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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. That sounds good...I'll have to check that 'ern out.
  2. Isn't this the dude who told the girl to have an aboortzion and didn't have anything to do with the kid till a good while after he was born? Not saying he shouldn't have rights, but I really don't see him as a poster child for the fathers rights movement.
  3. I like the way you think, my twin. Blondie, my mantra is that I hate people, period. Exceptions to be made on a very select basis (you and stradial, for example). You're right - if shoppers wouldn't patronize these bidnesses on Thanksgiving, they wouldn't open next year. I suspect the opposite will be true in the future, though...I'm guessing it will be more the norm for places to open on Thanksgiving. :sigh:
  4. William Bradford was DA BOMB. Also, we love our random stradial.
  5. I do completely agree with this. I am just of the opinion that if you are going to point a gun, you'd best be damned sure of what you are aiming to hit, because you cannot call that bullet back once it's left the gun. IDK. I know I'm different because I consider life to be completely precious and to be protected/preserved, when at ALL possible. :sigh:
  6. FTR, I am conservative (as you know), and a complete supporter of second amendment right to bear arms. We also have guns in the house, and I support a homeowner's right to protect his and his family's lives. HOWEVER, this story has just made me sick to my stomach. I really don't see how stand your ground would apply here. The guy didn't break down the door...he rang the doorbell and jiggled the doorknob. Then he didn't stop when the guy told him to out in the yard. I rather doubt the dementia dude was heading toward him at a dead run. And the idiot could have stayed in the house - th
  7. Crap. PM me the pw as well, please. I don't know WHY I can't remember the dang thing.
  8. Men are just so pitiful when they're sick. Happy anniversary, DG!
  9. We were talking about that, and also about a certain weirdo who we all know and love.
  10. Listen, missy - I been busy. I been shoppin' at Fred's all day gettin' all the milk and bread and tp y'all told me to get for you. You don't wanna get me all riled up.
  11. You need therapy. (And so do I for laughing. ) I love that quote, TP.
  12. I agree with you about the girl putting herself in a bad situation. HOWEVER, inasmuch as she was dead drunk, she was in no shape to give consent or otherwise. I think it's rape pure and simple.
  13. You people sure are demanding! I don't have six arms and six legs!
  14. 's OK. Me and you'll go sit in the corner with the cool kids.
  15. I'm headin' to Fred's to get my milk and tp. I hope they ain't sold out.
  16. Grand jury has finished its work on the rape case that caused such a ruckus last year and into this year in Steubenville, OH. Four additional people were indicted on charges connected to the case, but the head football coach was not one of them. The tone of the article sounds like they wanted to, but just didn't have enough evidence. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2513336/Steubenville-High-School-superintendent-charged-rape-cover-up.html
  17. Why do I always miss the good stuff? :goingtopoutincorner:
  18. True. And sweet of you to post a greeting.
  19. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!! A person cannot be "stolen" who does not want to be "stolen". Hard truth, but truth it is. He left because he WANTED to leave. If he'd loved you with the right kind of love, she couldn't have done anything to pull him away from you. And I agree with SOLO on the second bolded part as well - if you marry someone who left his wife for you, what you have is a man who'll leave his wife for another woman. (And vicey versey, of course.) Yes, what they did was wrong. Yes, it hurt you. But as others have so wisely said, you must get past this for your own w
  20. Dude! Them's fightin' words around here. Holy cow - completely creepy about that stuff. How on earth did it get in there?
  21. I love laughing babies. I've said it before, but she is mondo precious.
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