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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Is there somewhere I can check myself into, like one of those old-timey sanitariums where the orderlies would push the patients around in those big old white wicker wheelchairs to rest in the sun? On account of I'm tired of everything. :sigh:
  2. Oh, Blondie, you're just lookin' for a reason to be a pervert. (And I'm about to that place, too...DANG, but we need the rain! I'm sick of everything burning up every dadgum summer!!!)
  3. I'm sorry for your loss, too, but what better thing could be said of someone? I'm so glad he was the kind of man to be missed.
  4. No. We haven't had rain here in NE Paulding in 487 days. And I never exaggerate.
  5. As a rule, I don't want them influencing elections. I am, however, for freedom of speech, and if a company wishes to spend money on advertising, etc., I don't wish to hinder them. RE: in charge of health care - I would much rather companies be in charge of health care vs. the government being in charge of it. The military is the only thing I can think of that the government does even barely well, and there's a ton of waste in that.
  6. NO. I want WE THE PEOPLE in charge of things that are important to our nation and culture.
  7. And then there are some of us who are salaried but who have micro-managing bosses who get their knickers in a twist if we are 2.5 minutes late. Never mind that I have ALWAYS worked overtime as a salaried worker with no complaints, I look for work to do when I run out of work, and I always help out my co-workers when they need it. Oh, and I often come in early as well, esp. if the workload is heavy. I work in an environment like NC-17 describes, and there's no real business need for me to be at my desk at x hour, as long as I get my job done. But they have harped on it so to the point that
  8. Of course! But that's how my kitteh sleeps, being the fraidy cat that she is.
  9. I did note the degree in EE from GT...dang, that right there oughtta be worth a vote.
  10. OH EM GEE - you're a yankee!!! FTR, we love our yankees. (Disagreeable damnyankees are the ones we don't like.) Welcome! I'm not a resident of Dallas, but I always love to see good, honest, community-minded people run for office.
  11. I have seen my fair share of that. I also have the same opinion of Carroll as some others. :sigh:
  12. You wouldn't have to. It was to be a controlled-access 4-lane down the west side of the county for truckers to have easy access to 278 and then on down to I-75 south of Atlanta.
  13. That's the way I understood the original proposal. Hmmm.
  14. My toddler nephew's father was killed in a car accident when he was 14 months old. He's had night terrors ever since. He's now 4, and they've gotten less and less frequent, but he still has the occasional one. I should also add that before and after his death there were some SIGNIFICANT stressors in the lives of those around him that his tiny self would have picked up on, which probably didn't help. Bless his heart...it's the most heart-wrenching thing to watch.
  15. Great photos. Your daughter must be thrilled. Memories of such a marvelous occasion should be well-documented, and it looks like those were. Awesome.
  16. Wow. You handled it very well (I would have been speechless...I am not a shrinking violet, but many times I don't respond well "in the moment"). I'm glad the man walked you to your car. What a nutcase!?!?!
  17. Not me. Too much waxing needed. (Never mind the pricetag and modesty...)
  18. At least my bra straps weren't showing.
  19. I was aiming for your butt. Guess I need some target practice.
  20. Good to see you feeling better, dude. :hugs: (but not too tight...don't want Blondie huntin' me down...)
  21. Yowsa. Been there, babe. :sigh:
  22. Somebody shoulda called the popo on that kid so they could give him a good beat-down. (Sorry...couldn't help myself.) Also, at NC-17 in the sleeveless 666 shirt with bikini bottoms and rubber boots. Rubbing her hiney on a tree for Blondie.
  23. I saw that. I totally cried. What a marvelous gesture. I truly wish this young man could recover.
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