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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Honestly, I've heard more stories like yours than I could shake a stick at. HOW RUDE!!! I mean, truly - HOW RUDE!!!!!!! I don't care how "high society" she is, BAD MANNERS ARE BAD MANNERS, and are simply INEXCUSABLE!!! She should be ashamed.
  2. Beautifully said, dearest.
  3. Wow. Thanks for the update. Having been through this with my father, I will state for the record, that this is indeed a blessing. I'm so glad y'all were with her. God bless you.
  4. Well, while IF everything the girl did is true (as stated in the e-mail), the MIL is absolutely correct in saying it; however, it would have served her (MIL) well not to have written the letter. She could have taken the girl aside for a quiet conversation (with her son present) about what was bothering her. The girl sounds like a veriest ill-mannered twit. BUT inasmuch as the MIL may want to change that, in writing what she did, she only succeeded in a) alienating her son if he is indeed obsessed with this girl, and 2) totally alienating the girl. There were better ways of handling her con
  5. You could if you record and pause it to read like normal people do. Wait a minute...
  6. Ooh...I really like the way you think.
  7. I dunno...my SIL and sister both have always vacationed with their kids as babies and didn't have any out-of-the-ordinary problems. Just the trip there is kinda annoying. Some people prefer to travel at night so the kidlets sleep. Or just plan on stopping a bunch of times on the way down, and plan on keeping him dry/fed/cool/whatever makes him happy.
  8. Er...TANSTAAFL is the correct acronym, I believe. There AIN'T no such thing as a free lunch.
  9. Aw!!!!!!!!! :wub: What a sweet picture! I love your animals...
  10. I believe SHE can afford to help pay for his flights if her pay is doubled for the year. But if he's cool with it, what do we even care? What she said. Natch.
  11. OK, surepip, here's my question - where do you go from here? Does he schedule a jury trial then for the suit? I hope they (we) have to pay every last cent of your legal fees because of the violation of the statute, but what does all this mean for the progression of the suit? I hate this. I swear, I hate this whole thing. I hope he wipes the floor with them. Either which way, I am going to make my feelings known (again) to my commissioner and Mr. Austin. What a frickin' travesty. Pathetic.
  12. OK, Pubs...you're off the hook re: surepip. For now. :squintingsuspiciously: :stillgivingyouthestinkeye:
  13. SOMEBODY BETTER TELL US!!! :GAH!!!!!!!: Or I am never speakin' to y'all again. Ever. :pout:
  14. Pubby best be workin' on a story about surepip or he might get a black eye. Just sayin'.
  15. We've been stood up. I'm never going out with him again! Hrmph.
  16. Did I miss something? I don't recall her saying he waived child support or that he wouldn't see him.
  17. Yeah, I'm kinda with you on that one. And YEAH, PUBBY - were you there?!?!? Somebody needs to be givin' us an update! Forget supper!
  18. OH EM GEE!!! :squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: We love him! (OK, well, not really, but this is great!!!)
  19. Stop posting in this healthcare thread and get over to the court case thread and tell us what happened.
  20. Thanks, Whitey. Peachesga - How could he make Bandido's close? Truly curious...not being snarky.
  21. Which one? She changes it like 3 times a week. I haven't seen her this week, though, I don't think.
  22. Common Sense, thy name is BabeCake.
  23. Awesome. Is Stinson a local dude, or is he from another county?
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