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Everything posted by Mariposa

  1. Are you really that shallow to have the expectation of our first lady to look like a model? I am in NO WAY an Obama supporter, but her chosen platform is fighting childhood obesity which is an epidemic in our country. Its not like she's going after global warming or some controversial issue. Is there anyone out there who does not think the health of our kids is an important issue??!!! So what if she's not rail thin, but she's an in-shape shapely woman and not unattractive by any stretch of the imagination. So what if everyone of her meals isn't a salad and baked chicken? One unflattering p
  2. One of my favorite things used to be an Einstein's Everthing Bagel with chicken salad, spicy mustard, lettuce, and red onion. Selfishly, I don't want them to come because that's way too many tempting carbs.
  3. I did park on the side and go through the gate. I was just wondering if they had changed the hours or if this was a usual event. I went earlier than usual.
  4. I agree with the indoor pool.
  5. I'm not an expert in business/government/planning. I just wonder when the county puts so much money in building airports and studios, if they have any sort of contracts or agreements with actual companies who will use the facilities. It just seems more of a "Field of Dreams" type of situation...build it an they will come. Well, they haven't come, yet. I would like to see them have an actual agreement with a business or businesses before they put so much of our money into a project.
  6. I was out at White Oak Park today and the gate was still locked at 9:00. Anyone know if this was an over-sight or due to budget cuts?
  7. Was out there this a.m. The tape is under several big trees that over-hang the path. There were some smaller dead limbs on the ground and some other limbs still hanging in the trees. I'm sure its just a precaution for the limbs falling.
  8. Sounds very similar to my family member. He went through several ER visits thinking he was having a heart attack, many tests and more than one wrong diagnosis (including terminal cancer), before he was finally correctly diagnosed with pancreatitis. Alcohol can also cause problems if its pancreatitis.
  9. My link Oh, and he's also a suspected child molester
  10. The only place I like in PCB is St Andrew's Park and Shell Island. Buy cheap snorkel gear before you go and you'll see there are fish everywhere.
  11. If the parent brings the prescription to school, it will be locked in the office or nurse's office and available for the student to take at prescribed times. The same is true for over-the-counter meds if a child has a specific need.
  12. I see both sides. Zero tolerance causes some unfair situations, but it also draws a clear line of consequences for an action. As we all know, school administrators and school boards are frequently influenced by pressure from parents and clear lines of discipline can get blurred. I can see some equally unfair situations coming from eliminating zero tolerance, too. I don't think the arguments about school discipline are ever going to be satisfied because some will always think its too harsh and some will always think there's not enough discipline.
  13. I teach 130 eleven year during the school year and almost ALL of them have cell phones. Many have brand new Iphones
  14. I think it is capital letters ON
  15. The sad thing is that most foster homes and residential facilities won't take the 11 yr old. If she gets labeled for offending younger kids, she at least can't be placed with little kids. That leaves her stuck in with older kids at the very least, or at most at a facility that specializes in kids with more severe behaviors. With that, she runs a risk of being exposed to a lot more, but the other side is that she could sexualize other kids if she is not placed in a special location.
  16. They don't think of it on their own but MANY have unlimited access to movies, cable TV, and especially the internet. Not that many years ago it was assumed that kids that young had been abused, but now it is not necessarily true. They have easy access to lots of things.
  17. They don't care. I've seen the pants fall down every time they try to run. In the school lunch line, when they had to have both hands to carry the tray and the tea, they would walk back to the table with their pants completely down. When you can't walk normally because of your pants, or can't do anything needing both hands (like work) because you have to constantly hold your pants up, its more than just an annoying fashion fad. (This is not a racial thing, lots of boys and young men are sagging) Its stupid and I don't want someone's exposed in my face on a plane. I've heard many peo
  18. You better change that to "not a complete crap for brains." The mods don't like you to use idiot, apparently
  19. Thanks for posting, I would have been heading that way to an appointment that day.
  20. No, just my normal level of every day crazy
  21. http://www.webundies.com/jwlck543129j.htm Wonder Woman Underwear!!!!
  22. I will personally drive you to the airport if you will really walk through the airport and get on a plane with your pants around your knees and your underoos showing. Anyone want to donate toward a cheap plane ticket to see if she'll really do it ???? :clapping:
  23. THANK YOU for changing it to crap for brains!!!! LOL
  24. I wonder if they will re-change it to "Crap for Brains"
  25. Thanks didn't know how to do it.
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