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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I've seen a couple of Elvis impersonators, CE - one very good, and one less than stellar. It's a nice show for people who like Elvis. I've never heard of this dude, but if he's performed at places like casinos, I'm guessing he's a true showman. They don't have crap entertainment at those places.
  2. I'd sooner be nibbled to death by ducks than go out on Black Friday.
  3. mei lan


    Aw, that's great news, feelip! And very well said.
  4. I know several people who do this, and I love it!!! I'd do that if I had kids.
  5. I did know this, because Mother is a complete history GEEK and I absorb a lot of information simply by osmosis.
  6. You silly person, you. Why on earth would you want a reservoir filled with drinking water that everyone could use instead of an airport that benefits just a few?
  7. Thank you for thinking of us FB refuseniks. I have been praying for you and just caught up with the thread. I'm very happy about the results of everything (even if it is a "tumah"), and I'll be happier still when the eyesight issue is resolved. :wub: :wub:
  8. Well, don't leave us hangin'! When did it happen? (Just kidding...don't share if you don't wanna.)
  9. mei lan


    HAHAHHAHAAA I ain't even gonna try...it would not be pretty.
  10. That raises a whole other spectre of child abuse. Ye gods. There is a special place in hell for people like that. And for those who knowingly allow/enable their behavior.
  11. Totally true. Often the person will threaten to kill himself if she leaves. This illustrates one of my life principles, which is Bullies Bully People They Can Bully. If somebody tried to pull that crap on me, I'd just look at them and laugh and walk away. But someone who's not where I am now might be swayed by it. (I do not say this pridefully...there was a time in my life when this might have worked somewhat on me. I can virtually guarantee it wouldn't work now.) Gavin deBecker says another HUGELY important thing in his book, and that is this: Men who cannot hear no choose women
  12. True story. I'd wait till January, too, DG. At least now you know and can move forward with the course you deem best.
  13. mei lan


    Love me some Hammer Time! Here's my favorite clip - it's from a Nick show called "Victorious"...the boys lost a bet with the dark-haired girl, and for a week they had to do the hammer dance whenever she said.
  14. Agreed, TP. However, I think she meant if you were in a situation where you were having to ask yourself those questions that you need help. But otherwise, totally agreed. It disgusts me when I meet people like that.
  15. WAHHHHHHHHH!!! :cray: :cray: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  16. AGREED. We take all our stuff there. I love that they accept vouchers from so many places like Helping Hands, Shepherd's Rest, the Prego Ctr., and more.
  17. Amen to the nth power. Very, very well said. I don't know, either, TP. I think the abusees (if you will) are too ashamed to say anything, and probably love their abusers and don't want to get them into trouble, besides being afraid of what worse the abuser might do if they talked. Why other people don't talk about it, I do not know. Those are classic questions. Abusers will ALWAYS try to separate an abusee from their family and friends. Move across the country, whatever, to isolate them. S&D's Nana - You are corr
  18. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the abused person makes her/his mind up to leave and then does it. I have NEVER understood that mindset like you describe, TP. Visits him in prison? Oh, HELL, no!!! I've always said if a man's gonna hit me, he'd best make it count the first time, 'cause I ain't gonna be around for the second. Also, various and sundry close relatives and friends of the male variety would then beat him to a bloody pulp. Gavin deBecker says something in the book that gets him a LOT of flack. He says anytime a woman is hit the second time (a
  19. Also a subject near and dear to my heart. I found Robin McGraw's web site that TP posted the other day to be quite helpful (link below). https://www.whengeorgiasmiled.org/#home I also HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the book The Gift of Fear by Gavin deBecker. FANTASTIC book. The link below gives access to deBecker's MOSAIC feature, which is designed to predict the likelihood of violence in a particular situation. You have to register to access it, but domestic violence is one of the areas available. NOTE: Persons accessing information like this might want to do it not from thei
  20. Them there is some gud eatin', I tell ye!!!
  21. surepip - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I knew you'd know exactly what's going on. I couldn't figure how they could do it and make a profit, but regardless, I do not want any food that comes from China. You are a treasure trove of information, and I thank you. :wub:
  22. Whew...the only thing on that list I eat is salmon, and I don't have a problem with Canada, Norway, or Chile.
  23. THANK YOU!!! That's what I can't understand, either. They found him guilty of BUI, guilty of reckless boating, and guilty of failing to render assistance. How in God's name then did they not find him guilty of homicide? It seems to me that one thing goes along with all the other things.
  24. Sentencing just in - 2.5 years in jail, 1.5 on probation. That. just. sucks.
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