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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Still no news. Maybe our taxpayer-funded lawyers are having surepip's lawyer read bills line by line again all frickin' day in court.
  2. I KNOW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAa I like this idea and the one above about flying ex over for several visits during the year.
  3. I think most of the celebrities out there who supposedly tweet aren't doing their own...I think it's prolly publicists or staff.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAA Classically awesome! Or awesomely classic! HAHAHAHAHAHAA
  5. Well, that's a good start. Tight schedule, but doable. Keep us posted.
  6. This would be the kicker for me. If the ex would agree, it would be a fantastic opportunity. BUT a lot would hinge on his agreeing. How long do you have to decide?
  7. And the Queen got an ipad. Wills and Harry showed her how they use theirs, and she liked it.
  8. My thought as well! I wondered if I should go bond Blondie out of jail. hahahahahaaaa
  9. Are you thinking of that house in Decatur several years ago? IIRC, the dude wanted to modify his front porch stoop from square to round (keeping the same area), and the Historical Commission or somebody denied him, so he painted his house some odd color and added big polka dots...I loved it! What maroons.
  10. OH, how I wish I could leave work and sit in the courtroom. I'd love to sit there holding up a big ol' mean sign, but that would just get me thrown out. Please keep us posted. :sigh:
  11. People, people. Do not feed the troll.
  12. I find it interesting that in all these discussions of what's wrong with our healthcare system, people seldom mention TORT REFORM. If lawsuits were common-sensically limited and losers had to pay court costs, malpractice insurance would come down, needless CYA tests/procedures would vastly decline, and prices would settle to a much more reasonable rate. But the ABA ain't gonna allow that... Mr. Dis - good point about the defense spending.
  13. He can refuse the additional test. I say find another doctor. Of course, I'm just ornery like that. :heh: DOH...twins with Bwitchy. (Should I be skeert? )
  14. Yep...sorry...left that part out.
  15. One item not talk about much is that beginning in 2014, there will be a 3.5% tax on each real estate transaction per this bill. Alrighty, then.
  16. Forgot about that, NYG - we do the same thing (programmable thermostat and ceiling fans).
  17. May have to do with when/how your house was constructed. I used to live in a 900 sf house in Smyrna. I kid you not - when I moved to this 3200 sq ft house my utilities stayed the same in most cases, and dropped in others. But this house is only 18 years old, and the Smyrna house was built in 1930 and had virtually NO insulation.
  18. mei lan


    It should ask you during the set-up process for Outlook. Edited to add that I hate Outlook...I use it at work because I have to, but I use Thunderbird at home and love it.
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