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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Staph infection. Short for stapholococcus (according to my geek mother).
  2. If I'm not mistaken, this bacteria is everywhere all the time. It's just that most people aren't susceptible to it because our immune systems are up. But for whatever reason, those folks's immune systems allowed it to take hold, esp. in the case of Copeland, who was not given any antibiotics for at least the first 24 hours. I should think a string trimmer kicking up a rock could cause a groin injury.
  3. mei lan


    YES YES YES!!! I have often thought the same thing...they are GREAT together (as well as Rowan Atkinson...did you ever see any of the Black Adder series?...hilarious!). I do look forward to him doing comedy. He is one of the best actors alive today, IMHO.
  4. The stories I've read (take that for what it's worth) indicated she wasn't given antibiotics. They said she was stapled up and told to take ibuprofen or tylenol for the pain. One of the following visits they gave her oral antibiotics, but it was probably raging by that time. My mom (retired microbiologist) says protocol would have been to clean the wound thoroughly (flushing with saline or something) and then pack the tissue with antibiotics before closing the wound. Also, hang an IV bag of antiobiotics while they were doing that, and send her home with oral antibiotics. This is why yo
  5. THIS!!! Yes, I know God can change anybody's heart, but I wouldn't believe it real until they'd been changed 10 years or more. And if he were to change, let some other girl take the risk. I love that old saying - women marry men thinking they will change, and men marry women thinking they won't change. He is what he is. Not someone you want or need in your life. PS - CrabbyDaddy just ain't right.
  6. TWINS (as we know). I'm trying to simplify my life, and that just does not fit. Also - y'all know that I'm ultra psycho pretty darn conservative, but ridiculous provocative crap (esp. unsubstantiated) just gets on my last nerve no matter which side it's coming from.
  7. mei lan


    Agreed. However, I just can't get myself worked up over it.
  8. My thoughts EXACTLY. What a chicken-you-know-what thing to do. And they dare call themselves business leaders? I'd have voted for the pay cut, because it's just not in me to help lay off 40 people, but I'd have my resume going out the door six ways to Sunday and be out of there ASAP. What a bunch of losers.
  9. I'm so sorry, honey, but trust me on this...I am the world authority on betrayal grief, and you WILL be fine. Everyone else's comments were good, and I would only add GIVE IT TIME. That old saying that time heals all wounds is mighty close to the mark. The major exception to that is if you refuse to forgive him and become bitter But time makes an unbelievable difference. I wouldn't get involved with anyone else anytime soon, and I would use this time to examine what he's really like and what you could have done differently and signed you may have missed. (I'm a BIG BIG BIG believer
  10. I just found out Rogers was running a few days ago. I'm voting for him.
  11. Well, I'm just now seeing this, and everyone else has already given you great advice. I'll keep you in my prayers. You will be fine...others are correct...this happening can only be good.
  12. Four kids in the same year. Twice. And the eldest is 14. I swear, you just can't make this stuff up. I thought this was going to be about a sperm donor who has fathered dozens of children (which is a real concern, considering those children don't know who their siblings are). Dude just be spreadin' the love...
  13. Oh, dear Lord. I'm in love. What a great thing, and I'm so glad you are involved with him. My 5yo nephew's father was killed in a car accident when he was 14 months old, so we have to work around stuff. But good for you for being so involved, and for involving him in such a quality organization.
  14. Agreed. Seemed like a fine lady, and a MARVELOUS voice.
  15. I think booing (and any other such hollering and noise) at such an occasion is just plain tacky. But I don't think he is a child. I KNOW!!! It's kinda like that gypsy wedding stuff. I hate it, but I keep returning.
  16. I hope she is located safe and sound. Don't like the sound of it.
  17. What? It's not real? Does this mean that the email I got from Mr. Barzawani from Nigeria offering me $4,000,000 if I'd send him $2,500 to process it isn't real, either?
  18. Seriously? $29M? Yeah, I wanna know, too. 'Cause I haven't been that impressed with him (including the same-ol', same-ol' handling of surepip's suit).
  19. I have a Cobb liberry card since I live right on the county line, and didn't expect to like this new library. But I love it! I'm thinking of not renewng my Cobb card when it expires later this year.
  20. I like it, too. I'm very happy for you, DGITW. Woo hoo!
  21. I don't know what business leaders you're referring to, but the ones I know of who do this sort of thing wouldn't give a rat's patootie about what anybody thinks. The ones I know of do it at places like Chateau Elan. I personally think it's a vulgar and sexist practice, and I have zero respect for the companies I know of who do it (and it just fits in with the other things I know about them). But as S&D's Nana said, it's a private tournament...free country and all that. Might be worth a chat with the golf course PTB, though.
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