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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Somewhere in South Georgia. I'm guessing Okeefenokee, but the video doesn't say. But GAH!!! If you listen closely, you can hear some of their heads hitting the bottom of the boat...I'm pretty sure they were trying to move out of the way, but still. GAH!!!
  2. How does Edisto compare to Hilton Head?
  3. How stupe!! I've never heard of such. Of course, I had parents who made sure we learned how to get on in the world. I'm a total right-brained chick, but I can do math. And I did pass algebra and geometry with pretty good grades. (Didn't have to take any more than that, thank the Lord.)
  4. Yeah, I seem to recall that this has been a big deal in DeKalb in years past.
  5. Investors are snapping up properties, but perhaps the more salient point is that inventory is low for desirable (i.e., non-distressed) properties. Lots of buyers don't want the hassle of waiting for a short sale or foreclosure.
  6. OHHHHHH. Got it. I have adblock, so I don't see ads. I also don't go to the main page.
  7. While responding to Curious Scorpio's topic, I was looking for a sample ballot, and can't find on anywhere (sos.georgia.gov or paulding.gov). Anybody know where one is? Oh, I put this in the internet cafe. Mods, move if necessary.
  8. You could prolly say that about every GOP candidate for every office. (Not all, I'm sure, but most.) If you're not gonna vote GOP, what do you care? I mean, I don't care that you care...I'm just wondering. Is Paulette against gay marriage? Or Melissa Morrison? Why single out James? For the record, Paulette's web site doesn't state her beliefs on this issue, and I can't find a web site for Melissa Morrison. Her FB entry states she is conservative and Christian, but doesn't state her position on issues. (Caveat: This was what I could get to on the public FB page. I no longer have
  9. I feel like throwing up every time I think about it. How utterly horrible for every person involved.
  10. You should know the Doctor Is Always Right. It's NOT YOUR SINUSES. Silly girl.
  11. If you have to tell people you're not a serial killer... TWINS! (duh)
  12. I heartily support organ donation, but I already have a vanity plate.
  13. I always return money; my parents taught me well. WFAL - good for you!
  14. Europeans and people in other countries do it all the time. I only have one cousin I'd even THINK about marryin', and he's already spoke fer. And Lucky, this is just for you. :hugs:
  16. This doesn't change anything for me. I was already voting for JK Rogers.
  17. I love RFD TV altogether! And yes, I do watch Hee Haw from time to time. Good to see you, sweets. I figgered you were way busy with real estate. Good to hear from you.
  18. I'm in NE Paulding. Ours went from 6 to 5, buy State Farm said nah, it didn't help. So ins. went up again, albeit not by nearly as much as some others. I expect my taxes to be higher again this year as well. The Fire Tax fiasco was simply a travesty. I know we can't do anything about it now, but I just wanted to state my feelings again on the topic.
  19. freecreditreport.com is NOT a free site. You can either go to each agency's web site to get them individually, or go to annualcreditreport.com to get all three for free.
  20. My mother is a retired microbiologist and a voracious reader, and she can't spell worth a crap either. The other day she asked me how to spell frail. She's forever asking things like that, like how to spell weather. The funniest one of late was when she found out penguin is spelled with a g and she said that's not right, and I said (looking at her askance) yes it is, and she said I have always thought penguin was spelled with a q. I said well then it would be a penquin, Mother. We're still laughing over that one. Good joke, Blondie. RE: dangling participles, yes they bother me a
  21. Hmmm...I'm startin' to think this Britaini apple didn't fall far from the RhondaW tree. And that's a good thing.
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