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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. I got behind adding and it takes a while to catch up because there is a weekly limit of point that can be added. I have a bowl full of 2 liter bottle caps just itching to be entered. Luckily I had enough to snatch up 150.00 worth of gift cards though. I check slickdeals.net every morning to see what good deals are out there, so I saw the deal early today. They certainly sold out fast though.
  2. I got 2- $50.00 best buy cards and 1- $50.00 bass pro shop. I'm down to 240 points now. I have a bowl full of caps to add but I am at my weekly limit. A couple of weeks ago I ordered a photo canvas print with my points for a Christmas present. I love Coke Rewards!
  3. I have taken all three of the medicines but not together. I think you definitely should take the meds. Unless you have had adverse reactions to antibiotics in the past I would not expect you to have any this time. However, when taking a strong antibiotic you can definitely have some stomach upset and bowel issues. It is perfectly normal and it is your body ridding itself of the bacteria. The Prevacid should help with stomach upset though. The side effects always sound worse than the original problem because they have to list anything that CAN happen.
  4. Past experiences can take an emotional toll. I certainly understand that. I have some first hand experience myself. I have fought the urge to bring that up in this thread. It is hard to understand unless you have been there and nothing I say will change anything. SO....I will just gripe about having to pay a ticket and keep my feelings toward SOME law enforcement officers to myself.
  5. Hold up folks...it was my hubby that got the ticket. Evidently he crossed into the gore so he got a ticket. Yep, I was venting about it. I am betting that most of you would have been venting too. (except for those perfect law abiding people...you know who you are. ) Do I think it is a bogus thing to write a ticket for? Yep I do...especially since I saw a law officer sitting in a gore today.
  6. Mental note to self "really?" means crying...Really? pissing and moaning maybe but not crying...If I feel like griping I am entitled...it's my PCom right! really
  7. I wasn't in the car so I don't really know how soon he went into the gore, but he didn't realize it. I have seen MANY intersections like the one that you are talking about though,where people are lined up in the gore.
  8. You know...stuff happens. It is just one of life's little annoyances. A pain in the butt, for sure but no permanent damage.
  9. Honest mistakes...my life is full of them. At least for a while I won't be forgetting to steer clear of the gore lines.
  10. I usually wait until the weekend after Thanksgiving to put my decorations out. I have a friend that said she has already put up her trees...14 of them I believe she said. I can't imagine putting that many trees up. It is beautiful and I love to look at it but that is a lot of work.
  11. Just to clear this up...no one is crying, and of couse we will pay the ticket. He also did not purposefully "break the law". In fact when he was stopped he had no idea he had touched the gore. But hey, I just thought I'd let everyone know so they can be more careful. Since you are the perfect law abiding citizen though, you can disregard the warning. It was not meant for people like you.
  12. In light of everything that is now known about him, that is a very unfortunate title for his autobiogrgaphy. I would like to read the book just to see how many hints to his perverted lifestyle is in it. I won't though, because I do not want him to profit at all.
  13. Same here. He said he had no idea why he was being stopped, but while he was sitting there they stopped several more for the same thing. Must be a slow week.
  14. Mr. Fish got an award from Paulding County's finest for a gore violation. Really...he was not speeding...he didn't run a light or stop sign. His tires drove on the yellow lines before a turning lane. He said there were at least 3 maybe 4 pcs guys nabbing the dastardly yellow line touchers. Watch yourself at the corner of 92 and Macland.
  15. I have to agree with ya here. If I walked into a situation like that there is no way I would turn my back and walk out. I don't know how a 28 year old man can justify walking away. He should have grabbed that old pervert and beat the snot out of him.
  16. If he lied and contributed to a coverup then of course he shouldbe prosecuted. If he is/was a "witness" to it he should be prosecuted. The point I am trying to make but seems to falling on deaf ears is that everyone is so focused on the Paterno guy that the person doing the crime, the one who was an eye witness, and the parents who knew seem to be getting let off the hook in the media.
  17. I was planning a yard sale in October but got caught up in school and life and never got around to it. I have most of my stuff boxed up and ready now and I have the time but I am not sure if it is too late in the year. Do people still have and even more important GO to yard sales this time of year?
  18. I have to agree with you BLUE. Until this I had never heard of Paterno (I am from Kentucky...we only worry about basketball ) so I don't give a flip about the man other than the fact that he is a fellow human being. Could he have done more...probably, but he DID do what he was obligated to do. I find it odd though that all of the press is about him. Tell me more about the Pervert that committed the crimes. Tell me why the eye witness is still employeed or why he didn't feel obligated to yell from the rooftops all those years ago. Tell me why the parents of the child that knew the their
  19. My Jack Cat is the same way. I have not been to potty at alone at my house since we got him 13 years ago. Now my Loxi Dog has started doing it too and they fight to see who can get in the door first.
  20. My son got a 2001 Ford Focus 2 years ago when he was 17 and was darn glad to have it. Since then we have replaced the side mirror, passenger side door and mirror and had to put a new rim and tire on from a pot hole or curb incident. we bought the parts from a junk yard and his car was 3 colors until he graduated and he used his graduation gifts to have it painted. My point is, don't try to keep up with the jones' the jones' are crazy!!
  21. I read the indictment and I think Paterno did what he should have. It was reported to him and he reported it to his superiors and the campus police. That is exactly what a mandated reporter is supposed to do. From that point it should be assumed by Paterno that it is being investigated and taken care of. Any information of the investigation would not have been given to Paterno. I did not see another time in the indictment where Paterno was made aware of the other victims. The blame should rest on the campus police who had direct statements fromt he victims, witnesses and parents yet did n
  22. There is no shame in getting help. Dieting is THE hardest thing to do. Most of us are addicted to eating out of habit. It is not like drugs or alcohol addictions because you can't quit eating cold turkey. You actually have to train your brain. It is tough and many many people have to have help. It doesn't mean you are weak it means you are smart enough to know you need help. Good luck to you!!
  23. If you are looking to buy one that is not a big name and save some money, I would go with Acer. I have had an Acer laptop for 5-6 years now and the only thing I have done is buy a new power cord for 10.00. My nephew and sister bought one the same year as me and theirs are also still going strong.
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