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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. It was strictly prohibited in our storage lease. I remember because I chuckled at the thought of living in a storage unit. The place we rent from has 24 hour security, cameras, etc. No way would you get away with it for long.
  2. Wow, AOL is still around. Not to be sound like a snot, but I would not do business with a company that had an AOL email address.
  3. I'm so thankful my parents didn't return me when I was a bratty little sheeze.
  4. My husband was made a believer of acupuncture. It helped relieve his headaches from herniated discs in his neck. It didn't cure his problem, but while he was receiving them, it gave him some much needed pain relief. He went to a lady in Kennesaw. She's a pushy little Chinese lady but she means business when it comes to helping his pain.
  5. If you eat anything with garlic, it is most likely garlic from China. The market is so tight, I can't even find non-Chinese Garlic down here in Costa Rica. We are all eating it and have been for years.
  6. What about walking the medical building where the new hospital is going in? You can take the stairs and walk each floor a few times.
  7. A machete complete with the belt strap and adornments. Actually, it's called a "cuchillo" but it's good for snake killing and banana plant trimming.
  8. I'm curious, how much was it? Sorry if that's answered. I don't watch videos.
  9. What a sad vote count. But WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Looks like it passed anyway. Thank you to the less than 500 who voted. Thank you for being a part of your community!
  10. Let me guess.... Alcohol sales in Dallas did NOT pass. Typical underhanded, blue law BS. I own a house within the city limits but can't vote on sheeze. So PCom is all I have and it looks like the Good Ol' Boys are still up to the same ol' same ol'.
  11. Banana plants (yes, they are plants) freak me out anyway. There's way too many bugs, pests, and places for critters to hide in the leaves. I still eat them almost every day but I always look first. Nothing better than a freshly picked, Costa Rican banana (except maybe for a fresh pineapple).
  12. Yes, I know the National healthcare system covers everything, pre-existing, etc. But was curious whether the private insurance covers chronic and pre-existing.
  13. Do the private insurer's in the UK, France, and other EU countries cover pre-existing conditions? I suppose I could look it up but there appear to be some experts right here. I live in a country with National healthcare. You can buy private insurance, but it does not cover chronic or pre-existing conditions. So, kind of useless if you really need it for ongoing medical issues.
  14. Are they real Ladybugs or the orangish Japanese lady beetles? The Japanese lady beetles swarm in the fall and can aggravate allergies and asthma if they get in your home. Plus, they smell bad.
  15. They are. I love a good confession but that FB page is all crap.
  16. I love those buggers. I call 'em Woodchucks though. Had a semi-tame one as a kid that I called "Chuckers".
  17. Did you see the pic of her in a bathing suit? Ugh. Doesn't this chick realize her status has been shared almost 5,000 times? You'd think she'd at least have a little humility and set it to private.
  18. According to my friends and family on FB, it's a big deal. Probably don't hear about it as much in Atlanta because well....Atlanta doesn't exactly have the most fervent sports fans. I watched it live last night even though I no longer live in the country. I'm a lifelong Cubs fan. Therefore, I must root against Stl, and FOR my second fave baseball team; The Red Sox.
  19. Mine says "New Mexico". I think I'll stay right where I'm at.
  20. Yes! If you use a Mac, the prices are different as well. I've experimented with this and found it to be true. Here's an article about it http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304458604577488822667325882
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