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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. yeah, me too. but the info here is really all I need to figure out who a lot of people are. too much info posted. I should have been a PI. But you know, a non creepy stalkerish PI. with great boobs.
  2. I'm not a car person. as long as it is reliable, air, heat, music, comfort, hauls a bunch of people/crap I don't care. I'm in the car 2 hours/day so it's got to be comfortable and it's got to be big enough to haul all my camping/beach gear. My name is Shananigans and I have driven dodge caravans for 11 years. I'm not ashamed to admit it. much.
  3. I know......I know. Actually Sadie, YOU are one of the chosen ones........Bwahahhaha!!!
  4. Sure is weird when you're scanning pcom and facebook and you get pcom people that you don't know showing up on your facebook page via another facebook friend. I know WAY more about a lot of Pcom people than I should.
  5. AND they have booties! But, I digress. Black people have more melanin than white people, melanin blocks UV rays and slows the aging of skin, therefore black people don't appear to age as fast as white people. nothing racist about it.
  6. Driving to my job on Fulton Industrial and trying to stave off morning sickness until I got to a bathroom. Oh jeez, my baby is almost 20.
  7. What a bummer. I don't believe everything I see on the news but that makes me wonder what else they've fibbed to me about.
  8. Like maybe she should wear a K-Mart house dress and slippers? Come on, not even 30-somethings should wear this. Nobody should wear this. Except for Cher.
  9. Is this the show where the wives have their own home, they all eat dinner, etc. together, he pays the bills, they don't have to work and they only get him 3 days a week? Sounds like a sweet deal to me!
  10. Ah, Thank GOD for you! I was in a pissy mood and now I am whole again. hahahaha!
  11. If I looked like that now I'd come to the office dressed in one of those outfits!
  12. I didn't even turn the TV on until Linkin Park came on. then turned it off. then turned it back on to see what Cher had on, then to see what crap Kayne came up with.
  13. I only have work related experience with the Mayo Clinics, and I wouldn't hesitate to rush my own children there for anything.
  14. I'm not an expert but I play one at work. What do you need?
  15. Well, that's an interesting way to make new friends!
  16. I do occasionally hate. but mostly I am irritated as hell. not that I think it's going to do any good. I think we're pretty much screwed. political correctness is going to be the death of America.
  17. Back in the early 70's before the cave-in and closing of the Amberwood tunnel there was a Halloween festival there. There were jack o'lanterns lined up all along the entrance. It was really pretty. I was about 7 I think. Does anybody remember that?
  18. P.S. Why are you going to have a lot of time on your hands soon?
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