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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I saw this earlier. That pic is hilarious, and I have to give him props for sticking with it.
  2. Great news! I saw where they had opened, but we haven't had time to stop by there yet. However, we be needin' a hot dog fix, so I'm sure we'll try it shortly. ("Needin' " being a relative term. heh) My only complaint is that their signage is VERY hard to read from the road. Which doesn't affect me personally; I just think a business would want a sign that people could actually read. Otherwise, hot dogs rule!
  3. I found another one. (Yes, I'm feeling dorky today. )
  4. TWINS!!! I learned to drive when I was about 10 on an old straight-shift-on-the-column '65 GMC truck...in the pastures. I'd drive while the others tossed hay bales up into the truck bed. Not cool in a subdivision. It's a public road, and regular laws apply. Good idea. No way would a 12yo be prepared to deal with an emergency.
  5. I have NEVER had a good experience with a yard sale. The last one I did earned $35 and I still donated the leftover stuff. My sister and SIL both make like $300 every yard sale (SIL sometimes even more). I just prefer to donate now.
  6. Praise. The. Lord. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord. Sitting here for just a minute to absorb the awesome news. I am beyond thrilled. Gotta run tell the folks I've asked to pray for him. Bless his heart. Bless their hearts. Oh, wow. I'd say PARTY TIME, but they prolly just feel like falling onto their beds in exhaustion. I hope when things quieten down they can take a nice celebratory vacation or something. :wub: PS - Blondie, thanks as always.
  7. Holy crap - I'm glad you found 'em, sp. Stupe. :smh:
  8. Oh, I got his number...Imma just hurt him bad.
  9. I like Reaves Engraving in NC. Depends on how fancy you want to go, and they don't do much unusual stuff like you might find on Etsy. Crane is good as well, with a little more variety. http://www.crane.com/ http://www.reavesengraving.com/
  10. We've been praying constantly for dear Spencer. Thanks for the updates, Blondie, as always. Oh, how I hope the MRI is clear!!!
  11. What idiots. I'm so glad much of the stuff was recovered, though! But I just have to add - what idiots. \
  12. I believe packages that were on the plane are noted that they were in an accident when the person clicks on the tracking button.
  13. I think I'd raise a little more cain with UPS. They're sure it was to your address and somebody named Hardy signed? I can't think a box of four casters would be something that even had to be signed for. I hope you find them.
  14. I don't think Clark's a menace, but life insurance on kids is cheap, and $7500 for a funeral/burial/whatever isn't something a lot of people can cough up on short notice. Our parents had it on us and my siblings have it on their kids.
  15. I've watched it (their original version, not the American channel) before via Link, and it's not too bad. I like seeing international news from a foreign perspective. I also enjoy watching BBC News from time to time. But as I get most of my news from the internet (and do not watch any news shows on a regular basis) and make up my own mind, I am not swayed by any opinions they may put forth.
  16. Monkeytail! You live! (I'd comment on the original post, but I'm too torn up about the awful news about Fred's. )
  17. I kept meaning to ask, and kept forgetting, if you were in Mt. Airy. OP - what kind of things does she love? Does she love puzzles, books, etc? Does she like to DO things? Perhaps you could give her little chores? Even if she does them messily, it would make her feel useful and keep her occupied. Bless your heart...
  18. My cat loves the screened-in porch. The lizards love the screened-in porch. I have found more than one lizard trying to escape in the kitchen (the room that opens onto the screened-in porch). I have also found more than one twitching lizard tail (they can separate it in an emergency and grow a new one).
  19. I love QEII, but she did loathe Diana and would have probably been apoplectic at the Muslim connection. Charles, I think, would have a greater motive, though. He knew as long as she was alive, the public would never accept the horse Camilla. Still don't know if they would have gone to such lengths, but not much would surprise me these days.
  20. WAAAAAAAAAAAAY hokey. I don't think the issue was the insurance money; I think it was her strange demeanor (wanted attention, little crying, etc.) and obsession over when the insurance would pay.
  21. Happy Birthday, dearest! :wub: And where's Monkeytail been, anyway?
  22. We had a HUMONGOUS roll-off dumpster, but we only threw away the stuff that was truly trash (used spark plugs, etc.). The rest we either gave away or sold. Oh, and I kept what I wanted, which is now sitting in my basement. I have Daddy's OLD, OLD tool box as well as his two newer ones. With the tools, natch. Had no use for the hydraulic lifts, the hydraulic woodsplitter, the extra air compressors (I kept a small one), etc. They found good homes with many of his friends. Ooh, that brings back memories...I got my hand stuck in one of those when I was about four. Thanks for the
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