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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Sweet! Love that big ol' metal steering wheel. The only thing that'd make it better would be if it were a '65 Mustang convertible.
  2. Ditto that, and furthermore, I will offer my services to edit the book for free.
  3. I wondered that as well, but I'm guessing they're for all ages. I personally don't see me wearin' 'em.
  4. I concur with this. They know, and they don't give a rat's behind.
  5. IDK, but that air quality chart says near Pickett's Mill Park and the Due West/Mt. Tabor Church Rd. intersection. :shudder: That chart is pretty skeery, if'n ye ask me. I swear, i'd call the EPD. I'd also like ot know a lot more about this. Talk about a potential major health issue for a lot of people! Pubster, have you heard anything about all this?
  6. I love this suggestion. I predict a swift end to these dweebs if this advice is taken. OP - Ye gods. I'm so sorry. I hate people.
  7. So THAT's why I love it as much as I do. I think I was really born in 1930.
  8. I'm very happy to say that I have never seen The View and I don't watch Fox & Friends, and therefore I know nothing about her except what I've read (and that didn't impress me much). However, that was a cokmpletely stupid and idiotic remark. I'm guessing if her son had been abused by Sandusky and his life royally screwed up, she'd be singing a different tune.
  9. hahahahaha My first thought as well! Oh, dear. :shakingmyheadinsorrow:
  10. Alas, I am not eligible for Lasik due to this weirdo condition I have with my corneas. I wear gas-permeable contact lenses to correct it (they look like hard contact lenses, but allow in more oxygen even than soft lenses, and they are a royal pain in my behind...VERY hard to get used to wearing - and I used to wear hard lenses with no trouble - and the least speck of dust will get caught in them and cause major turmoil). I can also wear glasses, thankfully, which now are much lighter and thinner than they used to be, as stradial mentioned. My corrective prescription is -8.5. Oh, and I d
  11. mei lan

    momof 3

    Yeah, I wanna know, too!
  12. Good heavens...we really ARE twins! Only I was in 4th grade.
  13. A ground hog? I thought that looked like a snake. (Prolly because some neighbor boys who were doing some work for me today found a young copperhead in the mulch pile.) Seriously - what part of the ground hog is that? We have one over on the highway near us...I see him sitting up sometimes and digging at other times.
  14. You shut your MOUTH, girl, or I'll shut it for you.
  15. I decline to respond on account of my answer would be like five times as long as Pubby's. Suffice it to say that stradial and I are twins.
  16. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-hee-hee-hee!!! :wub: The sink one is my fave as well.
  17. IDK, but I feel your pain. I'm having mega problems with my desktop. I'm pretty tech-savvy, and I'm at a lost of where to turn next.
  18. That is a true story. That made a huge difference, and I don't think they've made up the ground they lost that year. Stupid idiots.
  19. GB, I hear you, dude. My sister works a parttime job on the weekends as a grocery store cashier. She just FUMES the weekends after food stamps hit the EBT cards. One guy came through with $500 in two buggies a couple of weekends ago, and was coming back for more later. Plus the requisite beer and ciggies paid with cash. Oh, and many/most of them buy cuts of meat we just refuse to buy because of the cost (thick steaks, etc.). I try not to think about it too much...if this country does fall, stuff like this will be a major reason.
  20. :squeeeeal: We really are twins! I LOVE the Cubs and hate the Cardinals (which are NEVER helped by that moron Tim McCarver broadcasting). I also really like the Red Sox...they are my second favorite AL team. My favorite AL team is the Tigers, and I was sorry to see them lose to the Sox. I watch, but it doesn't seem to be as big a deal as it used to be. I love Go Blue's description of Detroit sports. That's my kind of thing. I'm not a huge football fan.
  21. Oh, I love the goggeh videos. Here's one of my favorites from a group of Hungarian dog-trainers.
  22. I love them! The one they put over at Burnt Hickory and County Line Roads is just the most fun thing! If you wanna practice, that's a good low-traffic one. But Hilton Head Island has two 2-lane, very high=volume roundabouts, and it works just fine. It's kinda like jumping rope...when you see an opening, you just gotta go.
  23. I KNOW!!! Everybody but Po has part of my name; Xi Lan is the other one. Woo hoo!!! They'll be walking soon, and will be hilariously entertaining!
  24. Happy Birthday, dude! (low's pic takes the cake. hahahahahaa)
  25. We used Skyline a few years ago for this, and they were great. Very professional, came when they said they would, did the work, and didn't charge for anything they didn't tell us up front. Forget the exact amount, but it was between $250 and $300.
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