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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. You mean like our taxes weren't gonna go up last time if we didn't vote for it (which I still didn't vote for it on principle), and then THE VERY NEXT DAY they raised taxes on account of some "miscalculation" or some such crap? Riiiiight.
  2. Tights are like hose, only thicker. Not see-through, in other words. DG - those booties are WAY cute, but I stick with no hose.
  3. Megadittos to these comments. The sooner you can get them away from you and your family, the better. I have a really bad feeling baout this.
  4. Yeah, if we'd gotten kicked off the bus, we'd have just kept going, 'cause it would have been better than facing the parental units when we got home.
  5. I personally think there might be a happy medium out there (or even unhappy one), but I DON'T TRUST ONE SINGLE ELECTED POLITICIAN IN THIS COUNTY. Not that my little ol' opinion counts for anything (at least as far as Mr. Austin and Mr. Barnett have acted like), but I don't see any sense in negotiating with people whom I do not trust from the get-go. They have behaved arrogantly and condescendingly and secretively (again, IMHO, and from what I have read), and I just don't like that. That was my whole reason for voting against Shearin, et al. But I don't see that this crowd is much/any
  6. I heard he didn't remember saying that in 2004; however, I saw a video of him saying that very thing. IDK. Srsly? Well, Senor Swafford don't live here, neither, so I guess it fits.
  7. That site is hilarious!!! Funnier than The Onion, IMHO. Here's a funny one about plans to stop people from kidnapping baby Jesuses from manger scenes: http://www.rockcitytimes.com/eureka-springs-increases-security-measures-discourage-people-kidnaping-jesus/
  8. Pubster is a fellow FB refusenik??? Who knew? I don't know if my account was actually deleted or not, because if you try to log in to see, it reactivates your account. I just removed ALL information and told it to delete it.
  9. If you're in NE Paulding, Executive Detailing there at 41 and Mars Hill does great work. Don't recall the prices, but they weren't out of bounds, I didn't think.
  10. I don't know why everybody can't just relax and trust that Blake Swafford and the other PTB know best, and we little peons just need to chill. Right after we pay our taxes. Which they said wouldn't go up if we voted yes on that last SPLOST (and they went up the very next day because - oopsie! - they found a miscalculation or some such). At any rate, I'm sure all these leaders are perfect in their actions and judgments and should be deferred to by those of us lesser persons who don't know our fannies from a hole in the ground.
  11. I saw that...I was referring to the graphic Lucky showed with the various storms and areas in the path of them, like they do with warnings, etc.
  12. I loves me some HL. The Cartersville store is DA BOMB (better than the Kennesaw store).
  13. Ditto. Yeppers. And she is required to wear them in official appearances as part of the royals' dress code. You will almost never see her without them.
  14. I remember reading about this in previous years. I think it is a wonderful thing to do. God bless.
  15. Whose radar is that? I can't find any watches or warnings on intellicast, NOAA, or Ch. 2's radar. (And whoever drew the county borders for Ch. 2's thingy needs to work on them.)
  16. OHHHHH. Now, see, I learn something new every day. I just knew there was a ruckus about it most every year, but I never knew the backstory.
  17. Considering the shape Chamblee is in, I'd think they have WAY more to be dealing with than a dude plugging in his car illegally, Write him a ticket already and be done with it.
  18. Mine, too. Every time I see a black trash bag on the side of the road, for instance...
  19. I think this is pretty much my take on it. No, he shouldn't have plugged it in. But a crime worth arresting for? Perhaps could be handled by fine? IDK.
  20. I didn't really care. I just figgered I'd stir up some trouble. I actually thought it belonged to First Baptist Dallas.
  21. Dude. That is just wrong, wrong, wrong. I hate people.
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