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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. No I haven't. Over the past couple of years I have read some scientific research on solar storms. It seems over many decades of data collection it has been noticed that they "peak" every so often in intensity and frequency. Currently we are supposed to be in an "upswing", peaking over the next few years.
  2. I live right beside the drag strip in a subdivision and it never bothered us. I don't recall my neighbors saying anything either. We have wondered for years WHY it was shut down. I agree Glock should move to Paulding. We would love to have the business here and maybe they could open an indoor range for the public. It would be another way to make money and create a few jobs.
  3. I LOVE Pam Tillis. That woman has quite a voice on her. Waylon, Willie, George Straight are all wonderful. How about Alabama and Reba McIntire? Are the Statler Brothers country or gospel? I can't remember.
  4. It seems like I have seen poster frames in Michaels craft store in the back. I wouldn't think it would be expensive unless it is wooden, but would definitely help protect the poster.
  5. Thank you LTD. I have been expecting solar storms to start increasing in intensity for quite some time and I dread the possible outcomes if a really big one hits.
  6. Is there a website that can provide more information?
  7. Will the doctor induce if she goes past her due date?
  8. That is interesting. I have told my hubby they don't taste the same as GA deer and he thinks I am making it up! I was raised on local deer. I can remember when Union Elementary had deer stew for lunch!
  9. Really NICE! I love that first pic. Maybe get a frame that holds 3 5x7's and put them on a wall or something.
  10. I am beginning to think your subdivision is built on a deer trail! My dad and stepmom built their home on one right beside of a creek and for almost a decade deer would come up to a specific corner of the house and rub the felt off their antlers. The deer up in Minnesota make Georgia deer look like puppy dogs. However, I say that after thanking God for the blessing and the deer for it's life, they are all good with biscuits!
  11. This is the company that my husband buys his wallets from. They are a little more expensive than department store wallets but the leather is a much better quality and they will last for many years. He has been buying from this company for at least 10 years now. http://www.tumi.com/ http://www.tumi.com/wallets-and-accessories/mens-wallets/
  12. I LOVE IT! I pasted it into a Word document and saved it, so that later I can change the font, put in a nice color border and frame a print out for hanging. Thank you for sharing.
  13. I am also in NE Paulding with AT&T DSL. We don't have a problem with it during storms. In fact that is when I check the radar frequently online, because a heavy storm will interfere with our DirecTV signal. I have thought about a metal roof for our home but we get too many lightening strikes very close to the house as it is, so I think it is out of the question.
  14. I can just picture our robins doing this in our front yard and saying "Num nummmm...roasted worms!" We have a TON of earth worms and robins around here.
  15. Yes, it is contagious even for adults who were vaccinated as children. Adults and teens need to keep getting revaccinated to keep immune. I had it 2003-2004 for THREE months! I went through 3 two week long rounds of 3 different types of oral antibiotics, received a breathing treatment at the ER, was using an inhaler and a prescription cough med that I believe had codeine in it, plus several over the counter meds and had to sleep sitting up in my rocking chair for several weeks because laying down made it worse. Whooping cough was the worst illness ever for me and I have survived alot. The coug
  16. When Harry Met Salley also Legends of the Fall is a heartwarming movie with ALOT of great scenery (in more ways than one).
  17. I bet she has a hysterectomy of at least one uterus during a c-section.
  18. UPDATE: OK, we are home and all seems well. It took longer than expected, but apparently went just fine. Hubby is woosey, but getting clearer every minute. NO pain yet because they numbed his hand hopefully to last the rest of the day. Thank ya'll for all of your good wishes and prayers!! Woohoo! That's good news. I hope and pray that he has a speedy recovery. I don't know you guys but I am sending you a big hug anyway. I think you may need it!
  19. I have seen a story similiar to this where a woman had fraternal twins in one uterus, but they had different due dates because the conception happened on different dates. It is extremely rare but it does happen. Also, because fraternal twins are from 2 separate eggs it is POSSIBLE to have 2 fathers. It just takes two separate eggs and the sperm of at least 2 men. Each egg is able to conceive from 1 man's sperm.
  20. If I am stopped I figure they probably run my tag even if it is just for a warning. In my case both my husband and I have permits and if they run my tag it probably shows that we are licensed to carry. I have been stopped for speeding several times (my one addiction that I have been working on the past few years). I have never told the officer that the handgun was in my car, but it is always within plain sight on my seat or in my organizer on the seat with the butt hanging out. In the state of Georgia, if you are a Georgia resident, you do NOT have to be licensed to carry to have a loaded gun
  21. I had this happen in an elevator once and it was not crowded. I was on my way to work and the person who did it was not a coworker or even anyone that I knew. It still ticks me off and this was almost 20 years ago.
  22. A couple of years ago in Town Center Mall there was a kiosk selling some sort of nail cream. I was walking past minding my own business when one of the guys there GRABBED MY HAND! Of course I jerked my hand away and let him have it, especially because my particular nail problem is HEALTH related and not related to what I do not put on them! Sometimes there are some stupid people with no manners working at those things.
  23. East Paulding Drive desperately needs repaving too. EVERY month there are at least 6 new potholes that DOT comes in and just puts down another patch. Last month I hit one that damaged my exhaust and caused my "service engine" light to come on. I know the pot hole was the cause because the light came on immediately when I hit it, the light had not been on before and didn't go off until I took the car into the shop. The shop said it was a damaged exhaust.
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