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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Thank you...I knew it looked familiar. flower child - Peppercorns? Hmmmm...I'm gonna have to think about that 'ern.
  2. I am totally with Blondiega1 on this one, but I must say that I greatly enjoy reading on Mother's Kindle that she got for Christmas last year. I have downloaded over 1100 books to hers, all but FOUR of them free. FREE, I say. TONS of classics, and a lot of newer stuff that publishers make available in hopes of sparking interest in the latest book coming out soon. I'll look up what I wrote about it earlier when somebody asked. OK, here are my comments from earlier: Cons: You're not holding a real book. I'm such a purist that I just prefer real books. I remember going to the libra
  3. I'm not hungry...I just ate a very late lunch at Waffle House. :burp: Hijack - what IS your avatar?
  4. mei lan


    Well, it wasn't very Christian what she did, either, was it? I have an idea God is more on the side of this baby than the mother.
  5. Broccoli, celery, gotta be...VeggieTales! Lima beans, collard greens, peachy keen...VeggieTales!
  6. I will NEVER understand this kind of bone-headed thinking. So because they didn't give you a deal, they have lost HOW much of your future business? And your childrens' business? And your friends' business? HELLO...
  7. mei lan


    Huh. I figured it was because they used some sort of perforation/stitching thing to do two ply sheets together for a "quilted" effect or something, and they figured they may as well use a design. And yes, NY Gal - OVER is correct!
  8. I'm guessing they wouldn't go for that as long as it is the same physical address. But it would be worth a try.
  9. Dude. That is so racist. Or sexist. Or something.
  10. One of these things is not like the others...
  11. Here's the latest article I read about it: http://www.commentarymagazine.com/blogs/index.php/j-e-dyer/383147 I gather that the biggest concern is the camel's nose under the tent thing (opening the door to federal regulation). I remain undecided.
  12. Probably because they prorated one month and added the second month onto it. That's what happened with mine. It wasn't overcharging, but it sure looked like it!
  13. Yes, I agree. Brain injury patients, esp., are often better off in nursing homes because of the round-the-clock care AND because they do better with routines, etc. Many times Alzheimer's patients are much better off in the nursing home than ta home. God bless you for loving on your mom that way. You are awesome.
  14. That wasn't sudden. It's been talked about for a long time...it's just high-profile now because Interpol decided to hunt him down about it. With urging from the US and GB, I'm sure.
  15. You're not alone...I read 'em, too. and yes, I always wonder why they died. In some papers you can figure it out if they say something like donations can be made to x hospice or American Cancer Society..
  16. Didn't you say you don't like change? Just take a deep breath and give it awhile. I personally have been very happy with AT&T internet. They overnighted me the modem and I did it myself...easy peasy if you want to do it that way. At any rate, for people who don't like change, stuff like this is very painful. My brother and mother do not like change, so every time they have to go through something like this, they are in anguish for a good while till everything seems normal again. I'm sorry...I'm not much help, because I thrive on change. Yeah, I'm weird.
  17. Yes, I was talking about you, NOT Subby...how could anybody think Subby is evil? He's nearly as nice as Lady Raider. Which definitely means he's too nice for the likes of us'ns. Lowrider - YEA, MANNHEIM STEAMROLLER!!! Today it's been an Elvis classic Christmas CD (including - natch - Blue Christmas)...tomorrow, Mannheim Steamroller. My favorite of theirs is Silent Night...absolutely perfect. Good tunes from Subby, too!
  18. "Back to attacking"? Pcommers actually ever stopped attacking? I'm with Shananigans...work on not letting it bug you.
  19. Would that even be possible? Aren't you like evil incarnate or something?
  20. This paragraph in the letter you posted is the money paragraph to me: The proposed framework also recognizes that broadband providers must have the ability and investment incentives to build out and run their networks. Universal high-speed Internet access is a vital national goal that will require very substantial private sector investment in our 21st century digital infrastructure. For our global competitiveness, and to harness the opportunities of broadband for all Americans, we want world-leading broadband networks in the United States that are both the freest and the fastest in the wo
  21. Can't see the pics, but I'm very glad you had fun!!!
  22. OK, found this VERY interesting article which explains a lot more to me: http://biggovernment.com/pkerpen/2010/12/01/congress-must-stop-fccs-internet-regulations/ I do agree access should be equal for all, but I do NOT agree with this radical agenda of the backers of this thing. And I do not agree with the FCC regulations of same; I think something like this should go through Congress. (Not that I want their scurvy stinkin' fingers on it, either, though.)
  23. Oh, hush. Go pester somebody else afore I give y'all a bullet.
  24. Don't get me started, babe. Excellent point.
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