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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. I'm going to enjoy my life while I still can. Worrying about all this will probably give me cancer
  2. I never had a feeder out but I had a large amount of French Lavender planted outside my sun room windows. When the lavender bloomed, it was non stop Hummingbirds. I was always afraid they were going to fly into the windows. Now that I've moved, I see all kinds of the little, and not so little, suckers everywhere on a daily basis. After I learned more about them...I don't care for them nearly as much.
  3. Well, of course if someone thinks tattoos are "tacky" than there simply MUST be laws to govern this dastardly tackiness. :rolleyes: It never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to give up their rights and freedoms. Guess it doesn't matter since there are so little freedoms left.
  4. Jeezum crow, there's a friggin law for everything. I don't know how anyone can say that the US is the freest country in the world anymore.
  5. Wounded Warrior Project, Ronald McDonald House, and Evangelical Child and Family Agency (agency I was adopted through)
  6. It's fantasy. So I don't care what gets someone off so long as they aren't hurting an unwilling person. More power to 'em.
  7. Have they mailed out the bills yet? I need to make sure to watch out for mine in the mail, since it has to travel a great distance.
  8. That is the novel I'm struggling through right now.
  9. I switch between books. I'm reading 4 currently. When one gets dull, I pick up another, then switch back eventually. I'm struggling through a Leo Tolstoy novel but I've promised myself that I will not give up on it.
  10. Love the DuffleBlog article... "FORT HOOD, TX — A military jury has granted Army Maj. Nidal Hasan terminal leave today, sparking consternation throughout the military. The decision fanned flames sparked by recent revelations that he was continuing to receive full pay and benefits while on trial for an act of workplace violence that left 13 dead and wounded more than 30 others. Witnesses reported that Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar” — Arabic for “I am dissatisfied with my working conditions” — during the attack. By granting him terminal leave, the Army will transfer him from active duty to t
  11. Happy Birthday! My husband received his AARP for his 50th in May. It pissed him off because the AARP put his Mom through hell, to the point she had to get a lawyer. Stay away from them! Use the AAA rate for hotel discounts. They never ask for the card or number
  12. I like the donation in their honor. Or a small tree that they can plant and watch grow over the years.
  13. I rarely use ziploc bags. I simply re-use glass jars for half cut veggies, etc. that need to be refrigerated for a couple days. Otherwise, I use my Foodsaver bags to freeze leftover foods. I take the wrapped extra roll of toilet paper from hotels. I paid for it, might as well take it. For the record, I do not take towels. Speaking of towels. I don't use paper towels. I have a large stack of white washcloths that I use for cleaning the counters, cleaning up messes, or whatever else you would use a paper towel for. When they get dirty, they take a bath in bleach for awhile. Or if
  14. At my estate sale, we actually sold all the shampoos, conditioners, toothbrushes, shower caps, etc that I had hoarded from hotels throughout the year. I had TONS. I do not throw anything away. Nothing. I'm frugal so I can enjoy the good things in life.
  15. He's disgusting. Multiple deployments is absolutely NO excuse for murder. He had plenty of access to help for PTSD, but he quit going. This disgraceful coward murdered one Afghani man's 11 family members, including his mother, wife and six of his seven children. No excuse. None.
  16. This is the reason I hate when a cashier tries to be helpful and waves me over to the "Express Lane" even though I clearly have too many items. Then I get dirty looks from other customers who think I'm an idiot or that the rules don't apply to me. I usually try not to judge people based on such limited information. But that's just me.
  17. What about this one? http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/113-Huntington-Way-Dallas-GA-30132/61912673_zpid/ It's a quiet neighborhood tucked away off Graham Rd. It looks habitable.
  18. I bought two of those from Target in 1997. They moved with me from Chicago to San Diego (via airline) with all of my possessions inside. Since then, they moved from San Diego, to Massachusetts, and down to Georgia with multiple moves in between. We used them for everything and they held up well. In fact, we ended up selling them at my Estate Sale in June. Hated to see them go. They were the same color too.
  19. Considering the website, it's not surprising at all. Upworthy was founded by the co-founder of Moveon.org
  20. Donate it and take the tax deduction. You'll likely make more that way and still retain some sanity.
  21. Dr. Ellnor in Woodstock is fantastic for this. My husband has had many and Dr. Ellnor had BY FAR the best bedside manner, as did his PA. Great people.
  22. She had her son cremated the day after he was shot. That $ was donated by Catholic Charities. She lied to the media about having a service for him.
  23. I do not think Sleep Apnea is a scam. But I do believe a lot of cases could be corrected by losing weight. Unfortunately, my husband has the type that is not weight related. I have known a few people who were told after having the test that they do not have sleep apnea. That could be because each time it was a test ordered by the VA if you want to get into conspiracy theories
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