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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I am sorry that you had to live with that. But maybe your story will enlighten some of the people who are blaming the girl for her fathers actions. NOTHING she could have possibly done...and I mean NOTHING...makes the abuse that he gave her okay!!!! There are far better ways to handle everything. I know that he and his wife cannot be charged now, and that is probably part of the reason she waited to let the video out, but I am glad that he is paying for it professionally. No one will ever see him the way they did before this video.
  2. I read that too, and you cold be right that she was posting out of spite. I still believe that what she got on that particular tape was more than discipline. Her father was like other abusers, he was reacting out of anger without considering the consequences. I read this morning that the statute of limitations has run out so he will not be charged with child abuse, even thought the police spokesperson said that it clearly was abuse. I am definitley no perfect parent and I think that the "no spanking movement" is in part the reason that the kids are so out of control these days. I spa
  3. When someone is in an abusive situation it is very hard for them to leave. I would assume as a child she it would have been even harder. Where would you go? I am sure that she thought if she posted it then that she would have been beaten even more. I believe it was contrived. She knew what was going to happen because it had happened before. She probably thought that the video would be her key to getting out but it without the courage to post it, it didn't help. Maybe as a 23 year old woman watching her once VERY abusive father ruling over family court was enough for her to get th
  4. In my opinion it does not matter whether she knew what the punishment would be. It does not matter what she did to derserve to get punished. It does not matter why she set up the video recorder. It also does not matter that a belt was used. I have no problem with spanking. I used it well when mine were young, but that was NOT a spanking. The force with which BOTH parents beat her along with the verbal abuse crossed the line from discipline to child abuse. In my opinion it was felony child abuse. Like many people with authoritarian jobs, this man seemed to think he was above the laws th
  5. Ah Oh...he is in deep doo doo now...Nancy Grace has the video on her show tonight and she is very mad!
  6. This is what he has to say about it: The Adams family is yet to comment, but the 51-year-old judge told Corpus Christi television station KZTV the video "looks worse than it is'' and that he did not expect to be disciplined or punished. "In my mind, I haven't done anything wrong other than discipline my child after she was caught stealing,'' Judge Adams said. "And I did lose my temper, but I've since apologised.'' Read more: http://www.news.com.au/world/police-investigate-us-family-law-judge-william-adams-over-youtube-video-of-beating/story-e6frfkyi-1226184617113#ixzz1cgYyCD
  7. That was way beyond coporal punishment and BOTH parents should have their asses beat!!! Abused or not, if someone beat my children that way he would not wake up the next morning. I would like to know what kind of punishment he gets.
  8. I am really enjoying pumpkin spice coffee this year. I never tried it before but I think it is going to be a seasonal favorite from now on.
  9. I usually make fudge, cookies, and lots of baked stuff but the family favorite is still the easiest of all. They all love the peanut butter and ritz crackers dipped in chocolate. They are always the first to go and the most requested.
  10. I would love to find that little gnome in my garden.
  11. I think it is like all the other PC School "rules". It is not consistent. Seems like it depends on the mood of the authority. Having said that, I have seen LOTS of kids with different colored hair at school so I don't think it is fair to tell her she can't have it.
  12. My nephew and his girlfriend went to a party as Gomez and Morticia Addams.
  13. Is that like the one fruitcake that has been making its rounds as a Christmas gift for years?
  14. I know what you mean. I remember my mom saying "Make sure you say thank you" as I walked out the door. Drives me crazy when it is late (after 10) and a bunch of big ole teenagers show up without a costume and ring the bell.
  15. My cat is booked solid with all the pumpkins he is carving.
  16. I don't get offended to easily. I think people need thicker skin.
  17. Do you have new or used or consignment stuff?
  18. They have great lunch prices. I really like the food too. It's true at night they are a bit pricey though. They serve lunch until 3 pm so I go there before 3.
  19. This is what High Schoals looked like last weekend.
  20. He was standing up against the disrespect that the judges show the contestants. Respect is not one way, you have to give it to get it.
  21. My link I hope this works! If not...maybe this will http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/aTDfaJaAQsDFcCcF
  22. I wasn't won. The prosecution lost. The defense was a joke.
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