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Everything posted by ohmygosh

  1. boiled eggs, link sausages (what's that yuk in them?...think I know, bleh), liver (big gag..does anyone eat it anymore?), boiled okra, chicken pot pie of any sort...enough!
  2. Husband had flu shot in Oct., and New Yrs Day we were at ER with FLU. Dr said vaccine was only about 80% effective this yr. He was sick for days, then coughing up blood, horrible coughing...as he had chills and low grade fever. Sinus infection along with it. Tamiflu had him feeling better after 2 days, and much better after 5. I've never seen anyone so sick.
  3. I wish my mom was here to aggravate me and my husband, but she's not and I treasure every memory I have of her. The stress is NOT from your mother, it's from your husband and HIS attitude.
  4. husband had shot, but is on steroids for unrelated problem (which lowers immune system), and just got the flu; dr said it is only 80% reliable, which is low for a vaccine.
  5. and you are a MAN among men...your wife is one fortunate woman!!!
  6. I'm doing good with a 2 yr old, $29 printer/scanner from W.mart (ink cart. $13)....go cheap and then trash...so says Clark Howard. Look at price of ink cartridges BEFORE you buy...friend bought great printer, on sale, then found out cartridges cost $60 and she is furious at herself.
  7. Can anyone tell me what this fine young man died from? If you'd rather p.m. me, that's fine. But, please let me know. Thank you.
  8. ohmygosh

    Tablet help

    Sam's has nexus 7, google, for $199...excellent reviews
  9. No new taxes? Great. BUT, my health insurance has gone out of sight. $35 dr office visits went to $55 and specialst visits from $45 to $60. This will affect my living, since I have had cancer and still am having treatment and tests. This is unreasonable, but guess I'm paying for others who for whatever reason, have no insurance.
  10. kind of on the subject...I despise servers at restaurants asking, "are you having a good day?" or "have you dined with us previously?" I usually ask, WHY? They usually shrug and say they are told to ask. I smile, am courteous, but don't want to discuss my day or dining experience with them...intrusive & annoying & obviously FAKE to me. And I do as the OP said, I respond to Hello. How are you? with a smile and "fine, thank you." and keep walking.
  11. GA Cheese Ring (folks always rave about this and it is pretty!) Mix & chill night before: 1 lb. grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 c. pecans, chopped 1/2 c. minced onion 1 c, mayonnaise 1/4 - 1/2 c. minced celery Mold into ring before serving. Fill middle with strawberry jam. Serve with Ritz crackers.
  12. Simple. Go to a Christian bookstore for many gift ideas from ornaments, jewelry, to books of all sorts.
  13. I was in an elem. school today, where classrooms have no locks on doors; they do have doors to outside, but if a shooter was in school, no door could be locked & kids would have to run across room to outside door. Parents were all talking about how uncomfortable they were with the situation.
  14. quite a few elememtary schools in Paulding, have NO one watching who comes and goes; a sign on a door stating that visitors must check in is NOT security. Several schools have a desk in the foyer, where visitors check in, leave items for kids, check students in and out etc. Burnt Hickory Elem. seems to have the best security entrance I've seen in this county. And schools where rocks are put in outside doors to prop them open...and classrooms with no lockable doors or storage rooms...a lot of room for improvement.
  15. really wish there were more accessable bathroms, other than the one at the top of the hill...can't walk kids up the road to it; have to drive..too dangerous with so many cars. The shelter is usually locked for public bathroom use or if a group is there, they glare and say they rented the shelter AND bathroom.
  16. the Goodwill in Hiram is the most pitiful one; I have found a couple of name brand blouses, but that's it. It depends on LOCATION, for sure. I frequent a couple of GWs, and regularly see custom drapes, nice dishes, glasses,placemats etc. Recently I got a set of heavy stoneware winter scene dishes (12 plates, 12 salad plates) for about $20. I checked e-bay, and on there they would have been about $250. Have bought bikes in great condition for g.kids to use at our house. A relative buys items and resells...$15 bike he sold for $75. He has the eye for it. Oh, and last year I found a 20 dol
  17. we were in Rome late this afternoon and every store had employees out front, handing out candy to trick or treaters. The adults were VERY dressed up in wild and crazy costumes. It was wonderful!
  18. I had a major limb fall on my car hood, right after we moved into our house. We had the giant, beautiful tree cut down, since that is where g.kids play, and other limbs that hung over house that allowed squirrels access to roof. We also had tree guy check other trees'limbs carefully and had questionable ones cut down . The little guy, who is so badly hurt, was at a day care, where limbs hanging from tall, mature trees over a playground should be a legal no no.
  19. 10:00 Mt. Tabor early voting took, oh the time it took to walk in, register, and vote. That's it! No line at all.
  20. acorns and small twigs are battering our roof!
  21. leftovers from lunch at Doug's...potatoes, slaw, purple hull peas (I call them black eyed), chicken,cornbread
  22. similar incident happened to my family; items of family jewelry were precious, father's guns sentimental, but never recovered. A relative in law enforcement, said to forget it because they are fenced asap for money; that thieves don't want the items, they want $ FOR the items. No matter how determined you are, how persistant, how infuriated, sometimes you just have to get back to life.
  23. we went today at about 12:00 and it was a huge crowd (figures...lunchtime, but we were in the area); so we ate at Audry's, went back, same thing, so we left.
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