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Everything posted by ohmygosh

  1. my father built 2 or 3 in Austell; don't know if they're still there or if they've been destroyed. they were in back yards.
  2. I love your idea, BUT...I read about 15 books a month and I too, don't want to read slowly to keep up with a group nor do I want to discuss one. I pay $20 per 2 yrs. to use Cobb's libraries, since I pass them quite frequently and they have an extensive system. It's my favorite "get out of the house" place to go. Good luck!
  3. we're looking for a specific piece of furniture and the salespeople are like hungry sharks, circling the doors; no kidding, we passed one store because a salesperson was pacing inside the door with a clipboard in hand, looking out smiling at us. We understand, but geeze.
  4. I would have found someone in charge and said, "a little too dark in here, can we get a bit more light?" No one would argue with that approach.
  5. Good for you; take it easy, whether you think you need to or not! Husband went to the rehab at Paulding and enjoyed it and then also went to the one by Cobb Hospital and liked it there too. You'll be surprised at the people you'll meet.
  6. Priscilla Presley's face, the (anyone) of Beverly Hills, escargot, ice cream truck drivers
  7. so sorry; hope he is brave, as he seems to be. my little one is 15, and I dread the day. Prayed for peace for your son.
  8. NOpe, I don't trust anyone waving me on. Plus, the person being waved on, might not have been looking right into the headlights of the waver..maybe looking beyond, to left or right and didn't see the blinking. You don't know. AND, you often can't see into the car ahead, due to reflections, dark windows, to see someone's waving hands. I never look to the driver of another car for permission to turn. NEVER. Have heard too many accident stories involving such.
  9. and I'm simply wondering about the constant belittling, bullying of ZC on p.com; NOT your particular post.
  10. DFACS wouldn't touch them, unless there was no food in the home or extreme physical abuse; this is the culture of many, as you can see from the video, and that's terriblly sad.
  11. I'm wondering why bullying is allowed to continue. Just wondering.
  12. and imagine teaching these kids, who are raised by these people; everyone complaining about test scores are too low in these cities,,need to see this...parents helping at home? Don't think so. Decent food? English language? Discipline? I was once told, "my mama's gonna come sit on you". And conferences??? Whoa! Being told the poor grades were "not acceptable"...telling TEACHERS, not their kids!! No $ coming in for lunches, supplies?? But going to Chicago for Christmas...etc. Disturbing, to say the least.
  13. Goodwill in Woodstock has a large furniture section
  14. the FLU is dangerous; it is a DEAD shot, as there are no live components and it's impossible to get sick from it. So says several drs we've seen lately. One had the shot, got flu 3 wks later, but is sure it was a lighter case than if he had not had the shot. My husband had shot, flu, and dr said to stay out of crowds because he could easily pick up a virus again, have serious complications... He said anyone who thinks they got the flu from the shot, already had been exposed prior to the shot.
  15. One issue of Habitat homes built in Powder Springs was the locations. A lady I knew qualified for one and we were all thrilled; she did not accept it, after seeing the location was in a dangerous area and the elementary school was the poorest one in W. Cobb. That was sad for her. The area was definitely not middle class, nor was the school.
  16. I do know!! well, a bit
  17. let's clear all this up: IT'S ALL ABOUT MONEY; NOTHING ELSE
  18. We use Leslie's pools on Dallas Hwy for water testing; they are very nice, and when I say we only want what was necessary, nothing extra, they respect my request. After telling me what to do, giving me a paper with results and recommendations on it, I NEVER had to go back, for the same testing. They are a chain store, paid employees, not like the Brown family. Brown's was a whole different story; it was a continual back & forth adding more of this & that to counter what they had me do 2 days before, 1 man told me to ignore what the woman had told me to do the day before ($150 +) and
  19. I personally find ZC's British accent and comments to be entertaining...a lot more so than the accounts of who shot who, what is being eaten for dinner, how a toe got infected from a splinter, or why are blue lights flashing on my road. I thought it was common knowledge that many posters on websites adopt an online personna or outrageous personality, or tongue in cheek commentaries, (easy to recognize as such) and so she changes it up..so what! Nicki Minaj & Mariah Carey did so on Am Idol and both do so regularly. No difference, it's called entertainment and I for one applaud and appre
  20. speaking of tomatoes, I have to pick the seeds & slime out of the tomato slices before I eat the meat. Have always done it and been laughed at, but I don't care...it's like snot, and who wants seeds in their body?
  21. kids need to work to earn money; handouts are just that...I'll whiz in to a kids' car wash, hire them to rake leaves, etc. I won't buy candy or donuts...junk, but work? Oh yes, I'm a supporter. Parents can pay their children to do special chores at home for the money; that's what I did with mine and they saw money is EARNED.
  22. definitely Canadian side; one HUGE suggestion: wear your most comfortable shoes AND socks. I wore my Birkenstocks, and had to just trash them and walk barefooted. We went into town and bought great hiking shoes, at a big price, but it was worth it. Also, get the package to do the trolley tour, Maid of the Mist, for sure. We took a day and drove out into Ontario and loved seeing the agriculture and irrigation systems...grapes growing right by the road.
  23. be SURE to edit your settings for times, and types of alerts. I got tired of messages during the night about road closures, then a bit later about it opened back up.
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