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Everything posted by justgettingby

  1. You are pretty dern close to correct. They will continue to give COLA increases as warranted, but starting in 2015 the COLA will be 1% lower until the age of 62. I understand the need for it. Nobody wants cuts when it effects them, but they are necessaary across the board. However, I *do* take issue with the disabled vets who are rated as Permanent and Total UE (unemployable). They can't work therefore they depend on those increases no matter how small.
  2. Add "Episodes" and "Sons of Anarchy" and you're set for awhile!
  3. Massachusetts. I just don't "get" that state from their accent and pronunciation of city names, to the crazy invisible snowbelt line (495), Big Dig, and their need to wear bibs while eating lobstah. To name a few reasons. New Hampshire comes next but just because I love their slogan, "Live Free or Die". Any state slogan that involves death is wacky (but kinda cool).
  4. Wasn't it reported a few months back that he planned on leaving the show anyway? I foresee a bump in the ratings and that this was planned. Planned or not, I'm tired of people being destroyed for speaking about what they believe in. I may not agree with him, but I think people should be able to freely speak their opinions. It's time to let people speak again without shouting them down because you don't share the same POV. If everyone thought the same it would be a boring existence.
  5. I was speaking of those who CANNOT work due to their disabilities. I fully understand how veteran's disabilities work. As far as the newly hired, current, and retired federal employees, this sums it up fairly well... http://inthecapital.streetwise.co/2013/12/16/5-things-federal-employees-should-know-about-the-new-budget-deal/
  6. In one way I can understand the reasoning behind it since many newly retired are able to start a new career in the civilian world. So they don't rely on the COLA. BUT i read that this also applies to disabled vets who may or may not be able to work. They will rely on these yearly COLAs. I understand the need for cutting spending and getting back to some semblance of a budget. However if they cut one group's pension COLAs (military retirees) than they should also cut the other federal employee's as well.
  7. I'm so over Homeland after this season. I'm looking forward to "House of Cards" coming back on Netflix in Feb. That show is the sheeze.
  8. LMAO! It's from the DUffleblog, it's satire. The Duffel Blog is friggin HILARIOUS! The crafting of this satirical piece is genius.
  9. It's just the beginning. Tricare is next.
  10. Nice. That's like eating your lunch in the bathroom stall.
  11. Is there nothing people cannot be offended by any longer? It's a flyer, at a parade. Not the end of the world, and certainly not worth all the energy expelled in this thread. Geez people, loosen up a bit.
  12. That's just the nature of a cat bite, unfortunately. http://www.pawnation.com/2013/01/23/why-cat-bites-are-more-dangerous-than-you-might-think/
  13. The thought of hose is making me itch. Yuck. I'll never forget when I moved to GA (in 2003) and hose were required by my employer when wearing anything that showed even the slightest amount of leg. I couldn't comprehend that concept. Anything open toed is just that...open toed. No hose, no socks, no tights, nada. And if anyone cares, I have never, ever seen so many crazy high heeled shoes than I have since I moved to Costa Rica. The Ticas are SERIOUS about their shoes and they can rock them like nobody's business. I absolutely love it! No hose or tights here either
  14. I don't let it get my britches in a bundle. You never know what pain, sadness, etc someone is walking around with. Maybe he had something more important on his mind or maybe not. Either way, it's not the end of the world to me.
  15. Hoax. Try not to get your news from your FB feed.
  16. I can't believe I just gave a +1 to Capt Rhett.
  17. Which is why my nephew had Lymphoma TWICE. Miraculously, while he was enduring chemo, he could not take his anti-rejection meds. And his liver is still perfect.
  18. I don't think anyone was implying that. I certainly wasn't and hope my reply was not taken that way.
  19. What a terrible position to be in for all involved. But until there are enough organ donors, this problem will exist. My nephew had a liver transplant. He was then diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma. The doctors explained that if his liver were to fail during chemo and radiation, that he would not be eligible for another liver. It destroyed me to hear that but I understood. I guess for that same reason, I can understand the doctors reasoning in this story. Either way, it's very sad. By the way, my nephew is a happy and healthy 14 year old now.
  20. I used to volunteer to work every holiday when I lived in San Diego, before I got married. My closest family lived in Illinois so holidays without family sucked BAD. So at least the holidays I got paid double, I wasn't moping at home, and my working allowed someone with family to be with them. There is no way I could ever agree to a government regulating holiday business hours.
  21. I can't imagine feeling the way you do, Dana. I'm adopted and everyday I am thankful for the gift of life that I was given. Each day is a blessing and my life is what I choose to make of it. I'm sorry that right now you aren't able to see how beautiful being alive truly is. Hopefully someday soon you can. Best of luck to you.
  22. Ugh. I moved OUT OF THE COUNTRY and still can't get away from Black Friday at the stores. No. I will NOT be Black Friday shopping.
  23. Why was I under the impression that most notaries do not or should not charge for their service? I thought I remembered reading that somewhere. But I just recalled paying some young kid at a UPS store to notarize a document earlier this year.
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