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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Correct. It will get a little messy by mid-summer, but I'd rather wash it off occasionally than have to put up with evil ants. Man, those little buggers are so territorial! They fight like maniacs this time of year when they're tanking up for their migration.
  2. Good advice, BB. My sister and BIL paid about the same thing for lawyers, and both were very highly respected divorce attorneys. (This was in another part of the state.) Sister's lawyer ate BIL's lawyer's lunch, but BIL didn't help himself there, either, because he wouldn't settle. But the difference in representation was SHOCKING for the same amount of money.
  3. icare - Thanks so much for that link! Excellent information! I had heard that some pass through in winter, but I didn't know anybody wintered here. That is awesome!!! I am so totally keeping a feeder up! low - The feeder in the video is the best one we have. It's glass, and it has the little perches so they can sit and drink. The plastic ones will fade and eventually crack. We spray the tops of ours with cooking oil spray to keep the ants away. We love our hummers!!!
  4. That just completely creeps me out. :shudder:
  5. Oh, yeah. I saw him in an article awhile back (can't remember for what). He was hilarious. Here's the pic from this article. He was complaining about being arrested. I gotta say, he got some nice legs! http://www.ajc.com/news/news/crime-law/report-baton-bob-says-atlanta-police-violated-his-/nZPKy/
  6. If I supported any action at all, this would be what I would support. Only on the recommendation and advice of the military/intelligence communities, though. I personally think we should stay out of it.
  7. Mega agreement here as well. I didn't read them because I heard early on how horrible the writing was, and that just kills any book for me. But the topic S&D's Nana describes - ye gods. NO, NO, a thousand times NO. I gotta wonder about the mindset of the silly women who thought this was the best thing since sliced bread. Yeah, but this isn't ABOUT sex or an industry...it IS sex, and kinky, badly-written sex at that, from what I hear.
  8. How precious is he!?!?! The baby deer ain't too bad, neither.
  9. Me, too, cuz. I know hunting is a legit activity, and that many animals need to be culled for others to prosper and all that, and many hunters eat the meat. It still makes me sad.
  10. Microsoft has been a mess from the word go. Apple products have always been generally superior (I have used both and use PC due to cost and I like doing things for myself), but Gates knew how to game the system better than Jobs did and therefore gained a stronghold in the market. I don't care if they split the company up or not (he makes a good case), but their internal stuff has always been crap. Products released with zillions of known bugs, products which were absolutely CRAP that people just refused to buy, the stacked ranking system for employees...horrible stuff. I'm glad this dud
  11. Not saying all that isn't true, and your first paragraph may explain the raised hackles at her behavior. I just hope if she was involved that she'll get what's coming to her. My theory was that if she was involved, perhaps she paid the boys to pull something and either something went awry, or not. But Occam's Razor says that you are most likely correct (to the disappointment of my little tin foil hat... ).
  12. True story. The original story was completely hokey from the get-go. The mother was just six kinds of weird, and her own daughter suspects she had something to do with it. IDK. I just know there was some whack stuff going on with her following the baby's death.
  13. No day that includes a nap and tater salad with shelly pole beans ia a bad day.
  14. Holy crap...I'd be thrilled if mine were less than half what they were in 2008. Mine are way higher, and property value is less.
  15. OK, so about that signage... Was gonna eat there today; got there a little after usual lunch time - not a car in the parking lot, and no lights on except the big hard-to-read signage. So we looked on the door for hours, no mention of hours open. No sign saying closed on Sundays. No web site that I could find. HELLO... Help us help you!!!
  16. mei lan

    Guard dad

    Ooh la la! Pubby a French model? BONJOUR!
  17. mei lan


    Ditto. What a moron.
  18. mei lan

    Guard dad

    Happy birthday, dude. Even though I've already said it. For your birthday, I promise not to make you cry for at least a day or two.
  19. Well, DER! I could have read that original thread a little more carefully, couldn't I? Well, you know I loves you anyway!
  20. If you could get a bed at Delmar on short notice, I'd be shocked. Pretty long waiting list per a friend of mine. I've heard pretty good things about hte Powder Springs place. But as former co-workers who know about these things told me, it's not the patients with money who get the best care...it's the ones whose family check on them all the time. If they know you're going to be there a lot, the patient gets better care, period. Good luck to the OP. Very stressful, as I well remember.
  21. Luke and Nick's Coney Island something-or-other, I think. Sign is VERY hard to read. Other part of the sign says Great American something something. It's where Martino's used to be. They've had a lot of cars since they opened at the times I've been by.
  22. Why on earth would a person choose chicken over a hot dog? That is just WRONG!
  23. Ditto. I am keeping you in my prayers as well.
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