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Everything posted by brown*eyed*girl

  1. So very sad. Someone was just telling me about this last night. They had gone to HS with him. Anyways, Prayers for the wife, kids, mom, dad, everyone.
  2. I need to get some sleep. I thought this thread was talking about where (teens) go to go parking. I thought I was about to get some scoop on some places in Paulding I didn't know about.
  3. That is AWESOME! Now if you hear of a similar contest involving the Ryder Cup over in Wales please let me know!
  4. Well, I'm excited. I personally don't consider the crossroads New Hope even though it's not that far. I'm only a mile from Publix and LOVE Mexican. I rarely get a chance to get it but it looks like that might change. I have to admit though I was hoping for a place with a little night life to go in where Beef O Brady's was. Something with some entertainment. But if it couldn't be that Mexican is the next best thing. I really hope they serve Chimichanga's.
  5. Well I got a call from the school a little while ago that my youngest was throwing up (he has already had this bug twice this week). On the way home he informed me that he was pretty sure he only threw up because he had two chugs at lunch today. TWO CHUGS! Oh well, CRCT was done for the day and all they appeared to be doing in class was watching a movie and chillin out. Last week at this time he had perfect attendance for the year. I can't complain though. I love having him home for a few extra hours before the middle schoolers take over the house with their friends for the weekend.
  6. Anybody else have sick kids this week? My 6th grader came home from school Friday night and was sick ALL NIGHT LONG~~I'm still working on the carpet stains from that night. I thought for sure it must be food poisoning or something he ate but couldn't figure out what. Then my youngest got it Sunday night....then again Tuesday night. My 6th grader said a bunch of kids said they were sick over the weekend and when I went to proctor this morning there were a handful of kids out with some kind of bug. I also heard a bunch of kids talking about someone getting sick on one of the buses. Yuck!
  7. I don't really have any suggestions on how to get her to play alone. When my son came along 5 days before my daughters 1st birthday she would cling to me so badly that I had to put her in her crib when I fed him. I hated doing it and she cried and cried the first few times but then came to love it and wanted to hang in there and play with her toys. It was actually sad to me that she preferred that. But that didn't last too long either. If it were me (and I did do this as well) I would set her up with her own little laundry area (little tikes used to make one with a fold down ironing bo
  8. I guess I'm in the minority because I use both. For a while there I was just looking online but lately it seems like I've been turning toward the phone book. I guess it works better when I'm not exactly sure of a spelling or am looking for more info than just a number (ad). If I had to give up one or the other though the phone book would definitely be gone.
  9. Just voted! Good Luck to your friends I hope they win. Actually I wish all those people could win. The pictures are great!
  10. I almost posted about the McDonalds' yesterday but figured it must be old news. I went to pay my Greystone bill and was shocked to see it all demolished( I knew it was coming but still seeing it was different). Then I saw the "closed for business" sign and laughed out loud. No kidding~~ closed I would never have guessed by the look of the place.... Edited for grammar
  11. My vote would have been to legalize it with restrictions but that wasn't one of the choices. I think like alcohol there would have to be restrictions on age, when (maybe make illegal to smoke and drive), etc.. I remember taking a class in college on Drugs and Alcohol and the thing that still stands out most in my mind about that class is learning that alcohol is worse for you than "pot". For the record I've never smoked it but do know some people (stupid) who let that type of stuff take over their lives for a while. I don't think it's the pot that is bad but more what it can sometime
  12. I voted for option two. I liked that you can open up the side mirrors and see the back of your hair or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised though if the more I looked at option one the more it would grow on me. What I didn't like about option one was the way it stuck out from the wall like it was hanging. It may look different in person though.
  13. So how did we do? My computers been really slow the last couple of days and I can't get the link to load. I'm sure if we'd won anything substantial I would have heard but I'm still curious to hear how close we got. THANKS!
  14. Thanks for taking the time to post all that. I found it quite informative and think that it show education is a priority.
  15. That is crazy. Just curious, how long did the game take?
  16. We just drove by and the sign said Last 2 Days! Last time we were in there they said the 17th though so I"m not sure if today or tomorrow is the last day.
  17. Thanks again for doing this. It was nice to meet you today and HUGE thanks from my kids for the treat coupons. We will be using them tomorrow after softball!
  18. I think the trail around the playground is 1/3 of a mile and that the longer trail is 1 mile. I went walking with Lady Raider and Lucky64 a couple of times and I'm pretty sure this is what they told me. Maybe one of them will jump in and confirm. There is also a place at the Park in West Cobb that goes around the ball fields but I'm not sure how long that is.
  19. Thank you for that awesome explanation. I've heard it explained before but this is the clearest yet. I loved the comment you made that I put in bold. Brought a smile to my face and totally made me chuckle. If I'd been drinking I would have made a mess of myself.
  20. Don't know if I'll be able to participate this time but if I can I will. Hubby's payday is tomorrow. Tonight he was told they might not have the funds to make payroll for a bit so I'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.
  21. I don't like regular coffee so I didn't take advantage of the Starbucks offer but I am planning on heading to Maggie Moo's later for the free Ice Cream Pizza slice and possible Subway or McDonald's. I read online that Subway is giving a free cookie (1 per customer) and I have read conflicting things online about McDonalds but did see an ad on TV backing up the BOGO free Southern Chicken Sandwich or Biscuit. One article online said it was one of the other sandwiches (Quarter pounder maybe?).
  22. That is funny. I remember when I was in my 20's and went to mail out our tax form (back before there was such a thing as e-filing which I LOVE) and seeing a line out the door at a few minutes before midnight. Depending on where you go I think as long as you arrive by midnight they will have to stamp your return with today's date. I also worked a Summer at the Post Office when I was in college and recall that the one I worked at didn't change the date stamp until a little after midnight each night. Of course now everything is electronic so that my not be an option. We filed are fed
  23. Works for me!! I'm not normally a lottery player but win or lose this is fun. Thanks for thinking of it CC.
  24. I'd like in too if I'm able to get out your way by tomorrow morning (I have a commitment from 9:30am-1pm). So if you see an envelope with my name on it I'm in. If not I still wish you all luck!
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