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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'd rather it go to some woman with three kids whose husband died or ran off and she can only find a job as a Waffle House waitress. But if I had to choose between the PhD chick and the skid row dude, yes, I'd choose him. I do not disagree with you here at all. I just don't care to see my tax dollars subsidizing such.
  2. Dude. You know I like you, but that just didn't make a bit of sense. I don't think she's a failure as a human being, and I don't think she ought to commit suicide. I think she's got just as much right to live here and major in medieval history as the next guy. I just don't want to pay for her upkeep when she decides to cling to that major when there is a lack of demand for it in her area. She could move to where there IS a demand, she could get another job (my sister has three jobs), or whatever. I'd just prefer my hard-earned tax dollars go for people who really are down and out because
  3. And she's on food stamps and Medicaid. As GB said, it's the entitlement mentality.
  4. Yeah, baby. I knew I liked you.
  5. I think there were a couple of those. ETA that I have a motion sensor linked to my alarm system in my garage. Many doors look flimsy enough to break fairly easily. I also lock the door from teh garage/basement to the house. It could be broken, but I'm not gonna make it easy for some dilbert what wants in.
  6. Thanks, DG, et al - saved me a lot of time. I didn't have any desire (pun intended...snicker) to read "50 Shades" after I read a few reviews, because how many times can you read the same thing and it be interesting? But whatever. The "Twilight" connection made me even less likely to read it.
  7. You know, I think that's a racist word, and I'm offended. (LAST!)
  8. They might be keepin' an eye on Sadie...she's been in a wad over moving and stuff.
  9. I'm sure there are so many now that I live near one or more. Keep in mind that things like statutory rape puts people on this list as well. Me, personally - I'm such a libertarian that I don't really care where they live. I'm don't let my nephews out of my sight when they are here, and God help the person who tries to snatch one of them. One has a third-degree black belt in karate since age 13, and the other is strong as a horse. And then there's me they'd have to deal with, and we gots guns. I'm not saying don't be aware; I just don't see it as a panic situation.
  10. I heard that. Geez Louise. Let me think - what could I spend the most money on for the least return? I know - Medieval History! I guess she didn't consider Medieval Poetry, which would probably have been even more useless.
  11. Oh, honey - you know you are in my prayers. Please keep us posted.
  12. I'm pretty sure exterminators who use the Termidor (?) product will tell you that it's animal-safe. Also, lasts five years.
  13. Throwing "at" a batter, brushing him back, accidentally getting too close to him and hitting him, whatever, fine. Deliberately hitting him, no. Sorry - I know the history of baseball as well as anyone, and I will never agree that that is part of the purity of the sport.
  14. EWWWWWW!!! I think vinegar will take the sting out. Otherwise, I'm so sorry!!! PS - Who is Juan?
  15. I'm sorry - hitting a batter on purpose is NOT part of the game. If I were his manager, I'd sit his butt on the bench for at least his next start, and maybe more, depending on his attitude. And if it didn't improve, I'd be asking for a trade. However, I know there are a lot of managers who like players like that.
  16. Excellent! Thanks for that! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA And thanks for that! hahahahahaaa Or Cedartown... :snicker:
  17. I got the idea the dad is at home. This whole thing just sounds bizarre.
  18. Well said. Any move - even one you want and are excited about - is VERY stressful on a person. So even if she wanted this move, that, combined with her physical ailments, could be really depressing her. And if she had to move here and didn't want to, that's even worse. I agree with what the others have said, but esp. eym. Please let her know we'll be thinking about her, and that there are lots of nice folks in the world. And remind her that 58 is NOT OLD. She may have a physical impairment that most people don't have, but she is not old.
  19. Haven't heard anything about that, but I swear, some people are EVIL. Former FBI agent implies in article that mom and one daughter may be the bodies discovered in Mississippi. God help those girls. WTHIWWP???
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