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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Turn out the lights; the party's over... RIP, Dandy Don. One of the good guys.
  2. WOW. Talk about a step back in time. Thanks for all that, y'all!
  3. Yeppers. I know folks just want to make a livin' any way they can, but they really do need to follow guidelines on stuff. O/T, but do you still get the Market Bulletin (assuming you ever did)? We stopped getting it when it got to be a paid thing, and I haven't thought to check on how much it is.
  4. You get the Best Idea For A New Bidness Award!
  5. Well, there you go. Y'all ain't criminals after all.
  6. I'm thinkin' fraction of a cord or cubic measure would apply to smaller amounts. Like 1/64 cord of wood, 32 cubic inches, etc. Do the small bags sold have cubic measurements on them?
  7. I'm glad y'all got a Bojangles...I love that place! I eat at the one in Acworth a good bit, and for fast food, that is some good eatin'!
  8. I say we get a flash mob together and just whoop up on Pubby and LPPT for this travesty. DAMN their evil anti-Christmas hides!
  9. Dude!!! That is AWESOME!!! Thanks for all the info.
  10. Seriously? Somebody would make a stink over a $50 bill because of Grant's pic? How lame is that? I'm a native Southerner through and through, and I've never heard of such a thing. He was a US President, for crying out loud. How dumb.
  11. Fine by me. MLB lost me when they struck, and NFL lost me a long time ago. I agree with shed - college sports is so much more interesting. 'Cept I WISH they would change to wood bats in college baseball...what is UP with those horrid aluminum bats???
  12. Officially, no, you cannot buy books from B&N for the Kindle. But as Pog says, publishers will probably have several formats. I will say this - Amazon ROCKS on their book selection, and they are adding to it all the time.
  13. My mom loves this function.
  14. I should add that the times I figured were for a fire rescue unit to reach my house...I don't know where the nearest ambulance is stationed, but I'm almost positive it's not closer than the fire station.
  15. No idea, but maybe A Friendly Geek or Cedarcrest PC will check in shortly. If not, give one of them a call.
  16. You forgot Winter Solstice. I'm so disappointed.
  17. HAHAHAHA I'm only laughing because I've so been there with my 3-year-old nephew. hahahahahaa
  18. Well, crap. What's the use of having a high-paying job if you don't live long enough to enjoy the pay? (I'm assuming high pay due to the danger, and I'm also assuming I would fall over dead of a heart attack my first day on the job. )
  19. My sister is sick as a DOG. She's RARELY sick and never misses work on account of being sick (except when she had her baby, which wasn't really sick, but you know). She's home and in bed, and you can tell she just feels HORRIBLE. The parental units and I went on a week-long cruise several years ago and a couple of hundred people (or more) got sick with that norovirus thing. The ship's personnel was meticulous in wiping down surfaces with disinfectant wipes at every turn, which I thought was great. But we washed our hands at every opportunity, and focused on not touching our faces in be
  20. I am inclined to agree. The nearest fire station to me is about 4 miles away...maybe 4 1/2. It takes me a GOOD 3-4 minutes to get out of the subdivision...that's a mile and a half (25 mph, MANY hills and sharp curves). Then to go another three miles...that'd be 3 more minutes at best, I'd think, given traffic, time of day, etc. So we're up to 6-7 minutes for me, being pretty close to one. I don't know what the industry standards are, and I don't know the particulars of Clark's operation. I'm not opposed to any auditing that needs to be done...in fact, I think that would probably be
  21. mei lan


    Yeppers. And I'm just talking about my nephews! If I had kids, I cannot imagine how much damage I would cause somebody. I always wonder where other family members are when these evil things occur. Sounds like the sperm donor isn't there. But what about grandparents? Where are the four of them? Ye gods. If I thought a daughter of mine would do something like that, I would have that baby taken away from her YESTERDAY, and then I'd kick her behind from her to Memphis at least three times a week just on principle.
  22. IIRC, that was tried somewhere in the past year at some college or other, and it was disallowed because it wasn't fair to blind students. SAY WHA??? :wacko: (I meant to add...like regular TEXTBOOKS wouldn't be the same???) Geez Louise. Whichever you choose, I'd get a cover. I bought a cover for my Mom's from Amazon (I read all the reviews, and got one of the cheaper ones, but not the Amazon one). Read the reviews to see the pros and cons, and then get the one you think will suit you best.
  23. Wow...y'all thought up some great ideas! I got nothin', but apparently y'all covered for me real good.
  24. Another dork for yer club rat cheer. I LOVE BOOKS!!!!!!!
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