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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. We counted the other day and there are 12 restaurants at that intersection. That's not counting the yogurt shop behind Wendy's that has apparently closed or anything in that section behind Kroger, if anything's there.
  2. I'm sure glad the Chamblee po-po's got all the big crimes cleared up so they can now focus on major issues like this.
  3. Is there ever a time you are not a dorky geek? Or geeky dork?
  4. I'd say you're a good bit off on your estimate there...I'd say it's more in the BILLIONS than millions of cell phones. The difference I see between Google and NSA is that at some point, users give Google permission to gather the information they do. The NSA just gathers it without telling anyone. I don't want Google gathering information on me, so I don't use it.* I use startpage.com, which is powered by Google, but prevents their gathering information on me. And they still probably know a lot about me just by utilizing information from tons of sources. * I do use Google maps, because
  5. I wouldn't say that's the only problem, but YEAH, it's the biggest one. Holy cow.
  6. What a great picture. I will continue to keep the family in my prayers.
  7. That HAS to be one of the more common scrips they fill! Why on earth would you not keep it stocked at all times??? Oddly, I saved about $100/month by moving my scrips from CVS to Walgreens. Store also has good prices and a rewards card. I might save a few $$$ more moving to WalMart, but the thought of going to WalMart any more than I have to kinda makes me want to cry. I figure it's worth a few bucks not to have to do it.
  8. I hate that!!! They are supposed to make people getting stuff filled pull back around so they won't block traffic. (Saith she who has also done errands in pjs before. )
  9. Even the menfolk recommend not riding alone. It seems to me that the issue would be the alone-ness, not where one rides. Well Read stated some excellent reasons - mechanical failure, a fall, etc. The lady who was murdered on the SCT thought she was doing everything right (and she was as far as it went) - she had her cell phone and pepper spray. But that only goes so far. If she'd had a riding partner, he wouldn't have given her a second look. There's also the case of the girl kidnapped from some hiking trail in the mtns. a few years back (and later murdered). Her attacker said she wasn'
  10. True story. In fact, that wsa my first thought when I read the thread title.
  11. Oh, sweetie pie - I know you are BEYOND thrilled!!! I am so happy for you, and for them. Woo hoo!!!
  12. Oh, and yes, I agree with you, sister. This is not what freedom is.
  13. Dang - you beat me to it. I love to catch peeps on crap like this. She'll blame it on autocorrect, of course, but everybody knows she just ain't perfect like me. :guffaw:
  14. Oh, bless your little flip phone heart. Don't worry your cute little head about it, dear. Rocky Mtn. Girl will take care of things.
  15. I love that! Yes, indeedy - there are a LOT of fine folks left in this country. I'm still a foolish enough optimist to believe they're in the majority.
  16. Total Tide fan here - man, that was heart-breaking, but I must say the Tide played like a bunch of school girls. Geez Louise. Good play, Auburn. And that little kicker will be just fine. He didn't do anything wrong.
  17. Yukoooooooooooooooooon Corneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelius!!! Love it!
  18. MY BAD. He did not tell her to have an aboortzion...they did IVF while dating, and he wasn't terribly interested, but came around after the baby was born. He's not on the birth cert. because he wanted to be classified as a sperm donor and CA law says donors names cannot be on a birth cert. A sticky wicket for sure. I dunno her reasoning for not letting him see the kid...and as always, it's the KID who winds up getting hurt. http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/jason-patric-ill-fight-til-dead-son/story?id=19981136
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