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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. The 10 day forecast is saying the same for the entire next week.
  2. I was watching it on radar. It was a very small storm that appeared and disappeared from out of no where.
  3. A legitimate tree company should be insured to cover any damages. We live about 3 or so miles from there and have water.
  4. I have 2 stepsisters in Destin right now. The past 3 days they have been swimming in the ocean and have not seen any oil or tar balls. All of their pictures show crystal clear water that looks more like the Bahamas.
  5. A week or two ago there was a tummy virus going around the area.
  6. I use the small clear glass "custard" baking dishes. Each day I use a clean one and they are washed in my dishwasher.
  7. National Weather Service says 92 today and tomorrow, then 95 Sunday and Monday. NWS forecast for Dallas, GA
  8. WTG Lady Raider! I've been up all night doing laundry, dishes and bills. Hoping to sleep soon.
  9. Good morning. My hubby comes home this weekend! No big plans, just hanging out.
  10. Yep! Somewhere I have an amazing up close photo of the red/white/blue lights taken while standing up through a sun roof.
  11. OMG I've shopped in there a few times and I have NEVER seen something like that. I would have been laughing my butt off which would have made them feel like worse idiots (you would think). That is just too freaking hilarious. I hope you did finally get your appliance. So sorry.
  12. A big publix salad. It's just me tonight at home.
  13. I have signed checks in my husband's name with his name and just put my initials near the signature to indicate that I signed it. Then I put it into direct deposit at the ATM and I have NEVER had a problem with this.
  14. FINALLY a local farmers market that is open in the afternoons!
  15. Here you go. After going to the web page, scroll all the way to the bottom and there is a blue page about free movies on Tuesdays and Thursdays. http://www.seethemov...amily_films.php Oops sorry. This link is for movies 278 only. HWAM has the link to the previous topic that shows all the other great things to do.
  16. We may go to Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach, still undecided if we are going anywhere. Hubby never wants to take time off but we haven't been anywhere in YEARS for vacation.
  17. You are welcome! Taking a good multivitamin everyday probably wouldn't hurt either.
  18. If you use the "regular" AT&T DSL for your internet then you will absolutely need a land line. If you use AT&T UVerse then you will not need phone service, just your inside phone wiring. I know because we have had DirecTv for about 9 years and most of those years we have used the "regular" AT&T DSL for internet and we have wanted to get rid of our home phone service for many years but couldn't because of their DSL internet service. About a year ago I found out that with AT&T UVerse we will not need landline phone service. If AT&T UVerse is available in your area and you wan
  19. Nowens to help your hair grow faster, go to the walmart pharmacy and there in the vitamin section pick up a bottle of gelatin capsules. They are about $2 something and yes it is the same ingredient as in Jello. Take a couple of those per day and either drink/eat a lot of dairy products or take calcium tablets. This will help your hair and nails to grow faster. I have had to do this MANY times because blond hair can grow up to 3 times slower than dark hair and I also donate it, so sometimes I do this to help the hair along or to get my length back afterwards.
  20. A little over 20 years ago the local businesses decided they did not like the local teenagers cruising the parking lots, so the police got involved and started handing out tickets for it. Now it is against the law in Paulding to cruise the parking lots etc. in any business area.
  21. Animal I think most car clubs participate in car shows. A few will have a "cruise" where they may drive up to the mountains and back as a group. Actual cruising back and forth in the local shopping centers around here is illegal though and can get you a $500 ticket.
  22. msgastorm

    Gym ?

    Sorry, but no gym yet for me. I have thought about joining there just so I can walk on a treadmill indoors. Outdoors it is either too hot, too cold or too much pollen for me. That's sad to me because I have always loved the outdoors. I have also been thinking hard about the YMCA on Mars Hill Rd. for the indoor pool, but it is alot of money to join if you are not a Cobb resident. I guess I need to go check both out. My doctors have been hounding me for a few years now just to start off at 10 minutes 2-3 times a week and build up. It's hard to believe that I use to walk 2 miles, 2-3 ti
  23. I am not sure that I believe a person with possibly a drink of booze is the real reason for this amount of personnel. I frequently see cars coming out of the park entrance in the middle of the night.
  24. I completely agree. Also the term "UV protection" is pretty general. The glasses should tell you what percentage of BOTH UVA and UVB rays are blocked. Just because they say "UV protection" doesn't necessarily mean that both types of protection are provided. Oh, after they were mentioned in this topic, I looked at some of those Serengeti sunglasses online and I may have to go check them out in a store sometime soon. Those look nice.
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