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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Well, everybody else has said all the right things, so I don't have anything to add to the conversation except that a) it's just damn depressing; 2) you're in a HARD spot; and c) I'll pray for you and her, too. What a waste. WHAT. A. WASTE.
  2. What NC said, with gloves and before and after pics.
  3. I should think if you're trying to help someone build credit, the best thing to do would be to start small. Like get a secured credit card (pay an up-front amount to secure it) and then go from there. Maybe then buy a car, then pay on all those things and keep them current for awhile, etc., before you move on to something big like buying a house. But there are mortgage companies who will do manual underwriting and not just automatically exclude someone based on not much of a credit history. (Automatically, I say...they may still exclude them because they believe them to be a high risk.)
  4. I can't remember. Lady R will be along shortly, I'm sure.
  5. I had a teeny baby possum on my back stairs once...it had the prettiest blue eyes. Freaked me right out. I left it there; I guess its mother came and got it later. :endofrandomanecdote:
  6. This has the potential to be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad. Worst case scenario: Muslim Brotherhood (offshoot of Hamas) is able to install one of its leaders and Egypt will then be as hardline as Iran. (They think they don't like Mubarak now...just wait till they get a taste of that.) Then, expect the pyramids and all antiquities to be destroyed like the Taliban destroyed the ancient Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. Then, as lowrider mentions, there's the Suez Canal. Dear God in heaven. This could get reeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad. Thank the Lord we have Jimmy Carter II as President. :ro
  7. Don't bes lookin' at me fer that. I ain't got no monies, but I ain't not payin' on a mortgage, neither. And you can BELIEVE anything I do frivolous while I'm in bad financial condition is free or homey don't do it.
  8. Mubarak is no saint, but if the radical Muslim Brotherhood (offshoot of Hamas) manages to install one of their own as head of Egypt, you can well expect not just another Achmadinejad of Iran, BUT the pyramics and all ancient relics to be destroyed like the Taliban destroyed the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan a number of years ago. They think Mubarak's bad...wait till they get a taste of the Muslim Brotherhood if that happens. (God forbid.) At least we have Bibi Netanyahu in Israel holding down the fort (for all of us).
  9. It does INDEED explain a lot. I knew some of it, but not all of it. I remember the nine CEOs of the banks when Hank Paulson and GW summoned them to the WH in the fall of 2008 and Paulson told them they weren't leaving until they signed onto the bailout/TARP/whatever. I would have told them to find me a bed, because I wouldn't have signed. Period. I'm telling you...I don't think we have any idea of the sort of mess this country is in economically. And that's not even counting our debt load to China. :headstolocalbartogetdrunk:
  10. OH, how I do agree with everything you said!!! Yes, the ones I'm talking about are the honest, hard-working folks who didn't overbuy, but just ran into hard times. The others should be kicked out on their butts, but OTOH, since the stupid banks shouldn't have loaned them the money anyway (but were forced to by gubment decree dating back to Jimmah Cahtah) deserves to lose their shirts on this. But back to the hard-working folks...those are the cases I just don't get. Folks doing everything they can to do right by their lenders, and the lenders treating them like crap. :sigh:
  11. I am as conservative and as free-market-capitalist as you can get. But I just don't get these financial institutions. I'm not for mass regulation, but DANG...every story I hear (and I have some, too) is just HORRENDOUS as to how these folks treat customers. I am to the point of deciding NEVER EVER to get a loan or mortgage again. It's just not worth the hassle and grief and hateful treatment.
  12. I know that. I meant otherwise. He did have a GA license; but he's in northern TN and didn't use it enough to pay him to keep it. To clarify - I meant COMPANIES crossing state lines, such as BC/BS of Tennessee, one of the highest-rated companies in health ins. (Every state's BC/BS is different, as I understand it.) So he couldn't sell that one here, no matter what his license.
  13. WOW!!! That is an amazing feat. I may consider such a thing for a month or two to get me focused. Hmmm...might be a good idea to do it now before Chick-fil-A's peach shakes come back.
  14. TWINS!!!!!!! I LOVE organ music, and esp. pipe organs. I like theater organs as well, but pipe organs - LAWSY!!! I, too, would like to study. (Yes, we are geeeeeeks...but cultured geeks. )
  15. I'm sitting here pondering going to bed. But not sleepy, so maybe I'll keep cleaning out my filing cabinet. I LOVE going to bed knowing that something major has been cleaned/organized!!! Subster - you back to work yet? I'm still just so happy about that!
  16. Well, if they'd ever let companies sell across state lines ( ), I'd refer you to my brother, who sells in TN. He recommends term in most cases. Oh, I just remembered - I dealt with a guy over on Cedarcrest for health ins., and was very impressed with him. Red Taylor is his name...here's his web site: http://www.redtaylor.org/about.html
  17. Good advice. I caught such a charge a year or so ago and nipped it post haste,.
  18. I've heard of it and read it. Don't subscribe, but I liked it pretty well.
  19. WHOA...I'll have to wait a bit to read this...I'm too busy to break down crying right now. A dear friend of mine has a Down's son, and he is the most precious thing. :sniff:
  20. I know there are two sides to every story, and while surepip's story sounds convincing to me, I know there could be more to it. BUT what hacks me completely off is that by his own admission, he has been willing to settle from the beginning, but NOOOOOOOO...instead, our tax dollars have been poured down a frickin' rat hole to the tune of $1,300,000 to fight this thing over the course of 4+ years. THAT is what has me steamed, and THAT is what I'm ready to do something about.
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