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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. LOL Maybe she had just bought the car? I hope she wasn't drinking.
  2. NO! Also, some people physically cannot stand that long and may still not be disabled to the point of being in a wheelchair. I hope this isn't done.
  3. Dang LR. Our AC stays on from March-October. I would be roasting if we waited until June.
  4. Ours went from $143 last month to $281 this month. Usually the last 2 months of summer we will hit about $300 but this is a little early to be in that range. I think it is because of the high temps we have had for such an extended period and we are having a problem with a leak in our indoor coil in the A/C. We can't decide if we want to replace the coil or replace the whole unit with a larger one and have 3 ducts ran to rooms downstairs in the basement. Yes, we have already had the freon charged once this summer. We usually keep the A/C on 70 but the house is getting as high as 77 during the d
  5. CruiseGal, will do, but I don't have a clue who to contact about finding them. I may just have to make some of my own. I wonder if someone in the voter registration office could lead me in the right direction to find some?
  6. All right this thread has made me ill. Someone please tell me where I can find 2-4 "Vote NO to SPLOST" yard signs? TIA
  7. When you add up baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, water retention (swollen ankles, etc.) and swollen breasts, I don't think 29 pounds is too much in a normal pregnancy. Remember most of that is not YOUR weight gain. Also when she gets here you won't care anymore about weight gain IF you have any at all.
  8. Yes, you both do look so cute and tiny! Zoo is it you who is looking for a foreclosed home to buy? Someone on here is.
  9. What neighborhood? I noticed earlier that we have fliers on ours but I haven't taken mine off yet.
  10. Yep, and I don't think this includes any fees for classes at the YMCA. This county should be more advanced in our recreation resources than it is. Over 40 years ago we had ball fields and walking trails with NO help from taxes. It was simply done with the use of volunteers, donations and fund raisers.
  11. Actually my doctor has been telling me for YEARS to start doing pool exercises but we have not ONE single indoor pool in this county that exercise classes can be done in year round, after all these decades and still not ONE! It looks like I am going to have to pay high fees at the YMCA in COBB to be able to do this. Also, my hubby and I happen to like guns, there is nothing wrong with that in this great country, but paying all the taxes that we do I fail to understand why there isn't a single gun range in this county open to the public but yet a couple of decades ago we DID have one. He curren
  12. Unless voting yes for SPLOST will FINALLY get an indoor pool or gun range in this county then I will be voting NO. We have enough damn walking trails and ball fields in our parks with practically no other amenities available, but yet our county still thinks we need more walking trails and ball fields. No thank you. For 4 generations (on both sides and going on 5) my family has paid taxes in this county and for the most part we have been unhappy with the way our tax dollars have been spent. The only reason I am still here is because it is home to me but if the county doesn't become more "elderl
  13. :popping head into thread: Did someone say storm?
  14. We just returned from O'Charley's. Yum.
  15. Just a couple of days ago I noticed the red onions in New Hope Publix looked horrible! They don't normally look that way. I wonder if something has happened to a recent crop?
  16. He won't return home until the 16th or 17th. Either way I would like to attend the homespun festival for a little while. That is a personal local favorite for me.
  17. Thank you NC! Hubby will be out of town working on the 4th, so fireworks this weekend sounds great.
  18. From the news story: "The home has since been condemned until it can be cleaned up."
  19. Does anyone have any further details on these: Saturday June 26th Aragon in Polk county Sunday June 27th New Seasons Church KSU Campus Green Can someone provide times and where to park for these fireworks displays? TIA
  20. It's the Kroger at 92 and 381 near New Hope. The restaurant is behind Kroger. With all the good reviews I do believe I will have to try it too.
  21. For MANY years Paulding was in the top five of the nation's fastest growing counties, so being at number 8 means we are slowing down.
  22. Mrs G, that bush can also get really tall and basically become a tree. We had one at the house I grew up in Hiram. Every year it gained more height and had a ton of those exact same blooms as yours. By the time I moved out it was about 8 foot tall. Just give it some fertilizer like the Miracle Grow tree spikes every once in a while. Yes, they DO love the GA humidity.
  23. Small storms are on the way. Maybe we will get some rain here in East Paulding too. Edit: I had no sooner posted this, then I heard thunder here.
  24. LOTS of water and I also clicked "other" because you forgot fruit juice. Juice is 2nd to water for me.
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