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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Ice cream and sandwiches. Ray and Linda Fletcher owned it. They then went on to open Fletchers in the old Catfish Den building and it was there for several years. Those two sure do know how to cook!! And they are 2 of the nicest people I have ever known!!
  2. And to think---she was on with Clark Howard many, many years ago talking about how she made her first million dollars and how conservative se was with her spending!!! What a JOKE.
  3. My ex in-laws live out there. Not much better than what is was back in the 80's!! Nothing is close. It would drive me crazy to live out there.
  4. I have heard horror stories about these companies from our clients!!! They pay several hundred doolars a month to these companies and they NEVER pay anything to the credit card companies. When they are questioned about it, they say that they are paying their fees first. Most folks never get pass that point. The only real issue with any type of settlements is the fact that they do not tell you they are going to turn the difference, or amount they write off, over to the IRS. At the end of the year, you get hit with i and a huge tax responsibility. Credibility (formerly CCCS) is about
  5. What I find odd about all of this Carruth stuff, is the fact that our politicians should be working to get jobs here in Paulding County---not selling their business and the jobs going to Cobb County??? Does this not seem a little strange??? How can he face John Q. Public?? I knew one of his employees a couple years back (had been with Aiken Grading for many years) and when work got a little slow, he called everybody in to tell them that they were getting a pay cut. Then he told them plainly that THEY would take the pay cut because his family was not going to take any cuts at all. WTH?
  6. I totally agree!! I started working in a small grocery store back in the late 70"s and had to count my change myself. It is really sad to think that kids and young adults cannot count money. Even in my banking years, I was very surprised to see the folks that could not count.
  7. tbird


    Just try and figure out what that $250K would go for. Owning and the upkeep of those ambulances are not cheap. Payroll is not cheap, all the medical supplies are not cheap. Then think about all the calls that they go out on and the person decides to take themselves to the hospital==they don't get paid for those. Then you have the folks that will not pay their bills. Believe me, I feel bad every time that I have to list one of his bills on a bankruptcy petition that I am preparing--and it happens a lot. And Sam gets ripped off by John Q. Public all the time, and it's not just the nobodys around
  8. Since you have looked at the documents on Pacer, does the collateral for the loan not raise some questions??? I am thinking that the colleteral is some how tied to the grading company, which was sold a little over a year ago. And that could surely open a whole new can of worms????
  9. Not every where in PCB is golf cart friendly. Most neighborhoods will have "golf cart friendly" signs posted. When I was there over Memorial Day--I saw several carts being towed on the back of wreckers!!! Had never seen it before, but my friend (who lives there) said they have got really strict about where you park them along the side of Front Beach and such.
  10. What I find very interesting in this case--is the collateral for the loan. And no--it is not real estate, as it would seem. It just all sounds very suspect with this loan default and the selling of the company that he and his wife ran.
  11. The original document posted for this writ (along with your doctored copy) have the blue stamp file on top of the page (from Pacer--the Federal Court's Electronic Filing site). Yes, yours is doctored.
  12. I would like to see a copy of the original suit filed--with all the info (exactly what type of loan, collateral, etc). I would venture to say that it was some sort of real estate that was foreclosed upon???
  13. And after the grading company was sold--who would think that they would have any financial problems at all???
  14. I normally get my condo in PCB for $100 a night, plus $80 cleaning fee. Across the street from the beach, but right across from 3 huge pools. Doesn't matter to me-because I usually go about 5 miles down and use Access 95 for the beach. My DIL lucked up last year and found somebody(on VBRO) that did not have theirs rented in Gulf Highlands and they let her have it for $75 a night--and that was Memorial Day weekend!! I have just found that I like the west end of PCB much better--not as much traffic or noise!!
  15. Ok folks--ya'll are talking greek to me!! I don't understand a thing you are saying!! Heading out of town and will find somebody to work on it when I get back!!
  16. I really hope Phillip wins. Jessica has really got on my nerves the last few weeks, but then again, I never really liked her. I might miss the show tonight--on the road headed to PCB. Just depends on what time I get to leave the office today. But, I have it recording at home, so I can always watch it Tuesday when I get home!!
  17. And look at all the donations from Plateau--that is the company that Aiken Grading was sold to!!!
  18. Sometimes, but if you wind up with a cat like mine that is scared of her shadow--it's no help!! I actually got 2 cats for inside after my son found a small snake in my living room. The boy cat had an accident and died and I was left with the girl cat. She actually found a very small mouse several years ago and all she wanted to do was play with it like one of her toys. She is pretty much useless--but we like her anyway!!!
  19. Supposedly--a new drive was installed. We tried the go to start menu, blah, blah, blah and it still doesn't work.
  20. This is for my Dell desktop. The disk drive does not work. I paid someone to fix this last year and it has not worked at all since then. They said they installed a new one, were notified that it did not work once set up at home, and never offered to make their work good. Any help appreciated!!
  21. I do love Popeye's chicken, however, I was a little dissapointed yesterday. I ordered the 4 piece meal, just so I could make 2 meals out of the chicken. Got home and had 2 wings in the meal. Almost nine dollars for 2 wings and 2 very small thighs---not worth it. Guess I will continue to stop at the one on the EW connector--never been dissapointed there.
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