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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. LOVELY!!! Mornings like this make me totally happy. Flowers blooming, it just rained, and all's right with the world. :happysigh:
  2. I read this when it first came out, and it is sickening. But I am so not surprised, considering what went on with him before the election. Par for the course. HOW AND WHEN ARE WE GOING TO BE ABLE TO GET OFFICIALS IN OFFICE WHO ARE STATESMEN??? GAH!!! (Yes, yes, and stateswomen, lest somebody be offended.)
  3. I guess it depends on what kind of rancher he is. I grew up on a small farm and we always had beef from one of the cows Daddy had. Let me tell you - aside from the bison at Ted's Montana Grill, I have NEVER EVER tasted beef that good. I was beyond college before I ever had a steak in a restaurant, and it was HORRIBLE. I had no idea how good we had it all those years when we thought we were poor. And, for those who are annoyed by this, I am a steak afficionado, and not only do I want my steak medium well, I eat it with Heinz 57. Hrmph. Oh, good point. Ours were always small
  4. Littering is BEYOND RUDE. I used to live in Smyrna near some apts. whose residents would walk past my house to get home. Every day or two, I would have to pick up trash out of my front yard. One day I even found a dirty diaper. A DIRTY DIAPER!!! Who does that?!?!?!? Sheesh...
  5. DAMN that e.coli. 'Cause if not for that, I'd sure want chickens around my pool.
  6. YES!!!!!!! This is BEYOND RUDE!!! Also, some people are overweight NOT due to sitting on the sofa eating bon-bons and watching TV. Some people have actual medical issues and/or other major stress factors in their lives. Might be nice to walk a mile in somebody's shoes before slamming them.
  7. Truer words were never spoken, dearest.
  8. I will mull this over. Meanwhile, I will give you a major point, and that is that I have no doubt whatsoever that anybody gave any thought to consequences, implementation, or anything else when writing this law. Politicians as a lot are the panderingest bunch of wankers who ever breathed a breath.
  9. My favorite part of that song is that last line where she says "the next time he cheats, it won't be on me." DAMN STRAIGHT. Homey ain't puttin' up with that crap.
  10. Yeah, they can go in our group, too. My friend Pam says somebody should invent a Slapping Machine, and we can put stupid people in it when they need to be slapped. She's generally referring to BRITney Spears, or somebody like that, but we can nominate anybody we like, can't we? I've already got me a pretty good list started for when I get a Slapping Machine.
  11. I guess I am missing this point. If they're legal, why on earth would they care? If I were a legal immigrant who was already working in the fields, I'd be thrilled, because that would mean more opportunities for me. Yeah, so I have to show my papers. Don't they already have to show their papers anyway if asked? I, a natural born citizen, have to show my papers every time I start a new job and at my latest job, I was run through the e-verify system. So, I don't get how this new law is a slap at LEGAL immigrants. Is this a cultural thing? Is it a throwback to their fear of LE in their
  12. Dude. You know about dino bedding? That's pretty gay...
  13. I'm going to add nutters as a sub-group under stupid people. Not people that have mental illness...I am referring to people who seem to willfully just behave like morons.
  14. Yeah, I count them as a sub-group of stupid people. I saw a great t-shirt the other day on a 20yo slacker dude eating lunch at Arby's: "bored, lazy and hungry/looking for girlfriend or band" HAHAHAHAHAA
  15. Stupid people. How's that for a blanket pet peeve? Pretty much goes for my every-day pet peeve.
  16. This thread could be an episode of Seinfeld.
  17. Good suggestions on the bail thingy.
  18. Agreed on all points. (Not to worry about not responding here. I figured you saw the articles, which was my intent.) I do hope all this (different cases/decisions, apparently) puts a major dent in these Righthaven people's MO. I'm such a chicken, I just post links anymore. :shrug:
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