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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Dana? Oh, wait - you mean withOUT using a single curse word. Yeah, she's a nice 'un.
  2. Yeah, that was pretty awesome. I had a hilarious mental picture when I saw that story.
  3. Door knob. HAHAHAHHAHAAA I had to spew my diet Coke over that one. hahahahaha I am so stealing it.
  4. I hope they make sure he has a great home. I'm sure they will. God bless you for your fine service, officer! I hope you have many fine and happy days left! :wub:
  5. Wow. I wasn't at the meeting, but my good opinion of Todd Pownall hasn't changed based on the comments I've read here. Geez.
  6. Don't mess with him, feelip. He's still in awe of them new-fangled flyin' machines. Also, if he has a Gulfstream and has been holding out on me, Imma thump his gourd.
  7. Amen, sister!!! NOTHING warms this reptile better than a wood-burning fire.
  8. Everything I've been able to find out from the Ga. DOT and Paulding DOT is that the widening of 92 north of 278 won't be for a good while. Of course, if they run across a pot of found money (i.e., taxes they didn't expect), I'm sure that could be speeded up. The 4-laning of Cedarcrest from Crossroads to 41 will be underway in the next year or so. The Seven Hills Blvd. extension should be finished in November. paulding.gov has some info on that.
  9. Less than 2 yrs. Whoever it is, it's just pitiful. :sigh:
  10. Another thing we have in common!!! Honestly, it's one of those places that just spoke to my heart. I LOVED it out there.
  11. True story! The drive from Durango to Grand Junction is equally stunning.
  12. AMEN AND AMEN. And amen AGAIN!!! :angry2:
  13. Braggart. There you go gettin' people riled up again. A dear friend is a media specialist (as they seem to call them now) with nearly a doctoral degree in the area. We both say "liberry" just to make ourselves laugh. I do quite a bit of stuff like this with words because it does make me laugh. But never in serious conversation or writing.
  14. I think the Dallas city folks are votin' on can they buy likker on Sundays. Don't know about Harm.
  15. IT's a real pain in the patootie, too, trying to keep that balance. I've also heard the grubs are the larvae of pine tree beetles, etc. Whatever they are, they eat on the leaves of the crape myrtles, etc., all summer long. In my yard, the moles/voles/whatever they are tunnel and tunnel and tunnel looking for the grubs. Chaps my behind, it does.
  16. HAHAHAHAA I've also heard people who move here from other parts of the country do the reverse - they pronounce it "uhLANTuh" with a special emphasis on the second T and leaving the first T out altogether. When you think about it, it's kinda hard to pronounce it with both Ts.
  17. Amen to that, sister.
  18. HAHAHAHAAA Also, we do not live in metro Alanta. We live in metro Atlanta.
  19. Well, not to be mean or anything, but duh. They are sociopaths at best and psychopaths at worst. I mean, really? Go around bragging about what they did? I'm with CC - what sort of family life produces this sort of animal? As far as I'm concerned, they may as well lock them away for life now, because they ain't gonna change. As to the girl who committed suicide - we weren't blaming her for feeling so dark she thought that was the only way out. We are simply commenting that it's sad that so many people today have such fragile senses of self and such low self-worth that words by some bu
  20. Ye gods. I mean, YE GODS. I swear, the politics in this county just suck. They just do. I'd vote for Mr. Pownall if I lived in his district. But as it is, I will vote against Mr. Barnett, and I will vote against Mr. Austin (as I did last time, to no avail...but hope springs eternal).
  21. Good question. It's just pathetic is what it is. This culture has gone so far down the path to hell that I don't know if it can ever be turned back. :sigh:
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