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Everything posted by msgastorm

  1. What hours is the fair? I can't find anything that says.
  2. I took my ambien over 1/2 an hour ago. I also didn't sleep Sunday night, so I should be knocked out by now. Also there is a male robin that has went nuts and keeps pecking at the windows in the house and exciting the cats, which I don't mind. Until he starts at my bedroom windows pecking away at 8am every day off/on, all morning, then he stops and starts pecking again off/on, all evening until dark! Ugh! It's been 3 days dealing with the bird. I hope he has found better things to do by tomorrow. Johnny, I just love your new picture avatar. You look very suave in it. Well I am about to
  3. When I done this ten years ago I just needed a teacher to sign a form each week stating that I had been in class. I am not sure how it is done now. Also, I received the Hope grant the entire time for tuition and most of my books. Good luck.
  4. Prayers said and sending you a hug.
  5. If the fried pies lady is who I think she is, then she also delivers them a few times a week to Hickory Hut and Johnny's BBQ. Her business can be looked up on Facebook as Old Fashioned Fried Pies located in Dallas.
  6. I started doing my own laundry and household towels at age 11! Teach the kids to do it themselves or they don't have clean clothes.
  7. They are usually dressed according to what season of the year it is or for an upcoming holiday. I am thinking these outfits may be because it is wedding season in May/June.
  8. My husband is a northerner with a previously Canadian mother. He moved to GA in 1994 and originally moved to Kennesaw BECAUSE of the gun law. LOL. He is from Minnesota where they love to hunt and fish, and most usually own several guns. In his case he owns a collection, seriously. We met in December 1999, married in November 2000. My family loves him and considers him an adopted northerner, not a yankee. For a couple of years we had to get over a few vocabulary differences like, billfold-wallet, chest of drawers-dresser, coke-soda, dinner-lunch or supper (and dinner is usually lunchtime). Howe
  9. Same here LR. Ours didn't go out and I was awake all night. We live in New Hope.
  10. If all else fails, then take them to the animal shelter. I think they shred them and use them in the cages.
  11. Sometimes a local DOT will put out a "children at play" sign in an area if requested.
  12. Please do not EVER stop on those tracks at the lights in Douglasville! Ten years ago I was working for a local hospital when a man was brought in after being hit by a train at those tracks. Almost every large bone in his body was broken and I have no clue what kind of other damage he may have had. I do believe I heard that he lived but it was probably ONLY because he was in a TRACTOR TRAILER and not a regular size vehicle. As it was, the train still carried the truck for about 1/4 of a mile or so.
  13. It was more than just a fake state ID. She and her male partner in crime are both charged with conspiracy and identity theft. However, from WSBtv.com "Adigun, who's from Nigeria, was also charged with immigration, Social Security, and passport fraud." These are FEDERAL crimes. Maybe she used a fake SS card and passport to get the job. I believe I read that the names and even some SS #s were real, but she used one to obtain her job, then several other identities for the credit cards and bank loans. http://www.wsbtv.com...905/detail.html I have a feeling that soon our SS cards will either sh
  14. It was Dallas. I don't think it was the employees' fault for being there sick as it seemed to be the same story with both of them and these 2 are hard workers.
  15. Thank you Pog. That's weird. I searched the website for Northwest Georgia Public Health District and there was nothing reported about these 2 deaths. I guess they aren't reporting it on the website. I know of a couple of people at Walmart who had the flu around March. They were actually at work running high fevers and they were not allowed to leave early or take time off for it, under threat of being fired.
  16. Or for less than $8,000 they could probably sue and get it reduced or even voided.
  17. I was reading the current revision of the new handgun bill a few hours ago. The fee for a new License to Carry or renewal will increase from $15 to $30. Is this notary fee just to put the stamp on some papers? Holy cow.
  18. Don't get me wrong. The CDC is still reporting outbreaks and a ton of deaths over 2009 and 2010, these reports are released weekly. However, I can find nothing specific to Paulding County for deaths in the past month. I know H1N1 is real because hubby travels for work and we caught it very early, in April 2009.
  19. I have looked for over an hour now through CDC websites, Paulding County Health Dept, WSBTV, done various web searches etc. The most I have been able to find is a weekly report of confirmed hospitalizations and deaths for the STATE of GA. I have found no death count specific to Paulding Co, so I am more than a little suspicious that WSB made an error.
  20. Thank you for the response. Do you know we have so many cases flown to Chattanooga then?
  21. Here is a thread from it a few weeks ago, but I can't tell that it said which route in Hiram. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/239955-postal-worker-accused-of-identity-theft/page__hl__mail carrier__fromsearch__1
  22. This is what I was thinking. Cobb, Kennestone and even Floyd do not have this capability so I doubt our new hospital will have it. It takes a whole lot more money, personnel and training for trauma centers. Currently, I think every trauma case in NW GA has to be flown to Grady, Chattanooga or a NE GA hospital that I cannot remember where it is.
  23. I also have fibro, so I feel your pain! The B vitamins are usually good for energy. I would start out with a multivitamin for you and your family, then go from there. If you find you need more energy after that then you may need iron and/or extra B vitamins in addition to the multivitamin. Taking birth control pills, smoking and stress can all contribute to low vitamin B's and C. Since I also have fibro, I will tell you personally I take a multivitamin, plus 1000 of D3 and a CitraCal tablet per day. Then I may add extra C or half a Super B tablet as needed depending upon how I feel. Sunsh
  24. Really? That's cool! Good luck.
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