morals. Have people forgotten that they are not going to stay kids forever? Eventually they have to live in the real world and being dressed as prostitutes does not help their futures at all.
  19. I actually had the opportunity to hang out at a high school prom for a while and to answer your question...yes, many of the girls were dressed like this. My husband and I just sat and pointed out to each other the ones that looked like prostitutes.
  20. What is wrong with parents these days? They are considering a law suit because her daughter can't pose half naked in the school's yearbook?
  21. :clapping: I agree with this +1000. I cannot speak for police officers but I know from my 15 years of working in various school systems that morale is the lowest I have ever seen it. If the country does not wake up and realize what they are doing to educators by cutting their pay, adding to the class sizes, taking away discipline and folding for every irritated parent, this country is going to have no one to educate their young except the people who are stuck in their jobs by financial chains. The joy of watching a student learn is being replaced with fear of students and parents.
  22. It does not offend me but I was raised very color blind. (yes, even some white folks my age were not raised racist in the south) However, I do realize that it is a sensitive subject and can understand why some people get offended. I think it was just good intentions + poor judgement = public mess. One of the first lessons that a teacher learns is that even her best ideas will be scrutinized by someone.
  23. Ask yourself this: "If I don't do this will I look back through my life with regret?" there you will find your answer. Good luck.
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