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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I didn't have either of mine in this state and I know this is not an answer to your question, but...I had one in a military hospital ward. Yes...ward...6 beds in the room, no epidural, no nothing. It was a horrifying experience that I would never want to do again. My only prerequisite for the second baby was to have him in a room without other patients and with whatever drugs available!!! I do like Tanner though. My husband had his appendix taken out there. We went to Villa Rica ER and were sent by ambulance to Carrolton. He was in the hospital for 3 days and they treated him like
  2. I used to really doubt that the kids were his biologically. Now that they are older they look much more likely to be his biological children. Either way I hope that they are not watching the trial so that they do not have to see the photos shown. I think that MJ would be very unhappy that his body is being shown like it is. I also feel that he would want the truth to come out about what happened to him, and if that required the body to shown then so be it. If I thought that someone was trying to kill me, which has be stated were his thoughts, then I ended up dead in a curious manner,
  3. I have a friend who was seeing a Dr. for Bio ID hormones. I will see if i can contact her and find out who it was.
  4. I'm not defending Hank. I was defending literary elements in speaking. I saw HWJ on the view this morning after posting this and I wished that I had left his name totally out of my original post. His sounded like an idiot. So HWJ aside, the point I was trying to make is not even that of freedom of speech, it's the dumbing down of speaking. With the new PCness of the world it is hard to speak in anything rather than simple yes and no type answers to questions without being labelled politically incorrect.
  5. I know some pretty educated "rednecks".
  6. I am not really a Hank Jr. fan so I can't argue his contempt or lack thereof. I was just using him as an example, as I did Johnny Depp. You didn't mention that example. Perhaps political correctness is more sensitive when it is actually pertaining to politics. I don't know, it is just my observation, but if you are working for someone and then you are "let go" it seems like a loss of a job to me. I didn't say he was unemployeed. But I am proving my own point here by having to explain my words to you. I am also for owning my words, I am just not for constantly sensoring myself so as
  7. No, it wasn't funny, I agree.
  8. He may really think that but it is not what he said. I don't care too much for old Hank Jr. but I don't think someone should lose their job for what people assume he thinks. I am all for trying my best not to step on toes and hurt feelings but I am also all for being able to use literary devices without people going nuts. Political Correctness is sewing our mouths shut. *disclaimer-that was a metaphor, I do not really have my mouth sewn shut.
  9. Geez- it seems like everyone is so sensitive these days. I am getting tired of people getting the panties in a wad everytime someone uses a simile or metaphor. Johnny Depp was asked how he felt about being photographed and he said it was "like being raped". Then guess what...a rape victims advocacy group got stirred up, to which Johnny had to apologize. Insane folks...do people really not understand that he was using a figure of speech, a simile? Do people really believe that he thought having his picture taken equated what someone feels when they are raped? Then Hank Jr.'s metaphor cost
  10. Interesting. What kind of apples are you using? Do you put something in the scooped out part?
  11. You're right. When I was in school it was a school holiday too. Which makes me wonder what other holidays are going unnoticed these days that we used to celebrate...or at least have the day off. I can think of President's Day. At one time though I believe we celebrated Washington and Lincoln's b'days separately. Can you think of any others? You're right. When I was in school it was a school holiday too. Which makes me wonder what other holidays are going unnoticed these days that we used to celebrate...or at least have the day off. I can think of President's Day. At one time tho
  12. And if you bought the apples at a grocery store they will be waxed. You have to wash them in HOT water and dry them thoroughly. The caramel will not stick to the was at all.
  13. I saw them at the WalMart on 120 last week. I remember because I fought with myself about buying them. I have never tried them and didn't know how well they work.
  14. I guess you're right. It is just so hard for me to see how a mother could harm her children.
  15. If that is the case the mom is a good actress. She was hysterically crying when I saw her on TV the morning after the baby went missing. I read that the parents are no longer cooperating, that is suspicious, but I am notsure what to make of it.
  16. I just watched it on On Demand. I think I am going to really like it.
  17. I hate that intersection. The view is terrible until you are right into it. Many times I have had people turn in front of me because they could not see me coming. The planning on that intersection is a complete fail.
  18. The truth is always best from a doctor. However, there is a demeanor with which a profession should conduct himself. The manner in which the truth is given makes a huge difference in whether the patient will hear and accept the truth. If your a doctor you need to learn the art of telling the truth and offering suggestions to solve medical problems without pissing off all your patients. House is a good TV show, but in real life he would not last a New York minute in any hospital or medical setting.
  19. Much agreed!!!! I would like to see how the show would be with the new Dr. Walsh but no Jillian. I liked the idea that they brought a psychiatrist on board. It's like the sesame street song 'one of these things doesn't belong here...'
  20. There is nothing wrong with a friendly debate amongst friends. If we all shared the same opinions about everything, what a dull world it would be. Having said that- Jillian does not fit on The Doctors. I would like to hear a complete sentence from someone without her interrupting. I am afraid as fas as that show is concerned, it is her or I.
  21. Unless you really like her, don't bother watching. It is all loud, arguing...typical Jillian Michaels.
  22. From what I saw on The Doctors' website you maay be the only person that likes her. I hope the network is satisfied with an audience of one.
  23. I have to disagree with you. Before jillian, the doctors gave their professional opinions on medical issues. When they tried to help someone it was done from a medical standpoint, which is afterall why the show is called The Doctors. If I went to a doctor and was treated the way the Jillian treats folks I would not go back. If Dr. Phil and his son wanted to produce an in-your-face show they should have sone a separate show and called it The Jillian Michaels Show.
  24. I think I have turned into one of those crazy folks. I have never written on any TV show's message board until today. She annoys me THAT BAD.
  25. I am not sure about her because I have yet to hear her complete a sentence without Jillian interrupting.
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