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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, bless your heart. :shakingmyhead:
  2. I don't need a picture...we used to have one just like it. What color is it? :wub: DOH - hold the phone...we had a Fairlane, not a Galaxie.
  3. I hope you've learned your lesson. Spreadin' vicious rumors can get a body in trouble.
  4. True story. They've lost far more in bad PR than they would have lost honoring the bad prices.
  5. Oh, you just had to do it. Imma sic Blondie on you.
  6. I suspect we'll have another Democrat governor at some point. Georgia is actually closer to turning blue than most people suspect due to the changing demographics, esp. in the metro area. It could easily be like Washington and Oregon, which both have a ton of conservatives, but they are outnumbered by liberals in the cities. As to your first statement, I agree...I ALWAYS vote the candidate. I have only voted for two Democrats in my life - Larry McDonald for Congress and Zell Miller for Senate. Both were far more conservative than most Republicans when I voted for them. I voted Liberta
  7. WOO HOO!!! I win! I win! I win!
  8. :cray: :cray: :cray:
  9. Are you tryin' to make trouble? 'Caues me and Blondie'll give you some trouble!
  10. I don't care when trick-or-treating is...I just know Imma get my candy at Fred's.
  11. Oh, dear Lord. What GREAT pictures!!! The family pic is great, and you and Jude Law's twin just look adorable together. That baby has the most fun face I think I've ever seen...like she's looking for a happy new adventure every minute. And finally, if my plans to wait for lowrider's adorable grandson to grow up so I can marry him fall through, I'll just wait around and marry your son. WHAT a doll. And he always looks so nice, and like he loves Sissy. :wub:
  12. Must have been too far south for me to hear them. Of course, I did go to bed last night at 8:00. I was a tired chicken.
  13. I'm with you on this. Hummingbird Cake or Carrot Cake is my favorite. Prolly carrot by a smidge. :oinkoink:
  14. Those things are DISHY! First American car I've seen in years that actually excited me.
  15. I'd think you a little stranger if you weren't. Also, your avatar still crscks me up every time I look at it.
  16. It's even worse than I thought. The stepmother was sentenced to 5 yrs. probation in 2011 for beating the girl. Then more reports of abuse last year, so DFCS had the parents take a parenting class and then closed the case. Useless Nathan Deal said the state is working with DFCS to see what can be done...we take every one of these cases seriously, blah blah blah. Same thing Sonny Purdue said, same thing every governor before him said, and still kids die. Word from the ME is that the suspected cause of death is starvation and that the father burned the body and threw it away out of fear.
  17. Which was the entire point of the lawsuit. Easy money for families, easy money for lawyers, ever'body happy, happy, happy.
  18. My mother said the standard DFCS answer in this case and the Paulding evil moron is "We're so sorry. This case just fell through the cracks. We do the best we can, but sometimes these things happen." And then they go about their normal business. :angry2:
  19. His net worth is $3.2M according to this web site. http://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/doug-hutchison-net-worth/ Not so much when you consider the California/entertainment industry lifestyle.
  20. Apparently they're all hunky-dunky with it all. Her mother is her momager.
  21. I think it's just off 381 on Due West. HWAM can prolly tell us... Hey, maybe they've caught the copper thieves.
  22. Mushrooms are fungi. :shudder: I just started sneezing thinking about it.
  23. She's been in my "It's Just a Matter of Time" bin pretty much since I first heard of her.
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