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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. COULD NOT AGREE MORE. I would also note that 38 Democrats, 33 Republicans and 2 Independents voted to end the Ethanol subsidy. Both senators from CA and both senators from OK voted NOT to end it. Yeah, now tell me about pork barreling. Chaps my behind, it does.
  2. First-hand knowledge here. Remember a couple of years ago when the really vicious storms came through? I counted SEVEN houses immediately surrounding me and my next-door neighbor whose roofs were replaced. Only one of those seven was insured with State Farm, and it was the guy on the other side of my next-door neighbor. My next-door neighbor and I were each denied by SF TWICE, and we each had leaks. I've seriously considered changing companies, but Allstate couldn't beat SF's price the last time I checked. I may check again sometime soon...SF gave me extreme grief over a car wreck
  3. What she said. I say it all the time, and mean it. I want those I love to KNOW without a doubt I love them. Even my father, who was not a very demonstrative man, said it to us all the time. I know some folks are more reserved, but it means a LOT to hear "I love you" from someone that important to your life.
  4. Oh, cool! Your faces look so happy in the pic is the best part.
  5. That, AND that government officials do not understand how to get along with less than they have had in the past. I'm still steamed about the money being spent for the study of the proposed 4-lane road (starts out two lanes to be widened to four later) to run between Cedarcrest and 92 (two two-lane roads) about a mile from where said roads intersect. If it comes to fruition, it will be a $10M road. Yes, please, let's do that...that's really needed right now. GAH!!!
  6. So what do you get if you win? Great pic on the site, btw.
  7. I just checked it out on the map - is that the oil place before the new bridge road? I didn't realize they sold gas for cars...
  8. I love to watch Barrett Jackson auctions. :geeeeeeeeeeeeeek:
  9. I voted now that I'm home. :shakingdustoffacebookoffmyfeet:
  10. Listen, missy. Don't you worry about those animals. 'Cause that Silver Comet Trail is gonna get fixed! /sarcasm off (Yes, yes, I know it's a different pot of money, blah blah blah crap crap crap into infinity and beyond. Don't tell me there aren't OTHER ways they could cut. GAH!!!)
  11. Yeah, I didn't get that, either.
  12. Of course you're not a complete idiot. You hang out with us.
  13. Ditto. That, and the fact that the developer was doing the work, wanted the land SP had, bulldozed where he wanted in violation of various things, and said oh well. Then the county wouldn't make it right. And has refused to make it right ever since. Again, whatever a jury would decide is up to the jury. What I find UTTERLY APPALLING is that it has never been allowed to go to a jury trial.
  14. mei lan


    The one on 7 Hills is closed on Thursdays as well.
  15. You talking sq. ft. of the residence, or sq. ft. of the underside of the roof you're covering?
  16. I'll gladly back you up next time you go on a punching spree. I do hear from parents of that age children that SO MUCH of the stuff in the stores is geared this way, but don't EVEN bother to tell me you can't find something suitable for a kid to wear that doesn't make her look like a slut. It maybe be a little (or a lot) harder to find, but I guarantee you can find it. And if there's a market for it, somebody will fill it.
  17. First, I totally agree with your not telling him in the middle of everything. What would that have accomplished for the good? Nothing. Second, I used to think the same thing about people dying suddenly. But I must tell you this - I helped care for my father as he lay dying of a terminal illness. He was sick for five years before he died, and really, horribly bad for the last year of his life. I sat by his bed watching him suffer and held his hand and knew there was not a damn thing I could for him. (I'm crying now, and it's been nearly four years since he walked on ahead.) After tha
  18. Doesn't sound like what I had. Mine was all GUT-related, and it hit fast and hard.
  19. My allergies have been going wild as well, dang it.
  20. If you get one, I'd best get one, too. 'Cause if'n I don't, I'm gonna hit you over the head and take yours.
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