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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Some friends were cleaning out the house of their mother (a friend and contemporary of my father's) after her death, and came across a hall closet stuffed TO THE GILLS with old bread bags. She might need them sometime. When we cleaned out Daddy's shop, we found old spark plugs (not old as in bought a long time ago and never used; old as in used but maybe the points could be filed down in case you needed one in a pinch), nails that had been straightened after they were bent, more used nails/screws/little clamps/twist ties than we could count, old fan belts (again, used but might could make th
  2. After going through 44 years of stuff Daddy (a Depression-era baby who saved EVERYTHING)had accumulated in house and workshop, garage and shed, I came to the same conclusion. Not even close to being there yet, but I'll get there. I am determined.
  3. I made a lolcat. I couldn't help myself.
  4. (on account of I'm pretty sure you're kidding).
  5. Must...go...lie...down...cuteness overload... :wub: :wub:
  6. Very interesting and legit reasons for storage. I hadn't thought of that, either, inasmuch as I have a garage/basement that's the size of the footprint of the house. (And dang it - what you have expands to the space you have to put it. I'm workin' on that. ) I have a dear friend who is on her way to being a true hoarder. Her house (nice, in a nice area of Cobb) - including the garage, in which she has never parked her car - is stacked FLOOR TO CEILING in every single room with books, magazines (at one time, she had subscriptions to several dozen periodicals), pictures, old mail lef
  7. Thank you, precious Blondie, for the continuing updates. This is thrilling news, indeed. Will be praying for Tuesday's scan to be totally clean!!!
  8. She's in Florida, so the laws may be different. Excellent information on the guns from both you and Nitro. Thanks!
  9. Yep - I have heard this one as well.
  10. Yeah, and don't she look super sexy with the crookedy pics of Grandma and Grandma behind her, and esp. with the el cheapo laundry basket with clothes in it sitting there. What a dork.
  11. Yes, I read the article. It was a picayune pot possession-for-sale deal. And I still think non-citizen veterans should not be deported.
  12. What old-timey weather cues do you use? The ring around the moon signalling weather change is one. Daddy always said the leaves on the trees turn around backwards if it's gonna rain (usually true). But what about longer-term sayings? After the big snows (for us) we had a couple of years ago, my aunt told me one I'd never heard. She said for every fog in August, there'll be a snow in the winter; she had counted three fogs in August the year before, and that's how many snowfalls we had. If this is true - BOY HOWDY!!! We are in for some snow this year! It's been foggy more days than no
  13. Pretty sure non-citizens can serve in the military.
  14. THAT IS CRAP!!! I think the law should be that any person who serves a legitimate term in the US military should be fast-tracked to citizenship, with no obstacles. That is ridiculous.
  15. Bless his tiny heart...I hope they find him quickly.
  16. OK, shocker here - TWINS!!! I HATED that book!!! :shudder: Favorite classics were Poe (I read all of his stuff, and still like it even though I don't ordinarily like dark stuff), 1984, Night, and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. I'm one of those annoying people who can skim something and write a report on it well, so there are a bunch of things I was supposed to read but never did because I was interested in reading something else. I LIVED for library trips (we lived in the country) in the library when I was a kid. I could (and usually did) spend hours there till Mother just mad
  17. That just pisses me right off. I'd have been so tempted to use that avoid-giving-them-anything technique I've seen in videos (but I'm prolly too chicken).
  18. Just for drinking? Ye gods! We'd need 50 billion more prisons! Habitual DUI I can see...that, to me, is a valid thing because sooner of later that person is gonna kill somebody.
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