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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. There's a quilting club at the Sr. Center (or used to be). I've donated fabric scraps to them before, and they have some awesome quilts on display (or did).
  2. Oh, this is my very best recurring nightmare ever! Driving in the rain over a bridge that's headed uphill; bridge has no rails and is only as wide as the car. It's raining, and the water below is murky. GAH!!!!!!! :shudder: Took me a loooooooooooooong time to get there. I am a very self-sufficient person who can generally handle whatever comes my way. Geez Louise...I cannot describe the feeling of utter panic and sheer terror of KNOWING I was going to die. Even after I knew I wasn't. Awful, terrible feeling.
  3. Sadie, you are just NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD. Dang it. Now I have to try to forget I ever saw that.
  4. Hmmm...it sounds like you are foxed.
  5. This!!! I don't know what was worse...KNOWING WITHOUT A DOUBT that I was dying, or the fear of having the panic return. It was awful. Meds helped get me to a safe place...now I do a lot of cognitive behavior self-talk stuff. I also recognize the signs WAY WAY earlier than I used to. It's an awful, horrible, terrifying thing to happen, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. BTW - my dr. says men are susceptible to them as much as women. My uncle was plagued with them as well.
  6. Congratulations, chica! I pray for all to go well with everything.
  7. I remember, PC. I prayed for you a lot before and after he passed away. What a beautiful testament to who he is that you are so grieved by his walking on ahead.
  8. We're with American (who Liberty merged with) and we're happy with the service and the price. If they start going up, we'll say something, but I'm much more pleased with them than with the OP's company, who we switched from.
  9. Brilliant customer service there. Also on the part of the non-helpful business who will be losing your future business. Duh...
  10. I have nothing to add to the conversation, but when I first saw your topic, I thought you were needing help finding bats' eyelashes. I figured hey - she must be cookin' up some sort of potion or spell...who would be able to find eyelashes from a bat? (Yes, I am a dork.)
  11. Hmmm...sounds like a great name for a rock band (Climate Change and the Heat Waves).
  12. Y'all tell me when the fight is over. I don't like seeing blood. :hidingmyeyes:
  13. I do see your point, but whatever I miss, I don't care about. I do think this will moderate a bit in the future, though. There are MANY who are not on FB who are getting tired of the same thing.
  14. SHUT UP, YOU!!! Blabbing all that common sense all over the place. Why, I oughtta... 10-4. I work mostly from home now, thank the Lord...small company with a great outlook.
  15. Thanks! It could be in one of three retail things I'm thinking of, so I'll check it out.
  16. Where is that one? It's closer to me...
  17. Small employer or large? I could have telecommuted at least 75% of the time at a couple of previous jobs, but the employers were absolutely, totally inflexible, and that included flextime (going in early or late and working till early or late).
  18. I think employers allowing/encouraging telecommuting/work from home would be a huge help in the traffic turmoil. Larger employers are often decent about this, but smaller employers that I know of almost exclusively refuse to even consider it for any employee/job for any reason.
  19. Damn skippy. I'm with momof3 (duh). Ain't no way. There are any number of books, but also a couple of great episodes of Criminal Minds (Shemar Moore...:DROOL:...but I digress) that showcase the dangers of not paying attention on these sites.
  20. Awesome charges. I agree with Zoo (which I do from time to time, so you're in the clear, Blondie) that I hope they have enough evidence. But one thing makes me think they have enough evidence - this is DeKalb County...generally the best place to commit a major crime if you don't want to do the time. But I like what I've seen of this DA...he seems to know his business.
  21. I'm jealous. :pout: (But it sounds like a great weekend! Kudos to your husband!)
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