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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I took it as a joke - or at least as a rueful poking-fun-at-herself-first-world sort of thing. Someone seriously thinks an intelligent professional would say something that offensive deliverately in a public forum? Maybe I'm wrong, but I just didn't think she was seirous. Apparently this is the wrong week to say anything lest anyone be offended. OH - for the record, I am in complete agreement generally with your original statement about the things people post on social media.
  2. 'Em 'ar's mighty fine words there, TP. I love knowing people who I can disagree with on a topic, and yet have a civil and pleasant discussion of same.
  3. I have run across a couple or three of these people IRL over the years. Thankfully, I don't hae to interact with ay of them any longer. I am very leery of people who have this characteristic...as in, I RUN...FAST.
  4. OK, you're just showing off with those first four. Crap - I forgot Ben Franklin...he was on a previous list of mine.
  5. Or you can use my version, which gives you 12, plus their spouses for free.
  6. Can I be part of the wait staff at your dinner?
  7. Oh, dear Lord - you and stradial have been hanging out together, haven't you?
  8. If you're posting the YouTube link, take out the "s" in https so that it looks like http:\whatever and see if that works.
  9. Agreed on the overexposure, but I don't think they care. Their first love is doing things together as a family and in nature. The TV stuff is just gravy...they were all already multi-milliionaires before this started up. And Phil stated as much in the GQ article. InLA is correct - Phil blew off a chance to be a star quarterback (Terry Bradshaw took his place) because he wanted more time for hunting. He surely is not gonna worry about blowing off Baba Wawa.
  10. Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope JPII (to discuss Communism and the fall of the Berlin wall), plus Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, and Barbara Stanwyck (to discuss old Hollywood, and Ronald Reagan could discuss as well). I like my version better, though (which I shamelessly stole from somebody else): Dinner party is 12 people, living or dead, spouses automatically included (your spouse, the invitee's spouse), and party can't include obviouses like Jesus and the disciples. That list would be: Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope JPII, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, Barbara Stan
  11. TP, it scares me that we both think the Red State guys are funny. I'd never heard of beer cheese until that new chick on the Food Network - Demaris something? - made beer cheese mac & cheese one day. She said she thought everybody did it, but she realized it's probably more folks from Kentucky (where she's from).
  12. I'd never heard of the author, but I really liked the article. It was obvious that he respected the heck out of Phil, and that he was laughing at himself for being such a wuss much of the time. The part from the article above about giving his kid the duck call was hilarious.
  13. A&E is not the Robertsons' employer. They have contracted to run their shows which are owned and produced by another small company, with Willie having executive producer rights, which means he can say yea or nay to anything. I suspect A&E will regret this decision, as the Foot Network has regretted their decision to knee-jerk fire Paula Deen. We shall see. I still say this is a pre-emptive sop to the gays in order to get the controversy out of the way prior to the Jan. 15 premiere of the new season. CORRECT.
  14. I'm thinkin' you prolly need to pay the fee. Ain't gubment grand??!?
  15. Ditto, and ditto OP's comments. Much ado about nothing. As Si tweeted earlier today, people who are against homosexuality don't have the freedom to express their opinions apparently as those who are for it do. I'm guessing (cynic that I am) that this is a pre-emptory sop by A&E to the gay community as a way to mitigate any turbulence ahead of the Jan. 15 premiere of the new season of DD. Methinks the "indefinite" part of "indefinite suspension" will be quite short. But either which way, the Robertsons are who they are, and I love honesty in anyone. Oh, and for the record, he also
  16. Sorry, dude (CC) - you earned that one fair and square.
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