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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I'm sure she is missing her mom. However, I tend to go with gator on this one. Make it painful for her to continue this behavior. I know of a lady who took away everything but the bed (i.e., toys, favorite clothing accessories, etc.) in her daughter's room after she pulled a stunt at her school. She didn't get it back quickly, either. Hey, kid - life ain't fair. You may as well learn that now. Life sucks sometimes. Don't mean you can spit and hit other people. Pull up your big girl panties and deal with it. FTR, I am fully aware of some of the hardships some kids face...one of
  2. AMEN, SISTER!!! I will also give a hearty AMEN to this as well. I've never understood this response to bullying or whatever. I know different people feel things different ways, but I'm thinking of my siblings and I - all different personalities, but if somebody wrote something about either of us on a web site or other, we'd just say, ok, whatever, and leave. And we would have done that when we were 12. IDK - maybe our parents just instilled in us a sense of value and self-respect. It just wouldn't have prompted such a response in us.
  3. Will do, crossroads. Mrs. Apple - I love your new avatar.
  4. I hate Delta. But I do love Southwest and Frontier. Frontier was a happy discovery a couple of years ago when we flew to Colorado...great service, clean planes, nice crew, cheap(ish) price.
  5. I'm with y'all. I'm sorry - there is NO EXCUSE for a woman leaving her children. I can't even think of any scenario that would involve her voluntarily leaving them in the presence of such a monster, even for a short while. He would have just had to kill me. I'm guessing they will...sometimes they don't do so right away until they finish investigating/whatever.
  6. Dear God, but this just makes me want to throw up. That poor child. Article didn't mention the mother...wonder where she is? If she was present and allowed that to go on without objecting, she belongs right there in the pokey with him. What a piece of worm crap that guy is.
  7. Sorry - the angst thing was tongue-in-cheek. Should have noted.
  8. Hey, now - don't be pickin' on my second-favorite team in baseball. There's something ocmpletely endearing about them. Of course, considering Fredi Gonzales's idiotic moves and Chipper Jones's unencouraging comments, they might become my favorite team.
  9. I could not agree more. I've never understood the whole stop-and-get-out-and-confront thing. That said, if what feelip says is true, that's not even the issue at hand. Ye gods, what an ugly (behavior) culture we have become. :sigh:
  10. Low is right - this area was massively inhabited by Cherokees and Creeks. I never even think of it unless it's in relation to a relevant subject, which this was. I was pointing out that I, being part Indian, am not offended by a sports team using an Indian moniker. I did not mean to cause such angst by mentioning it.
  11. Pretty sure he was using artistic license for emphasis. I'm 3/8 Indian (feather, not dot) and I don't have any problem with names like these. For one thing, naming teams after Indian names is an HONOR, not a pejorative thing. I mean, who wants to be known as the Washington Pansies? How tough would that be? But for another thing, I am just tired to death of the ultra-PC-offended-by-everything culture the US has become. But as I always say, just give me my share of the $$$ from Harrah's and I'll be happy.
  12. Same here, cuz. Not a day goes by that I don't thank the Lord for my fine parents.
  13. "Tinnitis." hahahahahaha GACat, thanks for the info. Please tell your friend that we likey.
  14. Oh, dude - I am just so so so terribly sorry. I know how much those little suckers have meant to you over the years. Please know that I will keepd you in my prayers, because I know this grief is very real. I take comfort in knowing what a great home and life you gave them. :cray:
  15. Oh, I just love you. (But you already knew that. )
  16. OH EM GEE - I get those, too!!! The laundry detergent section is the worst. I don't wear perfume, either.
  17. I used to work for a Fortune 500 company and a mid-level staffer who was tres chic used to like this distinctive perfume which I liked and wasn't one of those heavy, cloying perfumes. BUT she would wear SO MUCH OF IT every single day that I could tell if she was at work when I first walked into the building. It was awful. I was so happy when she transferred to another city. Too much perfume OR after shave/cologne is just not cool.
  18. ...and I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became prince of a town called Bel-Air.
  19. Thank you. The central focus here is THE CHILD(REN). First, middle, and last - THE CHILD(REN). If the focus is on one or both parents, then things are very off-kilter. I agree many times the man gets the shaft, BUT they are still his children. If you don't like the laws, work to get them changed. But I can also give you horror stories from the other side. My SIL's ex didn't pay child support from the time they were divorced until the kids turned 18 (they divorced when the kids were 5 and 12 because of his infidelity), and he was working. He was ordered by the court to pay 1/2 medic
  20. Beautifully said, my twin. I esp. like the part underlined. I will never understand the mindset of a person who would do this to a person serving overseas.
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