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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. MY KIND OF GIRL!!! I love that story!!!
  2. I have never heard of this animal. Where abouts is it located?
  3. NO. Saith the grouch who's busy with yard work and housework and doesn't have time for fun. Hrmph.
  4. I wish I knew what the heck was going on around here. On second thought.........nah.
  5. Some big 'uns headed this way up about the TN line right now... I was gonna cut my grass when I get home, but maybe not... But hey, I'll take it! We have been too dry for too long!
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA I love it. hahahahahahaah :wipingtearsfrommyeyes:
  7. Was this after she was released from the hospital the other day, or was she ever released and this was before Caped Crusader's update information? Either way, that is crap! I know she's different, but that's just plain assault and battery.
  8. OW!!! Needles in my forehead? By choice? I DON'T THINK SO!!!
  9. I'm with you, Tabs. That baby didn't ask to be brought into this world, and she certainly didn't deserve the death she died. SHE is the one I feel sorry for, period.
  10. This is my thinking as well. And I'm not even a post-menopausal prude.
  11. I don't have a problem with travel for Presidents and their families. Generally. I think the White Trash from Arkansas outdid everybody in that category. Kuntry Come T' Town. :rollingeyes: OK, here's a few MO pics. Picture #1 - WIN. Except for the teal shoes. I wish she had chosen shoes the same color as her gloves...would have looked much better. But still a win. Picture #2 - Win. However, because she's standing next to the Duchess of Cambridge who looks absolutely FABU in a dress bought off the rack at a retailer, she doesn't look as good, even though she's wearing a designer d
  12. I don't guess I have a thought as to what is "proper", but in this day and age, if I were to meet someone cold and they asked me out, I would only consider a date at lunch in a very public place. Probably for the first two or three dates as well. I'm a chicken. But there's lots of creepy people out there masquerading as nice people, and I don't want to put myself in a bad situation.
  13. Yeah, I don't see her as being either classy or approachable. But I do like her fashion sense...about half the time. The other half - YOWSA!!! She's either really, really on or really, really off.
  14. I would also point out that there's a difference between a neurologist (doesn't do surgery) and a neurosurgeon (does do surgery). I should think a neurologist could diagnose whatever needs doing, but he would refer for surgery either way. And why, yes, I have indeed seen a few episodes of House.
  15. I agree, and I didn't. I voted for John what'shisname (the Libertarian). Yes, I know that was a vote for Deal, but I dislike Barnes as much as I dislike Deal (but for different reasons), and I have decided I am NOT going the "lesser of two evils" thing again. MOND. John Mond. Or Monds. Dang...now I'm going to have to look it up because it'll bug me. Edited to add that it's Monds.
  16. BTW, Blondie - Daddy wouldn't let us name our cows for this very reason. He didn't want us to know who we were eating.
  17. Ditto...sorry I didn't differentiate. I meant the tone of the book was dark. Which was necessary, because God knows, it was a dark and desperate time. Which is also part of what makes the book good. I just can't read very much darkness without it adversely affecting me. (I absorb negativity like a sponge. I hate that about me. )
  18. I should clarify that I loved the writing style, and I loved most of the other characters. But I just hated Scarlett. And I don't do dark real well. I can do it some, but not a lot.
  19. I should hope you aren't in for a spanking. I like your posts. Arnold the Pig will save you.
  20. I AM SO OFFENDED!!! I can't believe Pubby hasn't had you arrested yet!!! (It's been awhile since I tried to stir up some trouble. ) I do read historical books, but generally not historical novels. Although, Celia Garth is a favorite of mine from childhood. I don't like GWTW, though. A travesty, I know. My sainted mother has threatened to disown me on account of it. But it's dark (and yes, I know the times were dark, but still), and the main character is completely unlikeable. FWIW, I have my background set on gray, so I can't see your post unless I highlight
  21. Ugh. Generally, I think I was born 30 years too early, and would go back to say, 1930 to be born. BUT that would be before the advent of modern medicine, I'd have to live through the Great Depression and WWII, and so I don't think I wanna go back. Don't wanna go forward, either. What if it's bad? I'd rather not know. I'm a chicken.
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