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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I didn't even know you could turn signatures off. Cool. And I agree with you completely - the poster in question DOES bring crap down on his own head. Like you, I just avoid anything with his name on it unless I absolutely can't help myself. I have enough crap in my life without gathering more of it in. But I do back Pubby's decision. It's his web site, and I personally wouldn't want to be anywhere near being held liable for libel. (See what I did there? ) Besides, I'm of the opinion that if you disagree with someone, for whatever reason, you get a lot farther by dismantling th
  2. Oddly enough, I am not in total disagreement with this. I think letting some picayune pot-smoking dilbert sit in prison for having a little bit over the limit for distribution is silly. Any drug other than pot I don't think the sentences should be reduced. But marijuana? I dunno - that's the libertarian in me speakin', I reckon.
  3. I LOVE the look of your driveway (sans the ridiculous washout!). Man, I'm sorry that happened. Would this be in the county's right-of-way, and would it be their responsibility to fix? How have y'all gotten out?
  4. I love her laughy face!!! And the one with older kidlet wearing the sling with her in it is precious. She will dog his every step...he will be a superhero to her. :wub:
  5. I could live there, too. Idaho, western Montana, Washington, Oregon...me likey.
  6. I gotta second this. I think it's in my top five of states that I would happily move to. The NW corner (Black Hills) is one of the prettiest places I have ever seen. GOOD FOR YOU!!!
  7. 6yo nephew has been watching Shark Week all week. All. week. In between wall-to-wall baseball, that is. Sammiched in between there is swimming, etc.
  8. HAHAHAHA I thought the same thing. Prolly wouldn't have been such a big deal for the video, but he'd have been embarrassed in person, since I'm guessin' it took some doing to get his shorts off that bollard. HWAM, thanks for 'splainin' the amp up the dress. I kept meaning to ask about that one, too, but kept forgetting.
  9. Excellent. Thanks for the info. I swear it runs better (to my ear, and I'm the daughter of a shade-tree mechanic) on the ethanol-free gas.
  10. Yes, but did you start an entire topic just so she'd feel special? :noddingsmugly:
  11. I knew some geek ( ) would know the answer. Thanks!
  12. MOI?!?!? Would I do that? I am crushed! I me some HWAM. (And NC-17.)
  13. I had heard that, but I'm in NE Paulding, so Cartersville is closer.
  14. hahahaa My SIL sells Thirty-One stuff. I was surprised that it's really good quality! Funny video.
  15. Your avatar has been cracking me up all morning. Every time I see your name, I have to stop and watch that dude like 10 times. I love that his shorts came off and went down the bollard. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA Thanks for the laugh!!!
  16. I had heard a couple of years ago that Lowe's was gonna build across the road there in the spot where the driving range is. But then the economy dipped and the driving range opened, so IDK.
  17. My mother has a 2006 Mercedes E-class. Her CEL had been on for a good while, but the advisor at RBM said it could wait till her next maintenance (and his comments sounded like the first part of feelip's thing with the O2 sensors, etc.). So I thought about the no ethanol thing, so I started filling her car up at Enterprise in Cartersville. No CEL every time after it runs a tank or so. She fills up at Kroger, CEL comes back on. So here's my question - her car usually runs 93 octane with ethanol. Enterprise's ethanol-free is 90 octane. Car runs better, gets about a mile better gas milea
  18. I always lock my doors when I get out to pump gas. Holdover from living in sketchier areas than I do now.
  19. OTAY!!! Can we get that dishy Mike Rowe to do the voiceover?
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