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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't tol' you - not all Trekkies live in their mothers' basements, but all adults who live in their mothers' basements are Trekkies. Me and Blondie ain't basement-dwellers.
  2. Yep, Trekkie here. I did love the last two movies, and I also noticed that Khan didn't have an aristocratic Spanish accent. I do love me some Benedict Cumberbatch, though. JJ won't be directing the next one as he's already committed to the next Star Wars episode, due out in 2015. (And yes, you dilbert George Lucas, you DID say there would be episodes 7, 8, and 9!!!)
  3. Aye, and it's a good day to be a pirate! If ye need somebody done in today, just send a message to ye olde Dread Pirate Mei Lan and we'll see if we can't work ye in.
  4. Feelip, that is a classic! SP - She is a doll! What a pretty baby. Even if she does terrorize Sir Guinness.
  5. It's really not bad. I don't watch any network or cable news, but I have occasionally flipped over to see what it's like, and it's not bad. Do they have biases different from mine? I'm sure they do. But just like the others who do (including MSNBC and FNC), I just ignore that. Like I said, I get my news from the interwebz. But I don't think their being on TV is the end of the world as we know it.
  6. mei lan


    NC, that is seriously awesome. :wub: :wub:
  7. I have my doubts about that, but even if it's true - it's not Paulding County leaders' decision to make. It's the Georgia Dept. of Public Health Reg. 1's decision to make.
  8. I don't recall it, but it doesn't appear to be an actual VW ad based on the logo (not to mention wording). At any rate, that is true...he would have been the nominee in '76 but the party powers figured he wouldn't be able to overcome that incident, so we got Jimmah instead.
  9. My last order was taxed. I wonder if what you ordered (which I am not asking what it is) was tax-exempt for some reason? Like aren't groceries tax exempt?
  10. mei lan

    Sad Story

    Yeah, I'm goin' with y'all. Somethin' ain't right here. 8 years old.
  11. I saw Ina Garten do that just the other day. Thanks for the reminder.
  12. You pay the tax for where you live.
  13. IDK - grate them with a cheese grater? Oh, and I'll be by later for my 1/2 of the cake.
  14. If you wanna, PM me the info and I'll see if it works for me.
  15. There's a nice consignment shop for kids' clothing behind Wendy's at Crossroads. Can't recall the name right now, but it's almost directly behind Wendy's in that same little shopping area.
  16. Well, I didn't miss you. But only on account of I've been hit-or-miss here lately and have been busy doing other stuff. Also, on account of I am not a stalker. But otherwise, I woulda missed you.
  17. I wasn't going by what I heard. I was going by what we experienced with them. Period. True story. I'm irked that I came back into the thread.
  18. That doesn't even make sense. Somebody's not biliing for something people owe - most folks aren't gonna go hunt them down to find out why. We went farther than most people would by calling both Medicare and secondary ins. to confirm for Clark's that they would pay if the claim were submitted, and we gave the information to Clark's. We didn't owe the money...Medicare and the secondary ins. did. Sorry, but if they didn't want to file the claims, that's not our problem. Otherwise, I still don't understand your post.
  19. I'm a geek, too. Good work! Stop by Glassdogs's office tomorrow and pick up your prize.
  20. Excellent guess, but that's west of the Mississippi, so by my reasoning, it should start with a K. BUT GD said some of them don't go by the rule.
  21. Well, that's what you think, you hippy. I give up. Spill yer guts, man.
  22. In our case, they kept billing us for a non-emergency trip (of a significant charge because it was to Rome) when we kept telling them AD NAUSEUM that Medicare would pay it and Daddy's secondary ins. would pay the rest. We even called Medicare and the secondary ins. to confirm, and they said yes, but they have to submit it before we'll pay. From what I hear from people I trust, Sam is a good man. Sounds like he just didn't have good people working for him in some areas. Or maybe he was too nice or something. IDK. I hate it for him, because that surely would be a stressful enterprise.
  23. I haven't smelled it, either. Thank goodness!
  24. Bless his heart. How I wish he had refused the search. Let them get a warrant. But he's prolly thinkin' well I know it's not there so no biggie. DANG. How you people tolerate the publik skule system is beyond me. If I had kids, I would do whatever it took to keep mine out of it. 'Cause if they were in it, I'm quite sure I'd be arrested on account of protesting crap just like this. Holy crap. That just makes me want to puke.
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