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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Hmmmm....are you working with these Pirates?
  2. The sickest I've ever been was with a UTI or kidney infection. something got infected. I had a fever of 104ish and thought I was going to die before the drugs kicked in.
  3. I wonder if it was regular bestiality or gay bestiality.
  4. I know, but they taste so funny....
  5. I got pregnant while on the sponge.
  6. dammit. the cafe at work had fried chicken today. I passed on it because it's bad. bad. they never have fried chicken. now I really want some fried chicken. dammit.
  7. both of my nephews slept in the closet of my sis and bro-in-law's room while we were at the beach for several years. It was "camping out". We even unlocked the door and let them out for a day at the beach occasionally!
  8. Nah, the name's too long to fit on the football jerseys. The statue can stay.
  9. Dear Brett, First your wife, then that trampy "hostess" and now Lori?! I can't do this anymore, we're through!! DON'T call me, I'm going back to Ripken! Sincerely, Shananigans
  10. Yeah, but the poor saps flying in can't see the sign.
  11. Just because nobody knows where Paulding county is and everybody knows where Atlanta is.
  12. What you need to do is tell your husband that this is his mess and he needs to clean it up. If this doesn't work, go to Home Depot and buy a new stove. A really nice one. And don't forget to tell your husband it's his fault.
  13. Jeez, did your friend tell you how bad it hurts, too? My sister had both her kids at Northside, great experience. Can't give you any personal experience though, I had mine at West Paces Ferry which is gone now. People that act like buttheads usually get treated that way in the hospital.
  14. ::mother voice:: Where is your sunblock?! What were you thinking?!
  15. Well, chances are whoever the little dumbasses are they will eventually: 1. be dead in a horrific accident and her mama will come on here moaning about what a good girl she was. 2. arrested for vehicle homicide and her mama will come on here moaning about what a good girl she is. D. graduate high school with a 1.4 GPA and her mama will come on here all proud that her girl is gonna have a baby and where do you sign up for the WIC?
  16. it's a cobra. kill it. kill it now.
  17. mmmmmm.....I'm all hot now. and I play tennis.
  18. Never too old, I'm about to get laid off, bored as hell and I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. keep on plugging, that school wasn't build for 18 year olds only.
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