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Everything posted by Mariposa

  1. No boob jobs yet, but Abercrombie has padded bras for kids that young.
  2. They have to pass a standardized End of Course Test. This is for every student in the state that takes that class. That's where the standards get raised. A student who takes Calculus passes the EOCT in that class. A student who takes a lower level math passses that EOCT. They have mastered math standards on their level and have a math credit for graduation. College bound students also have SATs and ACTs Right now, there is no middle ground between special ed and college prep. The EOCTs should be the proving ground that the student has mastered the material of the required classes
  3. Yep, I'm an idiot if I vote for Obama. I'm just as much of an idiot if I vote for Gingrich. I'm really hoping that's not my only two options.
  4. Sorry, you have to pick an American born serial killer. We don't want another birther scandal. How about Charles Manson?
  5. Here's a link to some of the GHSGT practice questions. Can you answer all of them? http://www.testprepreview.com/modules/algebra2.htm Should you keep your diploma, if you can't?
  6. But many students are not mastering it, and then in middle school you move on to pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trig, etc. They NEVER go back and learn it. I'm not saying this is the ONLY type of Math on a graduation test, but it is valid to make sure a graduate has the basics. Many struggling students and special ed students are functioning on this level in high school and won't get a lot higher, but will still be normal, employed, productive adults. They may not be accountants, but they are normal. Finding slope is an 8th grade standard in math, can you do it? Can you find the s
  7. Its not the marriages, its the cheating. I may agree with him politically on many things (not all), but that's not enough. I expect the leader of our country to have character and personal integrity. That's not too much to ask. I'll not be voting for Gingrich even if it comes down to choice between him and Obama. Let me just say, me voting for Obama is unthinkable, I've even looked at moving to foreign countries during his presidency, but between those two, I'd have to do it, even if it meant cutting off my hand in disgust afterwards. I WILL NOT VOTE for Gingrich.
  8. OK, not fast food, but we need a Cracker Barrel!
  9. Is that Jack's hot and spicy chicken like we used to have in Dallas a long time ago? I loved that spicy chicken! sorry hijack
  10. That is the kind of thing that should be on a graduation test. Ughh I get so frustrated even talking about this stuff because our system is so messed up. Teachers can't change it because what we do is dictated from the state and national level.
  11. Thanks for the info. I think that is the MAIN PROBLEM with the test. It is not a test of basic skills needed for life, it is tested on a higher level. Not every student is going to college or is college material. It is not fair to test ALL students on this level. I know MANY people who did not do well in school but are very successful people. We are leaving no middle ground between college-prep or special-ed. That is not real life.
  12. Just wondering...have you actually read questions from the test? I admit; I haven't. I HAVE seen actual questions on other standardized tests and I'm not impressed. If I thought the tests were actually testing basic knowledge and fair to most students, I would support the tests. I just wonder if they are truly testing basic knowledge someone needs to graduate high school, or is much of the test random and high level information that no one needs unless they are going into specific areas of study. For example, are they asking functional--real world math questions or asking them to complete
  13. The graduation tests are like the other standardized tests, they are good in theory, but in real life, they are not so great. I don't think they always test what they are designed to test. I haven't seen the HSGT, but MANY questions on the CRCT are not well-written or focus on details that may or may not have been stressed. They don't seem to always focus on the major topics taught. Then, you have so many reasons that a student can have an advantage/disadvantage: -blindness/visual impairment (you can't read or put many charts in braille) -physical diabilities -physical illness (god forb
  14. Actually, I heard they chose not to bomb it because it would probably not leave enough trace of Bin Laden to confirm his death. They chose a "surgical strike", I think that was the term used, so that they would have a person or body to have confirmation.
  15. Mine is filtered from the tap so I only bathed and brushed my teeth in unhealthiness My next house will not be in the Dallas City Limits. Will have a well or spring fed source. Will have a basement. I wish I could get solar power, water, and just go off grid except for internet and phone.
  16. Contacts aren't a good option for me. I can physically wear them, but with my astigmatism even the lenses made for that don't work for me. Glasses cost so much now, I'll be better off getting the surgery, plus I just hate wearing glasses.
  17. I'm thinking about doing it and have heard positives and negatives. Anyone have personal experience?
  18. It pains me to say it, being a die-hard UGA fan, but I wish pro teams and UGA would take a hard line against players/coaches that break the law and do things that cast their team in a bad light like GA Tech does. I've pretty much given up on watching most sports because so much turns my stomach at the money, scholarships, and praise is doled out to people who are using it to tear their own lives apart. They will only help a team for a short time, but in the long run are not worth the huge investment. Are there any Dale Murphys left in the sports world?
  19. I'll take non=poisonous snakes over rats any day!
  20. Be GLAD you have a king snake!!! He eats the bad snakes.
  21. Krystal's shakes have a nasty fake whipped cream top. If that's what McD's is like, I understand why you were not happy.
  22. Thanks for the site. What may be throwing some off is that the radar does not show up until you click on something.
  23. Is that at the small intersection just behind the new courthouse? I've noticed that creek seems to be turning into a swamp.
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