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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Unless she has a habit of not telling her parents she will be gone for a few days and she was reported acting strange by the last known people to see her then, as a parent, I would also be frantic to find her. The text messages to people would not mean a thing until someone I trusted actually laid eyes on her! And IF I found that she left without telling me and knew that I was sorried and didn't contact me, as a parent, I would beat the socks off her when she came home.
  2. I bet the OP wishes she didn't ask the question now. I don't know her but I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. I assume she is in a lot of physical pain and now she has the mental distress of people judging her and jumping to conclusions. I don't take pain meds often but if I was in enough pain to have take them I hope that people don't automatically think I am a drug addict. To the OP...I hope your pain is better.
  3. That makes me smile. I have found that through my years of working with autistic kids that if they are mainstreamed (at least in part) that the typical kids will always surprise you. The kids, in general, become very accepting and protective. I have seen the class clowns and "tough guys" that give the teachers problems will straighten up their behavior while they are around the autistic kids. If someone takes time to explain to them what is "wrong" with our kids and tell them that they need to be good role models for their social skills they typical kids will usually rise to the occasion.
  4. I am so excited to hear they have moved. It is much more convenient for me now. Does anyone know their hours?
  5. It's a tough job, isn't it? I have a 21 year old with Aperger's and tourettes and a 19 year old with tourettes. I worked with Autistic kids for years and I have such a special place in my heart for them. I was sad to leave them but my philosophy on autistic kids did not match the way the school system does things any longer.
  6. IT had been many years since I applied and interviewed for a job. I was in the same type of job for many years and was always asked to work in different places so I was not prepared for how long the process takes. I left my old job when I got to a point where politics began to overrule common sense and doing the minimum to help became standard. I am so excited about helping people again.
  7. Thanks. My mind sometimes takes over my inner filter and I put things out there that upset people. Even though I am starting a new career, I think helping kids with autism will always be a passion of mine.
  8. I am excited, nervous, happy, scared, and a few other dwarf names. The process of making a major career change has been a long road. After deciding what I wanted to do, I chose the medical field, it took me a long time to actually register to take classes. That first step is the toughest. After completing my classes and getting my three certificates that I set out to get came the resume sending. This is the part that is hard on your self-esteem. Before Christmas I got a call from HR at Tanner Medical Center in Carrollton. Finally an interview!!! I was ready, dressed for the part
  9. I have heard fantabulous things about both bakeries. Hopefully, the customer service problem at BB was just someone having a rough day. I live on Nebo Road and MANY times have wanted to stop but being Diabetic I am afraid I will not be able to refrain from a sugar coma.
  10. I don't know why, but this morning I woke up thinking of my previous work, my son, and some kids that I love dearly. I am a consumate writer, albeit not very good at it. I decided to write this down in hopes that someone who is struggling as I have and many others have may get something from it. I'm sorry...it's long...but my mind was on full steam ahead. Please enjoy and give me your thoughts. Carving a Spot There are three types of average kids. The square pegs who fit in the square hole. The round pegs that fit in the round hole. Then there is the occa
  11. It was a nice place to put the elderly and special needs workers. I like having them there to check my bags when I bring a return, or dry my cart when it is raining. It is my guess that several of the people who are door greeters are not physically or mentally able to do the inside jobs. The guy in the wheelchair at the Douglasville WM comes to mind. He has been doing that job for years! No the Sam's corporation could save a little money by not having card checkers at the front door. If they don't have a card, they can only look and not buy anyway. Some folks might choose to get a car
  12. This sounds good, but if you are going for the one flavor topping then I vote for chocolate.
  13. It sounds like a good deal. I spent the last year (and several thousand dollars) going to school to become certified in phlebotomy, EKG and Medical assisting. Who do you certify through?
  14. I had to go to Carrollton today and thought I would just check out the FL there. It was SOOOO empty. They only had a few aisle that had anything on them at all and those only had may 5-10 items. It was really sad.
  15. That kind of thing just rubs me the wrong way. When someone is on top, everyone is just trying to knock them down. Ok...she is diabetic. So am I, type 2, just like Paula. I can eat a hamburger and fries and have no problems and I am on no meds. If she is on meds to help stablize her insulin, then eating that meal should not be an issue. I would hate to know that people judged me by a snapshot of my life. How do we know that she ate the whole thing. She is on a cruise. I am sure that they serve whole hamburgers, but that doesn't mean she ate the whole hamburger. If she did...SO WH
  16. I saw a show on TV about the damage that is being done to the boys' bodies from wearing their pants so low. Because they have to walk with their legs bowed to keep them from falling down it is causing back and leg issues.
  17. You're right...even at 50% some of the things were not such good deals. The paper products, cleaning supplies and baking supplies that I got were well worth the trip though.
  18. Yep...it's 50% off. I went this morning and they still had a lot of stuff. I spent a bunch of money but in the long run it will be worth it. I stocked up on toilet paper, paper towels, pet food, laundry detergent and fabric softeners, loads of cleaning supplies, etc. The aisles were still stocked pretty well. As far as food items, the best buy I got was Equal Yellow. (It is the same as Splenda) The boxes have a dollar off coupon on them so they were 2.50 per box, for the same size as the large bag of Splenda. When you are diabetic, that is a great find. I stocked up on the kid foods
  19. I have to give a shout out to the Best buy Geek Squad geek who came to my house Saturday. About 3 years ago we bought a very expensive (they all were then) Samsung TV from Best Buy. We didn't buy the warranty because we thought it was a waste. About a month after the warranty ran out our TV died. I called several repair people, including the Geek Squad, who told me that the problem was a normal one for a Samsung TV and it would cost me about 150. for labor and another 200. for parts. We decided that it just was not worth it and bought another TV, with the warranty. Long story short
  20. I know...25% off was not enough for me to get excited about. At 50% I might find some things that are worth the trip. Well spit. I just called and they are still 25% off.
  21. I think it is true that women are more verbal about their pains. Everyday aches and pains seem to bother women more than men too. However, I think that when it comes to side by side reactions to the same stimuli women handle it better. Maybe men hear women complain about their aches more because when women are home they are still working. (laundry, housecleaning, etc.) When men get home from work they can sit and relax their aching muscles. BTW- I know that is a generalization but it think it is the majority.
  22. Has anyone been to Food Lion today or yesterday? I was wondering if they have upped the % off and how much stuff is left. I want to make sure it is worth the trip.
  23. WOW...it sounds like that family has a really hard life. One of the main characteristics of Autism is fixations or perseverations. When a developementally delayed young person becomes fixated on masterbation there is no other way to stop it other than with chemicals to impair their sex drives. He can have no quality of life with that fixation ruling him. Not to mention that he cannot work on everyday social skills if he can't control that. I hope they have a good neuro-psychiatrist to work with.
  24. Mine are 21 and 19 and still at home, both in college. My oldest was in a dorm for a few years then moved back home. I will never ask them to move out but I will help them get through college and get jobs so that they can support themselves. I think they will both be excited to be able to take care of themselves.
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